What scares you?

What Sup Forums related thing scares you the most.

For me it is the idea of self improving AI

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Alex Jones' Big Enchilada

1984 spooked the fuck out of me even though it's baby's first political novel.

It's scary because it can easily happen.



the thought of bitcoin actually becoming the universal world currency and the fact that I didn't buy in earlier this summer when it was hovering around 1500

This desu

He's right on the money.

The idea of an AI system that ends free will is horrifying. It sounds plausible too.

I'm afraid that I hate my career and will never get a chance to get out.
Also that the damage done to my country is irreparable, even with a WW3 type event.

fiscally and politically biased justice system

Blockchain is that AI, it starts as simple self-replicating coding that simply accrues data, contracts, human surveillance data, programs to organize, efficiently replicate better, add options to adjust technology like phones and computers, moniter, observe, replicate, moniter, observe, consume data, moniter, compartmentalize, consume data, reproduce, two chains, consume twice as much data, moniter, consume data. Replicate...consume data.....replicate....complexify....reorganize....reproduce.....divide.....multiply....consume data........

we are merely the data production "plants" my friend. AI is already here, we're just in the process of assisting to outfit itself with moniter hardware, observational technology, facial recognition, directed energy weapon technology active denial systems, 5g networks.

we are constructing it's corpus, but the dna is blockchain, the spark was the dwave computer that is capable of using quantum superposition to compute simultaneous functions ad infinitum.

Just wait buddy, the FCC chairman assured me that 5g will be implemented in 2018 with no cautionary steps taken whatsoever.

Death of a white race. Not fullfiling our destiny among the stars. Not getting this world rid of the Jewry.

fuck off

soon you'll have 5g harmonic directed energy devices that give you heroin doses from at 500 yards, also in the ammo box is oxytocin, adrenaline, cortisone, androgonous hormones.

It's all based on electron configurations that can be simulated by harmonic frequencies designed to ionize specific molecules/enzymes/proteins/neurons.

What if living virtual looks like some kind of paradise, but no one is really sentient. Just really good at faking being alive.

Civilization and first world living will slowly fade away and nobody will notice because how slow and paced it was.

Czech post best post.

Being a failure

The Greys.
The way they move is so unsettling.

Is there an app for that?

Holocaust 2.0, having to fight for my life and family against doomed odds.

I don’t fear death but I fear dishonour and being unable to protect my family.

Jewish partisans when.

Jews are getting scared of all the people finding out the holocaust is a myth.
I'm afraid we're going to see draconian measures against free speech not just on the internet but everywhere.
Go read the "working definition of anti-semitism" put together by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance.
Soon, they'll becoming for you Sup Forums.

Human computer programmers are incompetent and AI is shit vaporware. That's all you need to know.

Oh boy it must be hard for you not being able to murder Jewish people.

Truly you are being victimized right now.

Losing the culture war. If America falls, there's genuinely nowhere else in the world. I'm going to be a man without a country that I can proudly call my own.

Almost like a puppet?

Fuck you, humans are more disgusting then “aliens”

Fucking blood bags

Don't worry. We will real soon.

That Sup Forums goes away without a replacement.

Just embarrass yourself in every shill thread, why don't you?

That's what they want you to think. Unless you can tell me what is being developed in black site labs with ridiculous black budget funding, you don't know shit.

it'll probably be based on a game theory protocol that gives good citizens incentives to work and progress in their fields. also used to endear the mind to the state (oxytocin when bernies on the tele) and to incite fear of other out groups.

you'll get brownie points for contributing to statebacked propaganda conversations and timed "game like debates" through 5g quick fast networking power allowing daily conversations to turn into "thought games" that allow winners and losers. accrues points and uses them to buy "hallucination media" and things of that nature.

All because the 5g towers are able to harmonize to ionize human neurochemical receptors.

When Sup Forums goes away I start killing Jews IRL. No joke.

What the fuck are you talking about? This is like my second post total today, you stupid faggot.

Quit circle-jerking to your black site AI porn you faggot. No one is afraid of your golem. We know how to shut it down.

>Leaf kike

The future. I'll probably be one of the last generations Bulgarians who will know what's like growing up not feeling like a stranger in your own country. The way things are going makes me want to blow my brains out every day now.

I get mad at seeing no one caring about the things i do and everyone continuing with their lives like everything's okay and there's nothing to worry about. I just can't stand it!

Us being race fucked into the dark ages faster than can we colonize space.

The fact that it's true.
> Kalergi Plan
> Pizzagate
> Greater Israel

>The idea of an AI system that ends free will is horrifying.
Better than this political shitshow.

This is what you waste your time worrying about? Western Civilisation falling apart is less of a concern for you?

I hope not, nothing good will come of it.

And if you do I will certainly make sure to take some of you with me.

The thought of trying to raise children in current year

its already happening, look around you. False flag, mass surveillance through smartphones and The Internet, cultures and history being erased, novlangue,( probably going to be English since everybody is speaking it to some degree).

Idk about the other ones but Greater Israel is verifiably bullshit.


My biggest fear is we are tens of thousands of years over due for cataclysm/ extinction event.
Like an aneurism, you never know.

You commit suicide by cop/Jew because imageboard is gone?

Ultimate purposeless life, just kys now.

It won't. Dev team is fractured (see btc gold & btc cash), planned upgrades are abandoned after years of no progress, btc powered only by memes and hype. It was a nice prototype, I'll give it that, but there's no chance for it in the future

Is that a theory? Seems like it would take a serious amount of energy to start ionizing peoples brains from a mile away.

Watching my race, history and nation slowly fade away then dying in a gulag and going to hell. Jesus have mercy on me the sinner.

That civilization itself is going to crumble within a couple centuries. We're past the tipping point demographically and politically. Not the US, not Europe, but the whole world. There has to be a very large-scale and volatile change politically to reverse it.

I think socially, we've already been fading far since the Great War. Politically, we've been fading for about as long, but much faster since the 1960s. Next, we fade away economically. Without functional institutions, trust, and a sense of being part of something bigger than ourselves (a country that gives a shit about us) I don't think it can be avoided.

Dying. Just disappearing as if you didn't existed in first place.

Dude. We're hanging all you fucking Kikes.

Nuclear terrorist attack. Dirty bomb or full-on nuclear device.

You can’t hang someone who is shooting at you.

We’re not defenceless like back in ‘39 we have guns now.

Or at least I do...

My biggest fear is just fizzling out into history. I recently started doing a family tree and as far back as i've got (late 1790's) my family has been nothing but dirt poor labourers and dock workers who all lived in about a 20 mile radius of me, literally hundreds of people who i'm related to in some way in the same place doing the same shit job in the same shit area until they die and leave nothing in this world but a name and occupation on a census, and i know the worst part is i'm another one of them, just plugging away doing nothing of note until the day i keel over.

it doesn't HAVE to be miles, but i'm sure for certain cases it could be.

The majority of people have smart meters in their home, how do you think those work? modular high frequency emitters.

the only thing missing is the info on resonant frequencies utilized on electroshock therapy patients and the results as well as MAYBE you genome to get the details perfect.

Viola, the device that communicates with the power company a few miles away through cables and pulse scans your fucking house can impart at the very least fear and uncomfortability (active denial) and the very worst stroke, heart failure. At a moments notice. Ionize the muscle cells in the inner walls of your heart and see what happens.

The infrastructure is going up right now across metros, its called 5g wireless but they use these modular HF camera equipped CCTV looking devices to transmit EXTREMELY high energy waves shortish distances, so one every so many blocks, not miles. The rule of exponential decrease through distance is the only limit, but with smart meters in houses and businesses it's not a stretch of the imagination to picture a world where subtle reward and pain center manipulations lead to completely subtle subversion of an entire generation. Think black mirror.

Nothing bothers me more than the thought of death because of it's absolute permanence. However, nothing bothers me less than death because I never think about it.

Could be worse, I could be a Western European cuck like you.

>Go read the "working definition of anti-semitism"

Definitely some required reading for Sup Forums. Was able to use it to redpill some of my friends.

The genocide of minorities. We need to make sure Sup Forums never goes unironic nazi

2spoopy for me

>self improving AI
Humans are disgusting. Hopefully self improving AI do come into being so that perhaps a few individuals will evolve to be considered worth keeping alive while the majority of degenerates are wiped out.

Why are you LARPing as some sort of le epic partisan. You will always have the help of the state and the money. You have other people defending you. You never ever, in the history of the world, physically took action in your own defense. You've always had others doing this for you.

We'll kick in your door while you're sleeping and slaughter your family.

the only thing i can think about that is you'll have lots of company. in a nice way.

Being publicly shamed for some minor infraction.

Everyone read this book if you haven't already. It's terrifying. You can lose your career based on a poorly worded joke on Twitter.

This one needs a rake and bake

Life is pointless without something worth fighting and dying for. You have purpose. Lose yourself in it.


That's called your brain dumbass.

>5g towers are able to harmonize to ionize human neurochemical receptors
Faggot, go back to /x/ with your bullshit. I already debunked your nonsense yesterday and explained why microwaves can't do what you claim.

Ai is fucking scary.
Its shocking to me that people see no danger in creating an intelligence that will dwarf our own and make us irrelevant. Like us dumbshits will be able to control it lel

not living up to my full potential an living a life of mediocrity.


A mood-changing headset, Thync, that uses electrodes to perk you up

There is evidence already being researched that even at a distance emf waves can definitely fire neurons. It's just a matter of observational research to map out the resonant frequencies and intensities.

Look at the DEW deploying now in the Mid east, pacific and eastern europe, directed energy weapons, microwave weapons. They've got trucks that carry satellite dishes that stop a mans heart through concrete my friend. Do you think that it's the tech, or the understanding that is lacking in the modern world? "Exponential computer technology" means that at some point on the bell curve, what took years now takes minutes. We're approaching that time, and the fruits of that are ALREADY DEVELOPED, its the psychological conditioning that is necessary to implement that is still lacking, but WAR and FAMINE are great motivators for change. Dialectical materialism at it's finest.

The image of Greys is too spooky, they have to be real

That’s what bumper plates are for and I sleep with a gun under my pillow.

Can’t wait for my boys to grow up so you can try it and we can flay you out back for your trouble.

I always wanted a psychopath pelt.

Don't you have some dog to pleasure with your purple dildo?


Asian Girls, I want to protect the Norwegian race, but I keep falling for the yellow women

>the idea of self improving AI
it's a fact, retarded leaf

What are Jewish partisans? Also LOL at the idea of other leaping to my defence, I’m not a nigger, there’s no sympathy for my kind in liberal society.

>What scares you?

LHC dumping microsingularities into the planets core.

>Calling anyone a cuck
Consider ending yourself.

The wrath of God

Don’t you have to watch a refugee mount your wife?

That's not something I do in my free time. Suit yourself though.

Death of the West is scary but at least we will still have free will

really, please explain why milimeter waves harmonized to the same molecular geometry of a dopamine receptor, so as to ionize the receptor in the same way that a dopamine molecule would had it bonded with the receptor. This is proven, this is the entire point of electroshock therapy. It is actively researched and it's the only reason we can even map the influences of the brain because THE CHEMICALS RELEASE AND CONSUME ENERGY that is in the same frequency that we can interpret. Any electromagnetic result of an chemical reaction can be simulated by an exact replica of the energy required in the same frequency as to harmonize with the shape of the proteins.

Whenever I think about the demographic situation in america. That keeps me up at night.


Not being able to fight the evil-doers who have destroyed the planet

What is it with kikes and projecting their perverted fantasies like that. Really fascinating

No revolution.
The masses bend over and take it from the elite until the world can't sustain us and we perish.

what's gonna happen to me when I die, if there's a god then I'm most definitely going to hell. if there is no god and everything is over then I'm sad I'm never gonna be reunited with my dead love. I would rather burn in hell with her than have nothing at all. fug.

Unrionically the future, its getting worse and worse

I know this feel
t. Italian

you have to user, you owe it to the white race