All characters design revealed.
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Best girl calling it.
OP/ED singer news when?
Later but it's aniplex show, the choice is limited.
Manga adaption.
>Fantasy stuff
>Suddenly mahou shoujo
>Modern day chuuni
>mecha plugsuit
>military wank
I don't know what is this but the designs are all over the place, but i do like them, even if they are bit tad generic (nothing on them pops up as unique).
Nice designs, not looking too stupid either.
>but the designs are all over the place
To be fair, that's kind of the point.
Cute. Is this edgy shit?
>Aoki Ei
Isn't this some reverse mass isekai in which "MCs" of different worlds/series get teleported to our world?
Best already.
I don't know actually, i just heard of this once and never again and saw this thread but by what it is something like that.
Is this the one that's like "Characters from different isekais come to an isekai" thing?
>This was probably taken from "Write your anime idea" thread
Lance onee-sama sugoi.
Oh yes.
Which one will Yuuki Aoi voice?
>Old dude looks the coolest.
Do you really need to ask that, Which one looks like she has 20 screw looses.
Who is the main character? Gray hair or red hair?
Can't imagine it being anyone but white haired girl with silly hat.
I hope it's hat.
>original concept by Hiroe Rei
Sign me the fuck up
Best designs so clearly these will be the villains
Annoying Side characters
Probably mains
I may have just changed my mind. Fuck.
They're apparently fictional characters that become real somehow. So, kind of.
Wait, are these the only males? Because I think plugsuit-chan and wizard robes are both girls by looking at the face shots accompanying all the portraits. If so, there's gonna be so many doujins. It's like he ran down a list of fetishes to tick off. What am I kidding, he probably did
White hair girl is MC though.
Plugsuit-guy is a dude.
>not about recreation
The silly hat one or the bobcut mage one?
Reminds me of Blassreiter for some reason. On that note have some Ito Kanako:
Is this girl from Blaz Blue? She reminds me of the redhead one, forgot her name.
alluring , so any more info about weirdcapcutie?
I really like this art of her
Fuck da polis.
something tells me that we are going to see her as the main villain just like Esdeath
Her hair is transparent over her clothes. I guess it's so you can see the detail on her uniform better?
I can see it now, she's gonna be one of those "humans are inferior beings born to be subjugated (by me)" characters isn't she
I think they drew the outline and forgot to colour it.
She gives lily vibes but her body is long as fuck.
Best girl.
That's the best kind desu.
I just want those three ,the rest can fuck off.
>Lets take the quintessence of the Nazis Commanders Officers , a bit Napoleons French revolutionists, a light influence of the Shogunate and our beloved massmurder Oda-Nobusan and put it over a cute but clearly Crazy/Pissed Albino girl.
dang this is good, screencap this! she is going to be the villain!
Is she suppost to be notGilgamesh?
following his thoughts we can call her NP:
Gate of Berlin
> same guys who made FZ
Geez, I wonder.
Aoki Ei directed F/Z, but the studio is Troyca.
But anyway, Aoki does like that visual style that was used in F/Z and KnK.
>Best designs so clearly these will be the villains
Fuck this gay earth.
well pal, if she is going to be the main heroine that fall in love with Mc i'm probably going to not drop the serie.
we only have to wait, but i'm pretty sure she is going to be the Crazy Villain.
>that fall in love with Mc
Who the fuck said we need a random male MC?
Anyone translated/could translate the quotes of each characters?
>no random male Mc
i swear to got that i'm not taking another shitty Shigofumi!
no Male Mc= Instadrop
what if actually She is not a girl, but in fact the actual Mc, and Male?
Boy is this going to be clusterfuck.
The redhead is the MC if anyone.
>If you can bring righteousness with your power, don't spend your time watching a sweet dream.
White haired boy(?):
>If you don't know anything, meeting destruction blissfully allows you to stay peaceful.
Blonde knight:
>I must save my world from war.
Mahou Shoujo:
>In your world, isn't everyone fighting eachother in cruel wars? Don't you think that's wrong?
Katana edgelord:
>Do you wanna fight or do you not? Hurry up and decide!
>If this world is destroyed, or whatever happens to it, it doesn't matter to me anymore!
Sharktooth with a schoolgirl uniform:
>Is it a lie, I wonder? How is it, I wonder?
Old man with a gun:
>How about you try to enjoy yourself a bit more, in this world?
White haired girl with a silly hat:
>After all, weren't you going to save the world?
Quints of truth
So I'm guessing this is some sort of Battle Royale setup with some Bokurano thrown in for good measure?
White haired girl sounds like an antagonist and I don't like that, was hoping for her being the protag. Then again they might do a story for the "bad guys" perspective, I'd love that. Or at least something where there is no right side, just different factions.
The last 4 characters sound fun, but redhead and other white hair don't sound too bad either.
Sasuga Mahou Shoujo.
She says as she befriends everyone from orbit.
>not shinji already trying to destroy our world
For fuck's sake.
Good PV, the million dollar question is though, can they keep that quality through the whole show?
It's a Battle Royale, no antagonists other than authors/"god".
Yeah, I wonder about that especially because the white haired girl's design is so complicated. The studio recently hired more animators in preparation for this projects so hoping for the best.
Actually, maybe I could have translated that better.
>"If this world is destroyed, or whatever happens to it, it doesn't have anything to do with me anymore!"
I don't think he's actively trying to destroy the world, more like he's a little bitch and pussied out of everything.
Will watch a bit for those 2
Makes me think of Fukawa from danganronpa but I don't know if Miyuki Sawashiro would suit her as a seiyuu. I'm imagining her voice with a bit more edge to it or even something very unusual like Nonon's seiyuu.
>inb4 show is actually a SoL about isekai characters trying to integrate into our world
Is this Aniplex?
Because this just looks like an Aniplex produced show
It is
Plugsuit trying to be a NEET in his mecha would be amusing. It could work too if the mech is fast enough and he's willing to rob stores.