So these fires in LA are almost certaintly acts of terrorism right?

So these fires in LA are almost certaintly acts of terrorism right?

No way this many fires happens in the same area at the exact same time.

These are man made

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Directed energy by the zionists.

Create inhabitable zones for illegals

kys shill

Or it could be that these fires DO happen but we cut funding for the fire department and department of wildlife so we had fewer people to put them out.

This happens every year. After the fires clear the hill, when it rains we get mud slides.

This is going to bankrupt a few insurance company's

based terrorists if true

How dare you

Was this all part of Tyler Durden's plan?

Leftists/Jews/Communists/CIA/Democrats/any combination thereof are purposely setting more fires to force a mass migration of Californians to other states (particularly states who voted Republican in 2016) to give Democrats back the White House in 2020 by flipping a few Republican states. It's also why they relocated over a hundred thousand Puerto Ricans to Florida after Irma.

I imagine the fires were started naturally but additional fires have been lit to make it grow larger than it otherwise would have been.

you're an idiot, California has always had a lot of wildfires, and beyond that your conspiracy theory doesn't fit because the areas with fires have a lot of lefties in them. If they wanted to make California more blue than it already is the fires would be in San Diego and Orange County.

ah nevermind you said that it was to move lefty voters around. Ugh that is so stupid.

Wildfires in CA happy every year.

How young are people on here?

The entire state is a tinder box this happens every year.

its just california burning like it always does every year

I'm well aware Cali has recurring natural wildfires. It's just part of living in that kind of environment. I just would not put anything past the liberal traitors at this point to get Trump gone.

It's just God performing his yearly degenerate burning.

Not in December retard

Looking for good places to buy land in LA, invest now while the fires burn, in ten years you will be surrounded with multimillion dollar developments

Ya, anyone want to know the motive behind this?

Trump set cuckifornia ablaze to punish them for being unpatriotic faggots

Probably. Look at this sketchy shit.

more American than

>This is going to bankrupt a few insurance company's

Do you honestly not know how to spell "companies?"

cut funding leads to fires that break out in the same general area at the same time? you are retarded

Tool - Learn_To_Swim FLAC.mp4

What is it

You are fucking retarded. With strong winds embers are able to be picked up and drift. There is a chance they will catch alight if dry foilage. Hence fires in surrounding area.

God hates gays.

why would pedophiles try to spoliate evidence???

I was visiting a friend in Cali a few months ago. Dude purchased some farm land back in the days and he explained that Cali was a desert made into arable land due mainly to a water irrigation system that was set up. As cali is fucking broke, the system fell into disrepair and from now into the foreseeable future, the place will become desert once again.

It was Mexicans

>What are Santa Ana winds

And it's beautiful.

Why would they direct that much energy at their biggest supporters base?

North Koreans might paralyze Cali for $15-25 altogether

burning the pedo evidence. it's clear as day

Don't forget the yuge fires around the Bay Area earlier this year, both north and south of it.

manmade is made by God
i hope all the wee cats survive
i love cats

I think the problem is that there isn't infinite supply of fresh water for the every growing California population.

The underground aquifers in California are being used up much faster than they replenish.

It doesn't matter what kind of irrigation system they build, there simply isn't enough fresh water available in the region.

No shit sherlock.

>These are man made
tectonic static discharge. Wait for the big one by Christmas.

One might argue that through their own degeneracy fostered the creation of a modern day sodom that it indeed is of man made origin.

Repent, you protestant bastards.

>i spend a year living in cali
>they have the rainiest fucking winter in their entire fucking history after a long ass drought
>i move back across the country
>LA is literally engulfed in flames
it's my fault. it's all my fault.

Wasn't it confirmed that cartels were responsible for the fires last time in order to thin out and ruin competition?

Santa Ana winds are a big cause. The other day planes couldn't fly because it was too windy, which was windier overnight. The chief said it's the worse conditions he's seen in his 20+ year career, something about a 290 value, while the highest he's seen was 260.

They used to get their water from the mountains, not from underground. The system is so old and fucked up and diverted that they can't supply everything they need.
Devil Nestle is the mother fucker getting all the ground water, has been for 25+ years (along with bottling plants)
Infrastructure in the USA is collapsing. Last time I went to visit my folks in the south, the roads going to their farm were back to DIRT!!

Shit. That might actually make some sense.

I have always wondered why terrorists don't set fire to buildings or dry bush. It is extremely effective at halting a city for weeks.

People are suspicious of the Pacific Gas and Electric Company, which already has a record.
>On April 1, 2014 a United States grand jury in San Francisco charged PG&E with "knowingly and willfully" violating the Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act.

It’s sorta like the lolocaust. Once the people you hate suffer a horrible tragedy, you can’t help but forget tbey are pedos and feel a little sorry for them

Too much hot air from the Libtarded blowhards started this fire........

Unleast they have ensurances.

>he doesn't know about the Trump Curse

>These are man made
Almost definitely.

Now whether it was intentional or not remains to be seen. There has been an explosion in the homeless population in LA. These fires could have been caused by homeless people camping in the woods, as they often do.

Coupled with underbrush in wooded areas that has been allowed to grow uncontrollably. Someone from cali posted about it being a problem in another thread.

Find out who lives in the areas affected, maybe some names which are public and not that well known, but involved in certain types of activities which involve extortion and entrapment.

These are historically dry air conditions.
San Diego is the least humid today than ever in history.


Jewish lightening



At least get the title right, fag.

More likely homeless idiots with campfires; it's been pretty cold overnight (for us).

I don't think people realize just HOW flammable it gets. It's not like little twigs like campfire kindling, it's dead grass on dry ground that hasn't been rained on in 6 months.

Isn't LA and SD sanctuary cities?

>No way this many fires happens in the same area at the exact same time.
No way you can get that many rounds off with a bump stock from the 32nd floor from one shooter. When you get to the bottom of that then maybe we will listen, until then BURN THAT BITCH TO THE GROUND

Southern California goes up in flames every year, and it's usually arson related to insurance scams. This is the first time for Bel-Air, though.

Maybe cartels because of legal grow ops?

I know Cali has a "wildfire season" but is it in December?

less people dedicated to controlling the fires when they were small. CA likes to spend more on gibs while the state burns.


AntiFa is doing damage
t. inside source

Given that the area hasn't seen significant rainfall since March, it was inevitable.

Southern California (and other areas in the West right now) are a pyromaniac's paradise.

Same as the ones 2 months ago in Northern California.

Not every year. Every year there is a fire and enough rain... yes.

Wildfire season is until the rain starts falling.

its definitely possible but i've seen no evidence to indicate. fire are reported fairly quickly, but perhaps this has happened before (the huge Israel fires?) and somehow they kept a tight lid on it. i doubt it honestly.

the fire condition map was pink the past few days and they've never done that before, they made a new category. humidity nearly 0, winds up to 60-80mph depending on the area, lots of underbrush growing for years with no fires. definitely very high fire risk right now, i don't know if its ever been this high before, or they just invented a new category based on a technicality or some bureaucrat deciding.

bel-air and other high income homes in danger of burning

>hurdur e-legalz

fucking kys you faggot memeflag shill

took them a decade to realize they dont have to blow themselves up to harm the infidels.
its probs just dumbasses flicking cigarette butts out the windows but im really surprised terrorists dont do this stuff, i mean how often do they even catch the guys?

Lord Kek having some fun

Terrorism or an act of god

No stop browsing infowars

The blaze glows an orange akin to his skin.

It was one of the easiest shoops I've done desu

wow never heard that one before, re dd it
thats okay, soon you will see
all will see

San Fagcisco is next hopefully.

Wild fires are par for the course here in mexifornia

Looks pretty damn beautiful if you ask me.

Doesn't matter if it's manmade anymore, the fire will spread until it runs out of things to burn and oxygen levels go too low. In the end, the Fire always fades.

What did God mean by this?



"Circumcise yourselves to the LORD And remove the foreskins of your heart, O Jews. Or else My wrath will go forth like fire And burn with none to quench it, Because of the evil of your deeds."

>ever in history
Meaning the last 120 yrs or so.

you should learn a bit of geography

It's pronounced foliage

That's what he said. Foilage.

Pedowood false flag, desu.