Why is hookup culture bad according to Sup Forums?

Life is short, sex can be fun, having sex with the same woman all the time... not so much. So why not have sex with different girls over time?

Hell, look at women, they hook up all the time. The only difference is that women want to be conquered and expect men to conquer them. So for guys to get the best hook ups, you need to be alpha.

Anyway, I actually think the government should promote hook up culture by setting up dates between eligible singles... it would also integrate immigrants into society by mixing them with natives.

"That's right honey! Mommy slept with over 200 men before she met your daddy. Isn't that amazing? Can you count to 200, honey? It's a pretty big number, and mommy isn't lying."

Because you're supposed to be saving the white race and not accepting a whore's behavior.


>it would also integrate immigrants into society by mixing them with natives.

flag checks out.

kek who’s that dork ass motherfucker?


It's absolutely degenerate. I don't have the infograph since I'm not using my off the grid computer but there is evidence that the more pre-martial partners you have, the less stable your marriage will be.

>Anyway, I actually think the government should promote hook up culture by setting up dates between eligible singles

You're right.

Sex is a resource that women have way more than men, so we need to redistribute sex for a more equal societies.

Stacey now need to bang 10 betas every week.

Being alpha and bedding girls is probably alright but who has the energy? After I force myself out of bed in the early afternoon I'm usually spent.

Only betas care about monogamy. If you can participate in hookup, you do, If you can't, you get butthurt. That's the only problem.

So what? 200 is 200. I have had intelligent conversations with girls who had slept with 500 or a 1000 guys.

You can have white kids even after induldging into hookup culture.

Theres no point to it beyond soulless sexual hedonism, it debases humanity reducing us to animals and not truely higher beings. I expect women to justify it all the time because they are subhuman but men should know better.

all of the people in that picture are disgusting. I have no problem if they decide to lead degenerate lives.

We are learning from you, lad. Also, what is wrong mixing with pic related? Are you gay?

Right, sorry, but who is actually having sex with 200 guys?

I know 40 year old women who have had a maximum of 15, 16 partners. Never have I met anyone younger or older who has had more who isn't a prostitute and/or pornstar.

So? Why have a stable marriage?

i dont even i think i've shaked hands with 1000 people

From my experience sluts are the more interesting kind of women to interact with both in sexual and non-sexual way.

Unless you are looking for a houswife that will bore you so much so you can cheat on her with a slut.

Even supreme gentlemen can't get sluts to fuck them these days. Surely this is the end...

Because who wants to end up paying alimony to some woman so she can fuck niggers and child support for kids you're not ever allowed to see?

When woman says the count, multiply it by 10.
Unless you get her drunk, then she may confess.

I gladly am an animal if I can have good sex. Why should I suppress what nature urges me to do?

if women want men the way men want women, then yes, hook up culture is great. but women only desire the top percentage men when it comes to sex. this creates an imbalance in the sexual market.
society is run and maintained by men. there are a lot of shitty jobs that men do that women refuse to do to keep the lights on. and the biggest drive for men to go to work is that he has a family or he wants a family. if left to their own device a man can live in a cardbox and smoke weed everyday and be content.
hookup culture ensures that the bottom tier men may never get a shot at the sexual market. society needs those men to keep working and be productive. hookup culture does not reward productive people, it only rewards attractive people, therefore it destroys society by removing the incentive for many men to work

Living based off hedonistic logic makes you a piece of shit. Do it because it's fun, fuck any consequences it has for anyone aside myself!

Desu, either you live in a nunery or you've been lied to.

do you know about this thing called biology?

We'll, for starters it's a public health hazard

There are party girls who sleep with several guys per week. And on their vacation trips, it can be 2 to 3 guys a night. They get to 200 in a year, easy... and that is after they banged lots of chads when they were 14 or 15. Dudes who bought them handbags and paid for their drinks.

What’s a vasectomy?

These apps are turning the sacred gifts of sexuality into cheap entertainment, and worse than that, we've degenerated into genital laboratories for violent new STDs

Because it is ruining society.

Promptly end your existence filthy untermensch

Hookup culture is nigger culture. It is exactly the same as nigger behaviour in the US.

You want to reduce your land to the equivalent of the nigger ghettos?

Say no to nigger culture.

18Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a man can commit is outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body. 19Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20you were bought at a price. Therefore glorify God with your body.…

20But if this thing be true, and the tokens of virginity be not found for the damsel: 21Then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father's house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she die: because she hath wrought folly in Israel, to play the whore in her father's house: so shalt thou put evil away from among you.

how do you keep the bottom 60% of men contributing to society when it offers them no rewards

>Sup Forums biting this obvious fucking bait

That could be a valtrex ad.

Roasties' grotesque gabagool goblins are a dystopian nightmare. They used to be one of the best parts of life and now they are beefed out and diseased nearly beyond recognition. If you spot a tidy clam in this day and age, it's likely a pussy straight out of a surgical bay, where her excess flaps and lessons we're carved and laser chiseled off until she looked more human.

kike detected

I could tackle each of your individual points, but I will point to the core of it: individualism. Hook up culture is an offshoot of the cult of the individual that has been prevalent in the West for some time now, and this in particular is a result of the attack on the family unit. As history has shown time and time again, whenever a society is facing a downfall it blindly engages in extreme hedonism, which only further accelerates the fall. Pleasure for pleasure sake is what you'd expect of an undisciplined child who has no idea how the world works, neither of the consequences of its actions. Hedonists, aka hook up culture adherents, lack direction in life, the only thing they aspire to is the cheap thrill of yet another shot, in this case the hormonal release of orgasm or whatever other pleasure acquired through hooking up. It is no coincidence that such culture has had such an enormous growth after nihilistic behavior became commonplace in the West, and while so many continue to be adrift in their lives it will only get worse. Promoting hooking up is leading one generation after the other into this pitfall of hedonism, ultimately bringing them to their utter destruction. The hedonist is blind and foolish, thus it's only expected that no society which puts personal pleasure as the ultimate goal is doomed to fail, and fail it will. To promote hook up is to promote basically the destruction of everything good the West has ever had to offer, for you are diminishing people lower than dogs, because dogs at least are loyal companions. The hedonist is not, it only seeks the next thrill, for it cannot see beyond its own navel, and as much as he destroys itself he will trail a path of mutual destruction with whomever he associates.

Did they have std´s?

>Life is short, sex can be fun, having sex with the same woman all the time... not so much. So why not have sex with different girls over time?
I'm aksing this myself but I'm a woman. I'm waisting away my whole life waiting for a man that never comes just because I want a baby. If I'd just had a tinder profile I could have sex everyday. So I don't have sex at all because men don't want babies.
But if I start having sex now they will call me slut and have no children with me anyway.

I dream of a society without mate guarding and envy. But I guess thats utopy

>You eat pussy so we'll, user
>I'm sure you'll find a gf soon hehe
>Thanks for the orgasm, sweetie


Christcuck shills abiding the morals that jews conditioned them to folow, feeling quilty and ashamed of biology.

Or you soend way to much time on /pol. In fact most really beautiful Women have less Sex with different guys than average girls because the majority of guys hast the confidence to make contact.

Sex, love and the opportunity to procreate should never be dissociated. When they are, they're just vanity and prevent the two others.

Oh also, kys with you're "sex is fun!".

I always lose it at the pizza.

Videogames and Anime....

I am so glad I do not even go on Tinder or even really care enough to have sex.

You could.. you know? get a boyfriend that isn´t a faggot or a degenerate

So I'm guessing Poland is not as based as we thought, eh?

you are probably not a woman but if you were you could get off the internet and literally find 500 guys in your city that are completely red pilled and would happily date and marry you

Poland. We need good woman otherwise America's white race will die!

Why does that make for a good marriage? Trick question, it doesn't.

Those are free to anyone with a clue.

Where are you looking for a boyfriend? Don't tell me it's in the club or the internet. And if you want a good man you've gotta be a good woman, generally speaking you'd have already attracted a good man were you a good woman. The same goes for men, obviously, but they do the chasing. Either you're larping or you might not be as good as you think you are

>Hiddleston still heart broken
>thought Tay Tay actually loved him
>thought Tay Tay was capable of love
>she makes fun of him in her video, of course

I felt kinda bad for him. That was a lot of spaghetti he dropped.


what video is that? did she really do that? what a cunt

All this talk about Hook up Culture and being promiscues is mostly forced by the media with the Leftist behind it.

They want you to belive that cheap and " great " Sex is just around the Corner.
They want you to believe that such an attitude is totally normal.
And they want you to believe that all this wont damage you and the society so many levels.
Meanwhile is the majority of people searching for long term relations with a single partner and the more they go into the " Single dating " Scene, they more they are frustrated and envy their Friends who have a steady partner for years.

Because when it comes time to actually settle down and form a family, the man or woman, whoever was more sexually active, value relationships at a lower level. Happiness ratings are lower, risk of STD and divorce are higher. This type of promiscuity is what ruined the black community and destroyed the black family, and look where they are today.

A strong family unit promotes a healthier economy, deceases rates of welfare, and establishes superior morals. That's not to say every single single parent is awful and unsuccessful, or that every single 2 parent household is morally superior. Nothing is automatic, but the crime and poverty rates for 2 parent vs single parent households are staggeringly different.


it used to be family. it's no guarantee, but back then men marry someone to start a family, he gets a wife to have sex with, children to raise to give him a reason to go to work, and a place he can call home so he can spend his time doing things he aspires to do. those who do not have the resource see men like that as the goal in life, to marry a wife who will look after him and his children.
women nowadays are becoming like men, they are trying to compete with men in men's arenas. they abandoned their natural roles to strive for career success. they think hookup culture will make them happy so they fuck like men. and yet women are unhappy.
pandora's box has been blown open long time ago, the only way to put the genie back in the bottle is to ride out the times of chaos and welcome the times of order. but the only way currently times of order will come is through disaster or war, or a hard reset.
and then men will once again be able to form a family reliably, and rebuild society back to its apex to allow yet another time of chaos to come. this is the eternal struggle, do not pity ourselves for being in such dark time, pity those who do not have the strength to live through it and the wisdom to recognize it.

of course they're easy to interact with sexually, cause they're easy.

No man freely socializes with women without sex or dating as one of their primary agendas.

i've dated two sluts and it was the most boring and frustrating time of my life

maybe they are interesting to you because you don't understand them. that was what it was like for me in the beginning, then you realize that sluts are just women who seek short-term rewards like sex and drugs without any long term goals or visions.

And thats also the reason why the Marxists in the western societies promote that degeneracy. Because the opposite is the foundation of western civilization and sucess.

The average man sleeps with 5 women in his life, the average woman sleeps with 6 men.

There is not a massive disparity, and most human beings are not overly promiscuous.

I have never cheated on anyone and never betrayed anyone and never broke a contract.

And I still have engaged in hook up culture. When I marry I commit to that one woman and family until I die. I am fairly certain I will hold up my commitment. I am a church going Catholic and believe once you are married you should not be able to get divorced.

Man, I don't care what people do, I just hate the idea of sex simply being some other spare time activity. No feelings. No love. Nothing special. I always imagined finding a real nice and sweet girl, and then finding out she has had 20+ different cocks inside of her. Fucking terrifying.

I have a virgin GF now, and she feels kinda bummed out that I have had 3 different sexual partners, all of which are previous girlfriends. I completely understand her, and if I could tell my 18 year old hormonal train wreck of a boy to wait until his 25th birthday, and he would meet the love of his life, I would not stop until I had gotten my point through his thick skull.

I think it's a shame people act so freely with sex. In my mind, stuff like sex is something you should definitely reject, until you have found a significant other, that you plant to stay with. The feeling of finally finding someone to share those moments with, not only sex, but also kissing, cuddling, deep romance, etc. is beyond my ability to express things with words.

Imagine then, finding out that the girl really just sees it all as a pretty normal and "eh" activity for her.

You are a Larper, thats all. But it worked well as we can see in this Thread.

subtract 2 from the man and add 2 to the women.
men lie up, women lie down

Two things are on my mind with the decline of females.

1. The fact there is no fault divorce

2. Beta orbitors that enable females to be narcissists and walk all over men because she has a vagina.

3. Forms of media encouraging this without showing how horrific it is and the downsides especially STD's.

You may have a point. One needs to look at whether or not these people have come from 2 parent households and has their heads on their shoulders.

>we cant buy into our tribalistic animal instincts of the other or racial identity because its bad and leads to awful things
>we should give into our animalistic instincts to fuck everything and make relationships meaningless so what if it destroys the nation through the loss of the family

How should I know? I don’t test girls before hooking up. I get tested every 6 months and never got anything except oral herpes.

Marrying a Virgin is the worst which can happen to you. Because after a while she will always ask herself how the " Fruits " on the other side taste.
A Girl that has her normal share of experience before marrying knows about the ups and downs of that experience and settles down without remorse. Same goes for most Guys.

Only Retards with low self esteem wank about the Idea of their " pure " Virgin wife being faithful to only them.

You shouldn't use another human or yourself as a means to an end.

You're a person, not a machine.

Have some humanity...

>You're a person, not a machine.
What is that supposed to mean? Are you saying a “person” is not just governed by the same laws of physics as a machine? And if so, are you saying this only applies to humams, but not animals like an ape? Or are animals also included? If so, which animals are not like machines and which are?

>3. Forms of media encouraging this without showing how horrific it is
It's because they know that single parenthood/the destruction of the family is what makes them the voters they want to become. Their goal is to make more and more people dependent on the government, so they vote their way moreso. Think about the black communities for example. They promote welfare and promiscuity to the point in which 77% of children are born to single mothers, then instead of learning how to get ahead normally in life, they teach their young how to exploit the system as the generation before them did. And now the black community is the most monolithic of any communities, voting left in an upwards of 95%.

They want the government to take the role of the father in this case. Provider of the household? Government. Moral compass/role model? Government. Lifelong lessons? Get it through the schools i.e. government. They want nothing more than the destruction of the nuclear family unit to make more vulnerable people desire heavier governmental influence in their lives.

and men only have 2 modes. protector or destroyer. that's the internal switch in all men. once that switch has been flipped, it's hard to flip it again.
the men who choose to protect, as in, protector of family, protector of society will become productive and contributing members. the men who choose to destroy will do exactly the opposite. they will first by destroying themselves, then they will destroy their community, and society, and so on. the only difference that separates the two is what kind of incentives men's being offered. if the incentives towards being protector is greater, men will overwhelmingly choose to protect, it's in our instinct. however, the darkness comes when the incentive to destroy is so much greater.
remember, we differ from animals because we can create beautiful things. it's in our nature to build, to create. so you have to imagine how great of an incentive would it be to turn men toward the path of destruction.

i spotted the kike

Excactly. Because the worst enemy of the Government are people with moral values and who are mostly independent being it the case of money or family/relations.

Oh please keep beliveing your " I will find a pure Wife in my southwestern Church community " fairy tale.

>implying this thread isnt pure kikery at its finest

And marrying a girl with a normal share of experience will always remember that godlike cock she got and wish that she could relive, something which you can't do as you you don't possess it at all.

See? I can make baseless assumptions too.

Sadly unless she dated only grade A assholes (which make her a bad decision maker).

Relantionships ended for a number of reasons that aren't good news at all.

user if you are only thinking about other Guys Cocks while having Sex with her, i have bad news for you...

Just get your ass back to the cuckshed Schultz

>tfw I got chlamydia after rawdogging some tinder slut last year

Yay! I'm a statistic!

Oh well, it wasn't anything a round of azithromycin couldn't take care of.

>Guys Cocks
What are you implying here?

Which are at least a good warning sign for you.
Hell these are the things normal people leran about each other when getting in Contact BEFORE fucking each other or deciding after three, four dates that they are now a couple.

First of all, Taylor has nothing to do with "hookup culture". Delete this shit thread

Your danish laws favour not only humans as i heard...

Hiding info and lying isn't hard at all user.

Having sex with animals in Denmark is illegal, my man. Don't try to twist it around, just admit that you differentiate between cocks and feminine dicks.

wouldn't mind that having that 2nd thing, whatever it is

>I will find a pure Wife in my southwestern Church community
I live in a small, rich enclave city inside a spic city and I just started dating a girl that was 2 yrs my younger during high school and red pilled her
