Why do blacks do this type of shit?

Why do blacks do this type of shit?


Are these eyes photoshopped wtf?



Just noticed the nigger's eyes too. What the absolute fuck

So the Mongrol meme is a massive understatement? Wtf is wrong with their faces did they drink the Chernobyl kool-aid?

They're shopped you absolute troglodytes

Don't worry, there's still some beta in the world that would shower her with betabux

> feeling bad for a liberal anti-trumper


It's you again. Why the fuck do you photoshop the eyes? What's your damage?

She was proabably a feminist so she deserved it.

she was crossing the street van comes flying by almost hits her. they exchange words nog then pulls out gun shoots her point blank. it is in OTR a gentrified area that was predominately black. still is just has hipster bars and shops near by.


he did it because his momma named him after mouthwash.

I didn't know they could photoshop.
Wow maybe all that white privilege is just a thing of the past now.

cuz nigger

This creature stops you on the street and demands one unit of chicken, what do?

call carrottop

I swear these threads are some kind of psyop


Get him drunk and then poke him in the eye. Duh


never knew wypipo could do that

hello niggers

The photoshopped OP pictures was funny once, maybe twice.

Now it's just become another ran into the ground dead horse that mouthbreathers do because they saw someone else do it.
ie. cuck, niggerdick posting, sam hyde, argentina is white......the list is endless really.

Why do all Black names sound like somebody draw random name pieces out of a scrabble sack and than just gave up and said "Pff. good enuff".

Yep. Sup Forums has gone the same way as the rest of the internet. A group of painfully mediocre people who all think they are hilarious comedians.

>Why do blacks do this type of shit?

What? Name their kids after fucking mouthwash? Because they are unevolved, subhuman idiots.

context to the story. not just a headline

what the fuck is that face?



Welcome to destoy your dick December.


#rest in peace trayvon




because everyone hates blax. So blax feel compelled to do bad things.

Poke it in its eye

The absolute state of Sup Forums right now. I remember when people used to come to us to ask if something was shooped, or not because there were a lot of photoshop experts here.
How the mighty have fallen. You people have no business being on this website.

>that stomp and head slam
And now it's murder.

>Lavoris Hightower
>Attempted Murder
>Felonious Assault

All of these could be his name. wtf


>Lavoris Hightower
Why do niggers name their nigglets like this?

No. what makes you think its shopped, he got it off the Internet not from a shop you complete and utter.

Niggers have thick skulls. He'll be ok

He obviously requires a fancy name, it reflects how grand he is.

We are still masters of photoshop you fool.

>Why do blacks do this type of shit?
Why did orcs attack middle earth?


She's a victim of ZOG indoctrination, she just needed to be broken in by the BWC and she would have been fine

Never forget

This is like the 4th fucking thread I've seen with these strange photoshopped people. What is your end game op?

if anything it reflects how criminal he's going too be
why ever no crime agency has thought of this yet to build some Minority Report tier surveillance to catch niggers before the nig

throw an LGBT faggot into the oven and serve him some "chicken"
