What the fuck was his problem?
What the fuck was his problem?
Other urls found in this thread:
not having tits
He's not Sup Forums related.
There is a manga if you want to go that way..
There's a RWBY manga, but that still doesn't mean it's anime.
He was bored
Fuck off mainlander.
>literally a doll
Any new information about S2?
Same than us, he has watched so much anime that it doesn't satisfy he any more. So he expend his days trolling on boards.
(Replace Anime for "fighting with swords" and boards for "Fantasy Korea")
Don't bully Tan Hi!
This show aired when I was out of town working, read some threads with phone and looked like I missed some fun shit.
Unironically Taiwanese Puppet Show Of The Year
Asian puppet theatre was unirionically the best anime of 2016.
Don't get spoiled. You'll love it.
I want to see her flap
>Don't get spoiled. You'll love it.
Downloading it right now, should I marathon it or enjoying it slowly day by day?
Middle of the show was relatively boring but jesus christ the beginning and the three last episodes were absolutly fantastic.
I think it's a hard show to marathon, it's one where you'll be excited to see what happens next but the amount of dialogue can wear you out if you don't take a break. It's especially bad with Crunchyroll changing the names for the Chinese.
I'd do it in three episode bursts.
He's got no ducks to give.
Ok, I don't know what the fuck is going on, but it looks nice and well made.
Somebody revive her
i love Sho and i need more Sho
But you already have so many
Someone has the webm with the rib explossion?
>swordsman is actually stickman
>pipeman is actually swordsman
Why was this so good?
This was on my backlog forever and recently started watching.
Why am I getting the feeling that this show shouldn't be this good?
Reminder that puppetry is one of coolest things ever.
It may be against the rules to be so good, but puppets don't need rules.
Which is better fantasy?
my waifu
Just got to her ad she's already best best demoness.
I choose the only pure one.
We have often this threads, no one saved that particular one?
Why did he form a party if he could solo all the content?
Best puppet design wasted on a jobber.
It might air in 2018 and it will have backstory for Shoufukan and Rinsetsua.
>Still wears the collar.
What a dummy.
Did anyone ever bother putting together a sub for this that used the japanese names for everything? Hearing the spoken words in japanese and reading the chinese word in the subs is maddening.
But the manga would still count on Sup Forums.
That hint of nipple infuriates me every time I see this image. Fucking puppets.
Post "I vape - Pardon?" version
I'm so glad this is getting S2
I'm less glad Butcher's actual anime works aren't as good as this
maybe he will turn over a new leaf now that he has learnt of the wonders of chinese puppetry
he may have realized that instead of trying to write serious scenes that just end up being too cheesy and try hard he should just write straight up cheesefests of glorious bullshit
No doujin of Tanhi and the jobber girl
When Urobochi pulls out the camp its honestly very enjoyable, I hope he continues writing more in this vein.
Urobutcher should do more kid-friendly shows like Kamen Rider. Maybe a Super Sentai and even Precure season by him?
>no doujin of Tanhi and any girl
>no doujin of Tanhi
I'll take anything
>S2 confirmed.
>What the fuck was his problem?
He chose to not believe and have faith. Thus he got reincarnated as Tanya in Youjo Senki.
His Kamen Rider is legit fantastic.
Makes me wonder what the fuck is he doing on anime.
On one hand, he write the entirety of Thunderbolt and Kamen Rider, together with his Nitro+ writer and designer to make very high quality shows which basically have as much personality and genius the Nitro+ games usually boast, they got Butcher's full attention.
On the other, he half-ass 3 episodes of shit anime he has nothing to do with. Aldnoah is basically nothing at all and little more than a fucking joke.
Gargantia, he had little to do with it too iirc, the best part of it being the mecha (which incidentally, was designed by some N+ guy too)
Since then fucking nothing.
I really want to ask him why is this
He got hired to write the settings for both, and then the production committees hired someone else to write the rest.