Should Christians support the move to Jerusalem

Seriously Sup Forums this is a major issue with theological implications, where do we side on it?

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of course! Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel to cause massive Muslim chimpouts, thus accelerating the destruction of Israel!

I recognize Jerusalem as the rightful capital of the christian Kingdom of Jerusalem

The Jews killed fucking Jesus why the fuck would I support this?

>Seriously Sup Forums this is a major issue with theological implications
how stupid faggot? theology transcends politics, kikes trick christians in america by making them think the opposite is true.

Of course not.

The only Jerusalem I support is the Kingdom of Jerusalem.

who cares, the mudslimes hate you no matter what you do

Not all some converted to christianity. You could have jewish blood in you.

the only other option is to give it to muslims, in which case they would take it all for themselves and refuse to let anyone else in. I actually would like to visit Israel someday and see the sights, and that probably wouldn't be possible if the headcutters got their way

Yes. God almighty said his city is Jerusalem & his people are the jews. Christians are grafted in to the kingdom. It ain't that hard...anti semitism is satanic. All jews don't get free passes. If they are evil on their own merit like george soros or diane fienstein then they own that shit

When your a subhuman evangelic you can support them mutt

that cat's on acid

We support it. Tel Aviv is a liberal shithole.

God hates Jews and Israel.

Jews die God laughs.

Jews are children of Satan.

>Asking if Christians should support some bullshit with Israel.

Christians should support the eradication and destruction of Israel.

Yes, that is satanic........ technically the sanhedrin & romans killed Yeshua. Yeshua first ministered to the Jews and gave his disciples permission to graft the gentiles in if they would believe.

Replacement theology has no biblical foundation or evidence. Bad stuff.....

Why was god's son a Jew?

Yes. As shitty of an option as it may be, the kikes are actually better than the mudslimes. It's a rather moot point though. The mudslimes really should be exterminated, and Israel should be brought to heel.


Shut up kike. Replacement Theology was church doctrine for 1,900 years.

No we shouldn't.

Kingdom of Jerusalem when?

>Trump acknowledges Jerusalem
>muslims get buttblasted
>they allah akbar all over Israel
>oh no america first, we're isolationist now, sorry Israel
And with a single statement, Trump solved the Jewish Question.

he just fucked us big time

Jesus was an Israelite, not a modern day Jew.

And He was born that way to destroy the Jew from the inside out. After He died, Rome sacked Jerusalem and ever since the Jew has been a wandering vagabond, with no homeland.

Only in recent years did they finally claw and scrape their way back to Jerusalem, and it was only after Gentile Nations forsook their Savior Jesus Christ.


god why can't popes look like this anymore
he looks so regal, poised, and elegant.
unlike the weird footfag heretic we have now

I just don't see it that way. If anything, Israel is going to use the violence perpetrated by Palestinians in response to the embassy relocation to justify annexing the West Bank. "Gee, these Palestinians sure are violent, we tried working towards peace, now we're going to have to take away what little that's left of Palestine for security reasons. Too bad"

I'm pretty sure AH is the most lied about man of all time second only to Christ

Don't worry, the church will revive itself. There are several Cardinals and ArchBishops who still retain the true faith. Hopefully one of them makes it in after (((((((Francis)))))) dies and institutes sweeping reforms and death for all traitors.

What do you think?
This board is infested with jew lovers.

Correct my friend.

Dumpf should recognize Constantinople as a Christian city.

Well first we have to take it back and physically remove turkroach.

>fucking Jesus
Yeah you're a real christian right there, I bet your opinion matters.

why aren't they wearing pants?

No, it's infected with mudslimes. Kinda like yourself. Anyone who could honestly support a group currently ravaging the western world, over a group whom at least has some members who stick to themselves is either idiotic, or has an ulterior motive.


Theology matters least in foreign policy, we aren't going to get any closer to events as they were spelled out in the Book of Daniel or the Apocalypse of John just by recognizing the obvious.

I guess the evangelicals are gonna love it though because they somehow have the story so backwards that they would cheer Judas on just for fulfilling an old testament prophet.

All of the theological importance of the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 pales to insignificance when compared to the fact that Muslim belief is seemingly buttressed by victory in warfare and on the political stage Allah, it seems is not Akbar if he allows you to loose repeatedly in war no matter how strong your faith is. Therefore Trump just gave a massive blow to the confidence of the Muslim world through an act that cost him nothing to do, so it makes perfect sense that he did it.

Sure there could be Muslim reprisals, but Islamic fighters and would be martyrs aren't winning by shooting hospitals and molesting children, they are winning whenever westerners back off, grant concessions and pursue diplomatic options. However, we win whenever we bully them back because we beat the shit out of them regularly.

>thus accelerating the destruction of Israel!
You're a shill. I've asked you in three different threads how this will result in the destruction of Israel and you failed to explain. Israel is a nuclear armed State while Palestinians throw rocks. So explain how this will destroy Israel and not Palestine?

Cuck, Jerusalem is clearly righfully christian city.
But you wouldn't know, fucking Jesus killer!

There is no move.

Jerusalem has been the capital of Israel, and will be forever.

Not an argument

How is Israel going to nuke its own muslim occupants, again?

Hitler was not only the most significant historical figure of the last century, but perhaps of all time. He was about to change the world forever until Germany was ganged up on by the (((world powers)))


Israel has advanced weaponry.
Palestinians have rocks and knives.
Maybe you'd like to explain how Israel will be destroyed as a result of this move?

Fuck off Noseberg. You filthy kikes are responsible for the condition the West finds itself in. Every single mudslime will be deported back to their desert but every single Juden rat will be sent to the oven

Jews killed a Jew, why care?

>you're picking the mudslimes
Nice attempt at a save there Akmed

Do you think Palestinians can kill them with rocks
>inb4 birthrates
Jews have higher birthrates than them but it's more the orthodox doing the job.
Now explain t_D shill.

He tried his best to avoid the war but there was nothing he could do. God rest his soul.

No, all Jews are cultists that worship the Egyptian God of the 6 point star Remphan.

Back to the bonfire with you, larper.

>tfw akmed ignores this for the sake of their pedo god

Ragnarok/apocalypse is a white concept that comes from the white subconscious and is inherited by all white people. Our ancient gods foresaw this, our end, a final battle between good (whites) and evil (non whites). Whether or not we make it depends on how many of are turn into fine warriors and raise the next generation of whites as warriors.

do you think he'll never not be synonymous with pure evil?

is this old jew and her rotten cunt still active? When will she retire to her jewish den?

that sounds like the premise of LOTR

But the news said Christians were rioting against it yesterday? I don’t know who to believe anymore.

We should start a grassroots movement rallying the sjw jews in our countries to move to Israel and protest the apartheid regime treating Palestinians like secondary citizens. One of the tenants of our movement is that only Jews are capable of such an impetus since they are only allowed entrance to the country.

most muslims feel neutral towards christkeks
they all hate jews though
t. exmuslim

Except the whites lose in Ragnarok

>Someone doesn't like kikes
>Must be a shitskin

Nice logic there Schlomo. Every single nation in the history of the world has deported you parasites from their lands. The word "jewy" is literally synonymous with trickery and dishonesty.

of course it is

If Palestinian Orthodox Christians oppose it, I oppose it.


Jesus wasn’t a Jew (Judean). He was a Galilean.

Yes, Christians should always support Israel

>The nation is like a mighty lion; When it is sleeping, no one dares wake it. Whoever blesses Israel will be blessed, And whoever curses Israel will be cursed.” (Numbers 24:9)

I don't care as not only has Jerusalem been Israel's de-facto can talk for years, but Trump doing what a Congress ordered nearly 25 years ago doesn't affect much , asides from Muslims getting pissed.
Doesn't really matter as it rightfully belongs to the Kingdom of Jerusalem.
T. Catholic


>someone doesn't like shitskins
>must be a kike
Nice logic there Akmed. Every single nation in the history of the world, has been at war with you parasites. The word "taqiyya" is literally synonymous with trickery, and dishonesty.

Yes. Our Lord will not allow him to be slandered forever.

No wonder muricucks are melting pot mutts!

>where do we side on it?

Who cares. Fuck the middle east, it's past time to ignore the desert folklore worshipers and the oil lottery winners.

See how fucking stupid you sound now? This "muh kikes did evre thing" shit is idiotic. The western world needs to stop picking sides, and start fighting for the western world. The kikes fuck us over, the mudslimes fuck us over, the atheist fuck us over. Every group has their own agenda, and the west's agenda is failing because we keep acting like it's horrible to act in our own interest.

Hitler's Catholic upbringing goes without question, but what would you say about Rosenberg and Himmler? There was obviously a lot of Paganism in the inner circle

Taqiyya means avoidance, and it's a Shia tradition in Sunni lands.
Sunnis don't use Taquiyya, think of all the hassle ISIS and al quaeda goes through to tell you to your face how much they hate you.

catholic detected
worship and pray to the father, not mary dumb dumb

You will be hard-pressed to find a Pagan on this board who does not claim Hitler and all of the third reich were "secret pagans." They claim that Hitler just said nice things about Jesus while secretly worshiping Pagan gods.

However I do not believe the Fuhrer was a liar. I believe his words and heart were true and a reflection of his soul.

The Table Talks were falsified as well. Hitler spoke very clearly about the truth of God, but his primary mission on earth wasn't to squabble about religion. Rather it was to fight for the German people. This is why he tolerated Paganism as it had originated from the Nordic people and therefore had legitimate claim to remain in NSDAP Germany.

No we dont, we are mostly neutral to christians.
In before "taqyahh" and other bullshit.
t. muslim born in a muslim ghetto in Sweden, hence have the experience and opinions of other muslims among me and therefore being able to give a more correct opinion representing the average muslim then some shitlord like you.

there is no scenario in which a Christian should support muslims controlling Jerusalem. How many times does the Bible give Israel to the Jews? Not only that, but if it’s under muslim control They will either prevent Jews and Christians from accessing their Holy sites or they will just destroy everything of significance and build a fucking mosque on top of it, which you have seen them do time and time again throughout history.

you have no clue what you are talking about, so i suggest you stop
The creator of the universe is jewish.
God does not hate Israel, you are a liar and the truth is not in you.

if that was the case there would be nothing but mosques in Jerusalem now

he even defends the church in Mein Kampf. And the Slovak head of state was a Catholic priest when Slovakia was aligned with Germany. Both Hitler and Mussolini expelled the freemasons and got priests to support their respective causes. There's a lot about Fascism that the church today will deny having been connected to

We don't worship Mary or offer her the same level of devotion that we do to God.

However as she is the Mother of God Incarnate we believe she is capable of interceding on our behalf in prayer much more powerfully than anyone else, and therefore it is prudent to ask her for prayers.

Hellfire awaits all liars. Repent pig.

you've been corrupting the message for 500 years. You're the reason feminism and LGBT subversion have proliferated both in the church and in society. Every protestant church is a counterfeit church

Christians in Bethlehem are upset. Obviously giving precious Jerusalem to Christ killers over Palestinian Christians is the antithesis to being a good Christian

>Should Christians support the move to Jerusalem
Nope. Jews are part of a false religion. Muslims are part of a false religion.

Both must accept Jesus as Lord if they're to be spared hellfire.

They tried to "put nothing, but mosques in Jerusalem." Your people fucking suck at war, but are really good at drawing false lines between groups actively trying to kill Christians, and groups trying to subvert Christianity.

Prottie detected. Worship God not the kikes.

>& his people are the jews
Then why don't Jews go to heaven when they die?

The difference is the Mudslimes wouldn't be a problem if the kikes weren't pushing multiculturalism, leftism and neocon wars in the Middle East for their Greater Israel project. Who are you trying to fool, Shekelstein ?

>Muslims are behind feminism
>Muslims are behind the death of the nuclear family
>Muslims are behind the wars in the Middle East that produce refugees
>Muslims are pushing decadence and degeneracy
>Muslims are pushing communism
>Muslims are pushing modern """art""" faggotry and multiculturism
>Muslims control the media
>Muslims control the financial sector
>Muslims are stealing the wealth of ordinary Americans through corporate bailouts
>Muslims caused the catastrophic economic crash of 2018
>Muslim control Hollywood
>Muslims control 2/3rd of congress through their lobby
>Muslims are pushing for war with Iran where Americans will die for nothing

>Amerigoys actually believe this

>Yes Goyim, Israel is our best ally, it's in our best interest to be pro Israel !

Pic related

Was not the case until 1948. Everyone could visit quite freely until the kikes took over. Christian and Muslim alike are now restricted to access holy sites.

>God does not hate Israel
Then why is it filled with Jews?

It's a shame about that communist pope you have currently...I was seriously considering becoming catholic before he started on his insane rants...

Now I might become Orthodox instead.

Just need to reconcile my love of contemporary christian worship music.

>anti semitism is satanic.
That's funny because the Early Church was EXTREMELY antisemetic.

Of course, christians are /ourguys/
Just look at how arab christians thrive in Israel:
>3 of my doctor are christian
>my lawyer is christian
>2 of my computer science professors are christian
and so on.
>look at the christian palis at the west bank ooga booga
Ask them what bothers them the most israelis or muslims. And the above is about israeli christians.

>Jews control the entire MSM
MSM when a mudslime goes boom: "not all mudslimes"
Your logic is pathetic Akmed. You've just taken advantage of the fact that we share a common enemy in order to mask the fact that you're just as devious, and deceitful as they are.

Only Amerigoy Christians support the Jews. Everybody else understand the nature of the eternal kike

If you think Christianity has been historically pro kikery watch this and think again