Lindsey Vonn: I won't be representing US President at Winter Olympics

At first I thought it was just a bait article where they twisted her words, but no...

"I want to represent our country well. I don't think that there are a lot of people currently in our government that do that."

>And Vonn revealed she wouldn't accept an invitation to the White House if she were to win gold at Pyeongchang.

"Absolutely not," said Vonn. "No. But I have to win to be invited. No actually I think every US team member is invited so no I won't go.

>wants to represent country well
>shits on POTUS and government

What she should have said is that she is proud to represent the USA and leave it at that. Fuck this grandstanding cunt.

Archive isn't working for me, so screencap only...where is archivebro when you need him?

Other urls found in this thread:

This mudshark whore already had nudes leaked.

Apparently the Trunp Curse has started working retroactively.

well lets hope she loses bigly

is she an idiot?
why would she destroy her marketing potential like that?
even Sarah Silverman is trying to improve her positive rating now saying that she's fallen in love with Trump supporters or some shit


welcome goy! you are here forever now!

she said it all wearing a Red Bull beanie...perhaps some anons should bring this to their attention???

Boycott Red Bull for sponsoring unpatriotic Americans?

she will break her ankle and lose
screencap this

Been here since /n/, faggot. Shit up someone else's thread

why not neck like that other ski/snowboard girl?

NK nukes Olympics confirmed

>Fuck my country because of a leader I don't like

Dumb cunt. Olympics supersedes political issues, but not for this virtue signaling ignorant whore.

The ironing is that Red Bull's CEO came out hard against the current refugees of peace in Europe.

signature assblasted-leftist-athlete look

Olympics are Cultural Marxism.

winter olympics?

This. What a fucking moron.

yes, she is a skier head to South Korea 2018

As an avid skier and former racer since middle school, she can take her Atomics and shove them up her twat!
Are these Chicks, people that Fucking Brainwashed believing every bad thing said about Trump, or anything said about his family and him.
This chick, you would think, and she isnt young anymore, she is or was one of the most elite athletes of any sport, and what diet, training, virtually everything is scrutinized and measured. The tuning of her skis is course dependent and so sensitive!........
And she is telling me that half of her fucking skull is used for Skull Fucking.

Help me out here, fuck! I swear everything is poisoned. Hell trump played golf with her ex less than 2 weeks ago.
I keep saying this, this is our last shot to turn this country around and Trump is our last hope with us Anons! God Bless Sup Forums.

she dun fucked up.

Looks roided and manly ped user for sure

it'd be a shame if she snaps her neck on live television.

anyone have her blown out roastie pics? from what i remember they were almost as bad as Hope Solo's

Does anyone have that picture that depicts different countries and how the people react based on temperature, like how +10C for canadians is sweatingman,jpg. apologizes for off topic.

norwaybro got his bot finally btfo, it's up to us to pick up the fight desu

>Winter olympics
No one outside Jamaica and Finland cares about that.

Pull up ski and snowboard wax charts. This should give you good charts to work with

Seems like she's still holding a grudge against Slovene women.

I swear I saw it yesterday

Yoo, found the paki.

good. fuck off nigger lover.

Skiing is a dangerous sport, just sayin'
Fingers crossed.
Fingers crossed for her to have a Gernot Rheinstadler-like crash!

just empty mouth babbling instead doing some gesture. Not going there at all would mean saying no to many shekels, so fuck that. Instead she just says whatever news want to hear, and she will even make more money from new ad contracts

blocked here; another view:'

Bitch you don't want to mock Trump during the winter olympics. The curse will take you and your death will be replayed over and over and over again on tv.

nonstop entertainment for us, though.

Hopefully she won't break something (Trump curse)

The toll will be paid eventually.

Why? People need to get rid of Trump before we end up in WW3. The Hyperkike threatens humanity itself.

It's okay, he'll give us the Fallout hacks.

>Not even an American, still cuck out for our shitty president
>Wishing for people to die simply because they insult your Dear Leader
Man you guys are so pathetic, what a bunch of butt-sore faggots.

No no, I wish her to die because she is a disgusting coal burning, jumped up feminist. She is a massive CUNT. She goes on and on like a diva about "wanting to compete with the men", "muh I'm so good I can beat the guys at skiing".
No you can't, bitch. You'd get humiliated, and if you ran Kitzbuhel you'd most certainly die.

She is, indeed, an all-around dumb cunt.

Isn't it the other way around? Isn't president the one representing his citizens?

Are you stupid?

Of course she isn't representing the US president, she's representing her country. A country is defined by it's people and history, not whoever is in government.

She's still a dumb cunt but what would you expect from a random athlete?

holy fuck

Look what happened last week (around 1:00)

What are you on about? The context is that she is shitting on half of the country's know...who represent half the country, if not more.



They are committing literal treason now. Even Clive Bundy didn't start fucking with feds just because he hated Obama so much.

The owner of Red Bull is super right wing. He’s planning on creating his own Breitbart tear news outlet.

negro cumdumpster

holy fuck part 2

seeing people suddenly do the splits is awful

Didn't she shattered her leg?

She should know better than bring politics into it like the NFL kneelers. Pisses off your fans, loses sponsors, loses viewers.


haha that's great

They did a tremendously good job convincing Americans that this country is just a fucking hotel for people of the world to stay in, piss on the floor, tear down the walls supporting the roof while they work their shitty jobs washing dishes for cash at the mexican restaurant their cousin started out a truck. That we dont have a culture unique to us and are just here to buy ethnic food and praise non white people for being nom white.

I genuinely hope she tears her ACL again

She wouldnt be fast enough to even qualify for mens W cup and much less.
Those crashes took a toll on her clarity.

super satisfying to watch


give them a chance to cancel her sponshorship first

Trump curse!

Digits say she does it again.

She is ready for the mens courses, for sure...............

so ask them to can her, instead??


>Thinking Trump will automatically invite her to the White House
>Turning down the opportunity to represent USA
>Being this full of herself

Fuck her, I hope she snaps her neck

took me a second

Go back to plebbit/neofag you retarded mouthbreather.

Screenshot from earlier thread for reference

>white women voted for Tru-
Umm no sweetie. White women married to white men voted for Trump. Single white women and active coalburners consistently vote Democrat.

Ok, she can compete alongside the russian athletes who won't be showing flag either.
funny how these things work out ain't it :^)

so she wont be going to the olympics

thanks for noticing

Anyone else think she looks damn good for 33?

future victim of the Trump curse

No, i thought she was much older than that; maybe pushing 40? Being white and getting sunburned on slopes takes its toll. Look for non-shopped pics.

do you ever wonder if liberals have Clinton-style conspiracy theories about Trump having all these people killed or hurt?

What the fuck did she brake her pussy?

that's a dude...he severed his femoral artery and died.

>all these people died by Trumps hand
don't make me think m8


Lurk more.

>Slam Donald Trump
>Slam your bike into a truck

Maybe we should start one. I can't think of any negatives to it. It's a technique shills use, they spread conspiracy theories to make us look stupid.

he even started his own news outlet to fight (((mainstream)))

What always amuses me about these kinds of statements is that they always seem perfectly content with the corrupt as fuck senators shitting up the entire country over the past god knows how many decades. But no, this guy says the wrong things so he is the only aspect of the USA they refuse to represent.

I will never understand why people do this. Just fuck my genes up senpai

Confirmed coal burner


She should be replaced

Burn coal and ski; lose a knee.

It's her choice. Freedom of speech.
Don't like it? Get the fuck out of America, snowflake.

mudshark , day of the rope , when?

Trump curse is real. I have a sneaking suspicion she won't be winning big...

>Implying senators are as important as the fucking president.


The only thing a president can really have a direct impact on is foreign policy. Domestic is almost 100% congress. Sure they can rally the party, veto and so forth, but they don't really wield as much influence as some senators (especially when they are a party outsider).

Really? Fuck and I was already supporting Red Bull for their Formula 1 team. Absolutely based for them then.