Was it rape
Was it rape
Continue watching.
She didn't stick it in so no.
I hope so. Rape is sexy in the sexual manner.
>neo-Sup Forums hasn't watched this masterpiece
>Was it rape
>Was it consensual
Question answered OP
more like overrated
its not technically rape if he gets a boner
New Mai-Hime series when
natsuki is a girl, she doesn't have a dick
never in a million years
after LL Sunshine S2
After all these years I still wonder how the fuck her hair worked
Mai Hime mobage game coming soon and OVA episode series announcement soon
How would Sup Forums react to the rape scene today?
The same as any good Sunrise trainwreck, massive shitposting.
>never in a million years
Believe user. Believe
New Mai-series, maybe. New Mai-Hime series, never.
The same way as Chinatsu
I know I'm not the only who loves Shiho Hime-styled haircut
Hi everyone, this is Fujino Shizuru, Inventor of Mai-Pillow.
Did you know that I went on a psychotic lesbian rampage from episodes 23 through 25, when my love interest did something that defies all logic and kissed me on the lips?
She told me that I had basically been on a killing spree for 19 days straight, with only a few minutes of sleep here and there. That's why I invented Mai-Pillow - after a bender like that, I wanted to always get the best sleep possible. And now you can too.
- Fujino Shizuru, Sleep Expert
>New Mai-series, maybe
Sunrise wants to tie in both Hime/Otome timeline. The story will still take place within the Hime-verse
please post anything else amusing, unfortunately i didn't get a chance to watch this with Sup Forums
I didn't want to make a new thread, but can someone tell me if this was rape
someone post that Natsuki load semen cartridges
>Was it rape
lol isnt that question a plot point?
you still havent given up hope?
Despair is a sin, user.
Not to mention people love their sequels, Japan included, and what's more, Nanoha wouldn't approve.
Nana wills it! just after new nanoha and symphogear
And people said we wouldn't get any more of either.
>you still havent given up hope?
it's not hope, it's to believe and it believe it must.
Nana wills it on everything
You dont know that
she never has one in doujins and as everyone knows doujins are the only reliable arbiters of canon
That little girl sausage is too cute!
it's actually a hell-flute from the moon
I was talking about the fat locks of hair which resemble sausage links.
oh i see it now