Reminder hat you can't be redpilled unless you know the earth is flat

Reminder hat you can't be redpilled unless you know the earth is flat

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My favourite argument


Shine a flashlight through a tiny hole in a piece of black card and look at the circle of light on the floor. Retard.

Is the moon flat too?



Any curve begins to look flat if you zoom in far enough.

aint they saying that the moon is some hologram becouse it was stole

>Antarctica during summer solstice (outer rim of flat earth theory)
>Sun does not fucking go down

flat earthers might unironically be the most retarded conspiracy theorists ever. every piece of "evidence" they present is in the form of some shitty meme image that has been debunked centuries ago.

Nigger, you’re retarded. How can the Earth be flat if the Earth isn’t even real.

>brainlets thinking 'flat earth' means its flat in 1 of 3 special dimentions
>thinking earth is a rectangle\circle
>not realizing its flat in the 8th pseudotime dimention
>not knowing earth is a pentellated 7-orthoplex

Why are you defending the Flat-earthers? The light would converge back to the flashlight. Bad example, just proves their point, idiot.

It’s weird once I start looking into new topics just for fun I see threads about it on pol is there an analytics behind what threads we see?

Dear flat earthers.


Hol up, hol up.
You sayin', the earth doesn't spin and clouds don't exist?

if being red-pilled means acknowledging one of the most thoroughly refuted claims autism has ever generated, then I will happily stay blue-pilled

Reminder that the Bible literally teaches a flat earth, embrace Christ and repent.

Nice bait m8 next time put more effort

>because a 2000 year old book that has been erroneously translated 200+ times from over 9000 dead languages ought to be taken seriously

The earth is a holographic 4D hexagon which tethers to the whiteness of United States, if the balance of mutts tips over too much we will all be doomed.

No if you took a red pill instead of black pill you'd know it's CIA psyop.

According to a research paper published by the Zwich Derkwiz and Durch Zurich of the University of Dürwelt, The flat earth idea could have being perpetuated by CIA mind control reports, this included numerous references to declassified CIA documents and direct qoutes from member of the programs

are these photos really from nasa? just look north america in 1997 and 2007 compared with 2012

If earf is round how do you explain my dishes not falling from the table

Oh fug this kills the flat earther


Shit effort cunt.
Try harder.

>Earth is flat, but everything else in the universe is round.

Also this.

You know that's probably a space rocket launch.

nigga, that's because the aliens made our earth to test their shit, they do it for the lulz. and it's well proven that you can't make a round object in the vast universe, so they made a flat earth thingy and since it would look sketchy af having everything round but one habitable place everyone would figure out the master plan.