Literally the only country standing up for the white race

>literally the only country standing up for the white race
Why are you so fucking retarded, boys? I don't even think 25% of this board is white, you're just goblin LARPers.

Other urls found in this thread:,sondaz-polacy-uchodzcy-ue-kryzys-migracyjny-ibris.html

>taking shit posting seriously

Get out of here.

You are right, indeed.


Im genuinely disappointed by it not saying 23percentandme missed opportunity you fucking leaf

One thing I never get, why aren't Latin America and America natural allies? Why does USA look to Europe.

>standing up for the white race
nah, poles are standing up for poles, like it should be.
>muh global white identity
>muh heritage

Hey user, have you ever heard of a book called Libido Dominandi by E. Michael Jones?

It's an incredible book but the reason I ask is because the author basically credits the release of his book in Poland with stopping the gay agenda from progressing
Any truth to that? Anyone you know read it?

just why?

>It's another 56% shill meme thread

Because America was founded by Europeans, not the native mongrels in South America.

people who do that are kike shills. Poland is fine.


This. Anyone who takes Sup Forums seriously deserves ridicule. Potatoanons are actually pretty stupid and take the LARPing as genuine. Really sparks my spuds.

Country of idiots, that's why I will never be a collectivist despite what Sup Forums is larping. I just don't fucking belong with those morons.

I've literally never seen anons ever shit on poland outside of a little plumber or ww2 banter

Shills hate Poland exactly because of the reason you stated, they try to turn the board against Poland but we see through their faggotry


>Portuguese, Greek, Southern Italy
Those are semites dear sir


Don't they realize it only makes people more curious about Poland? I see more and more normies talking about Poland, especially since the Independence March

People are realizing that Poland is the control group in the multi-culti experiment

Only two people shitting on Poland in this thread are Poles. You sad pieces of shit, you should be hanged.

To counter that damning pic let it be known that 51.2% Poles said in a poll that they don't want the government to take in the immigrants EVEN IF we were to be thrown out of EU.,sondaz-polacy-uchodzcy-ue-kryzys-migracyjny-ibris.html

Just a fact. Post what you like to post but genetic studies are available to any person willing to look

Poles are alright, I work and have worked with loads of them. They have their fair share of wasters but pretty cool for the most part.
Almost all the older ones I've met can drink vodka like it's fucking water.

>meanwhile poland gets a new jewish prime minister

Indeed they are. (Ashkenazi Jews are white)


what do the axes in this graph represent?

Those god damn interdementional child molesters

I'm old enough that I remember all-white towns like the one I grew up in.

In the absence of visible minorities, Polish people are the niggers.

They are not the same way Greeks, Portuguese, Andalusians and Southern Italians aren’t

>you're just goblin LARPers
you're just figuring this out?



Fuck off Op
We don't give a shit about "muh wite rice"
We only care about Poland.

What is the source of that?
What question exactly did they ask?
And finally

those canadians look pretty mad

that's what you get when disobeying orders goyim

now poland will get 1 million brave refugees more

I'll unironically die for them if they ask me too as long as my children could grow up safe there.

uh huh

Tbh Israel has very good relations with Poland.
Previous and current PMs of Israel are part Polish, elites and influential figures in Israel are also part Polish.

>2014 info

I'm 100% Polish, you stupid toiletnigger.

geopolitics 101: no one is safe in poland. as long as russia and germany exist.

is this guy on cocaine?

I got that impression too at first, but it looks like it's just the way he is. I've been watching his vlogs for a while, and he strikes me as a very positive and sincere guy

I’m 1/300th Choctaw warrior and my family is mostly French and Sardinian

I’m also a Druid trained in the ancient arts of the Celtics. What do ya mean 56%?

I never said shit about Poland. I've only complimented them. They're the example.

What fact retarded ((indo.))
Spanish and portuguese don´t gene cluster with semites, only with other europeans specially the french and north italians). and the greeks and south italians don´t cluster with arabs or turks, they are where they supose to be, south euro meds, between north euro and other caucasoids like ashkenazi jews.

boomers, my parets think that everything we have is thanks to EU. They all think that way coz they had nothing underd communism, comunism ended and they could buy uslees shit in shops. WOW COMIENIEZM ENED WE CAN BUY SHIT IZ MUST BE COZ OF EUuuuUUUU.

Shit drives me up the fucking wall

t. ass blasted polenigger

>”Jews and Arabs of Europe are White”
>must be me who’s a Jew

I love that picture. It's so symbolic, in it's own pathetic way. Thousands of inbred double digit IQ subhumans carrying their ghastly looking flags with pride in their eyes, thinking they're the shit, they're so proud, so happy being these petty "patriots" as you can see a depressing panorama of the buildings behind them, run down Soviet relics, but it doesn't matter to them, it's like they're ignoring them. Singing their national anthem saying how PROUD they are to be Polish, as their country rots away behind them, living in blissful ignorance. Their economy plummets, their politicians fuck them over, their cities look disgusting but they will NEVER stop being proud of being the subhumans that they are. Their cities are so ugly in fact that they had a vote to make a building from Vilnius as a cover on their passports, PFFFFFFFFFFT (look it up it's real)

>literally all the pca maps, show they are not related to arabs
>the indian still claims they are, you have already lost indo