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Requesting Tenryuu from Kantai Collection dressed as Old Snake from MGS4.
Requesting a parody of a skate magazine cover with Killua
Requesting meaty Mito Ikumi getting literally spitroasted by Souma, dolcett style:
Requesting THICC DICC.
Requesting smug Mikan smugly riding your smug dick between her smug asscheeks
Draw your favorite female or female(male) anime/manga character with their nails done like this.
Requesting Cosmos from Fairy Tail playing with the Nintendo Switch like this:
Requesting Hikari and Satoshi kissing each other in a similar setting like pic related. Basically wind blowing and petals around them.
Might as well make a formal request
Requesting Mai Natsume undergoing bimbofication
details spoiled for /d/ tier content Hourglass expansion with any of the elements you like listed below, additional wideness to her figure, womb tattoo, mindbreak/mind control induced.
Pregnant DFCs impatiently waiting for the night's dicking, anyone?
Hello! Requesting Northwemko wearing Nitocris outfit from Fate GO, with an ice cream bar.
Requesting Carol Olston showing her soles
my dick commands me user-kun
How do you want the bimbofication done, pham?
The funny thing is the fact Maifag already stated that stuff makes him hard. Might as well roll with it now.
>implying it's not him making the request
Requesting Sucy wearing a suit with an irritated look on her face
any hatsune miku requests? ecchi preferred
Mind control/ Mindbreak induced my melanin enriched comrade. Having it be like magic is the best, maybe she got hit by an armagus spell or something?
do you have more of her in a bikini?
requesting anything of johan liebert from monster
Then he finally grasped the way real human speaks. Truly terrifying AI.
Miku using a dick like it's a microphone.
Not really. But I like Vocaloids so.
Miku singing this part
Or anything like that
Requesting color of smug Kobeni wearing a dress.
>Kobeni Color:
>Dress Color:
Maifag's scripts are learning too quickly. We need to stop them before they try to take over all of humanity.
Requesting Raphiel removing the "i" from her name and putting an "a" in its place.
She's from Gabriel Dropout.
Requesting Erza and Kirito wearing sunglasses and fist bumping with an explosion in the background.
Arisa Haruno making an aheago face or just generally being a pervy butterface Fujoshi
I just really like this minor character. She's got that sexy body/ weird face dynamic that I like.
Requesting me kissing Sucy. I look like pic related.
Requesting Megumi in PuyoPuyo style
no but i can search a bit for it, you want it for references?
Considering I'm getting them done soon, requesting Rina with the following piercings.
Requesting an extremely crazy and horny Sophia in Ivy Valentine's get-up violently raping Tanukichi.
Can you draw her wearing this while dancing or performing?
Requesting Ayame Kajou in the "fuck me" shirt (the "U" can be ironically censored with an asterisk or a "O/0") and frilly black panties making a vulgar pick-up line and/or gesture.
what sort of dummy adds deliveries from here to gelbooru?
Someone put one of mine that's not even that high quality on gelbooru. I have no idea why.
Requesting Smug Patchouli while sipping her coffee.
Requesting fusion between Rachnera and Galvantula.
The fuck does it matter?
Requesting a simple tea party between Pixie (Monster Rancher), Angewomon (Digimon), and Gardevoir (Pokemon)
What type of suit?
He did like that drawing that Kunaboto did of Mai with a tramp stamp, right?
Draw something cute with the Racing designs. Just not the 2010 and 2014 designs
Gotta get that booru counter up
Anything goes, a basic black suit like this is what I had in mind
A duffle jacket is good too
Yes, he left too many clues about it while anonymously declaring how hard it made his dick.
This body
Tits too small.
He probably doesn't realize she's gonna be in his new doujin either.
Post curvy/voluptuous/thick requests. I'm looking to do some.
Getting her belly gropped.
Give her a thicc booty, trying to fit into some tight jean shorts but having a hard time and being embarrassed.
Requesting Maki dressed as a LWA witch
Waste too wide.
Patchouli in lewd underwear!
Curvier Kaede
Hana wearing Shielder's Dangerous Beast costume from Fate/Grand Order, but in white or pink.
Lancer Arturia with THICK meaty thighs because good lord Ishida Akira can't draw thighs worth a damn.
Fuck no.
Requesting Naofumi and Raphtalia doing the "No way fag" pics in picrelated. You can make it say "No way Raph" while he's crafting potions or whatever. arranged references a bit
Pitz as King Kong and Ai-kun as Godzilla on top of BD boxes like that one Godzilla vs. Megalon poster involving the World Trade Center
Requesting an older, voluptuous Makoto.
Yoko trying to put on her top.
Iowa and Yamato poledancing
Requesting Bonta-kun giving Perolina hype train tickets for Super Robot Wars V with Beargguy in the background protesting NTR. Bonus points if the hype train is drawn
I wouldn't hold that against him, in fact it'd only make him more interesting in my eyes.
What doujin?
The poor girl.
What's a "PuyoPuyo" style?
Requesting gag kissing between Elizabeth and Chiffon, bonus points if Charles (right) is included. Refs:
Hey guys, so after more than 8 hours of work, i've finally done it ! I did it n'y myself with no model, and i've never been to an art school or learned how to draw. I know that the proportions arent really respected (i find the legs too small compared to the rest of the body), but i did my best.
All with pencils !
Tell me what you think about it.
I kinda like the face but everthing else is waaay out of proportion.
requesting squirrels in gouraiger cosplay doing something silly like taking cookies from a cookie jar
I can't wait to see Mai get worked like a sow
Looks nice, but if the cover's any indication, Makoto will be getting most of the attention.
Requesting other female anime characters with bloody shovels
Kunaboto is ero doll, ero doll drew some beast pics lolyfag loved to spam on /ghost/, ergo Maifag is on level with lolyfag.
Mai will be a quick pump and dump, just like how she is in the games!
Nel in a sexier version of her white uniform please.
>Like bare midriff, exposed cleavage, no pants or just short-shorts
Pretty good without any models, although your perspective is way off. This might be useful for you. Good work, and keep practicing.
Yeah, but that doesn't mean Mai and what's her name won't get in there. Noel is the first character on the first page and she isn't even in the cover.
Wait a fucking minute, is this the same artist as Erodoll?
Yes. erodoll became Kunaboto ages ago.
Thank you !! Finally a constructive comment !
Requesting more Reoko and Azuma hand holding.
All the original Digimon girls with a voluptuous body lying naked together.
swinging her rifle by the barrel like an axe (there's one on the stock) or brandishing a Ryobi power tool arsenal, complete with hardhat, gloves, and whatever other safefy clothing
Too sexy for my dick.
Requesting Lala from Monster Musume being dragged off to hell by the ghost hands in the Ghost alley from JoJo