Explain to me why the minimum wage in the USA isn't at least $15/hr
Explain to me why the minimum wage in the USA isn't at least $15/hr
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$10 hamburgers
Seattle has that and they have less jobs than before and have to have rent control. Forced shit is bad man.
Because we aren't retarded.
jews print our money making it worthless. solve the real problem first
>I deserve $15 and hour.
its more than just deserving it's raising the cost to produce and therefore raising the cost of the item
it's like you guys don't think
>Order a burger explicitly with no pickles
>Burger has pickles
These types of employees are cancer
The work you do isn't worth $15/hr. If it was, then feel free to apply to a job that pays that much. Nobody says you HAVE to work at McDonalds or Walmart. In 2017 there's no excuses. There's job boards, Indeed/Monster, hell even fucking Craigslist can help you find jobs.
Work in a damn call center or something. They usually start at around $15/hr, require next to zero experience and unless you're functionally retarded you can do the work just fine.
People who complain about minimum wage are failures.
Because we need to slaughter rich people. No commie shit really, but just, fuck those fat fucking pigs.
because then no one worth less than $15/hour would have a job
>Explain to me why the minimum wage in the USA isn't at least $15,000/hr
Why do you hate poor people, OP? Why don't you want everyone to get rich?
>no pickles
No john. You are the cancers.
Cause you are not as good as the rest of the Western World...
be cause we don't adjust it annually to account for inflation.
american workers don't know how to save money
The jews have all the money. I have a better idea, redistribute from jews to whites. The money goes into a fund and the principle is never touched.
>no pickles
Because minimum wage jobs are part time for kids to work while they get an education bitch. Not a career. Get some ambition faggot!
>> deserve $15 and hour.
*thought translated from Spanish into English
Why not $20?
You managed to fuck up a five word post, and you're holding one mistake made by a guy making hundreds of those things a day as evidence of being unworthy of a comfortable life. Really gets my cashews cascading.
Why not 50$?
what i think would be better is if instead of hourly pay, workers got paid for how much they produced
why isn't it $1,000,000?
because you can buy bitcoin instead
It’s really simple.
We have an abundance of no skill/low skill labor.
The driving forces behind this are immigration and women entering the workplace.
how much you're paid isn't relevant to how much work you do
$30/h? Why would you need $15/h? The profits you generate allow for a maximum of $3.50/h.
because the fucktards at mcdonalds earning a wage of $15 cant even put together my meal without missing something, forgetting silverware, or even fucking closing the lid.
Only after you explain to me why the minimum wage in the USA isn't at least $250/hr.
the fuck do you need silverware at mcdonalds for you literal mongoloid.
What the fuck? Even they know plastic forks are WAY cheaper. You aren't fooling anyone!
Because the minimum workload positions aren't deserving of any more than $5 an hour
$5 per hour? What are you, some kind of commie? $1/h.
$1/h? what are you crazy? more than 5 cents a day is highway robbery
southerst salad is fucking DELICIOUS
until it spills out in the bag, and when you finally get to a place where you can eat it, you realize they never gave you utensils to eat it with.
>not having your employees reimburse you for the resources they use on the job
>Still eating at McDonalds
The McGriddle is god-tier hangover food but c'mon man there are so many better options out there!
>using employees instead of slaves
because niggers
>Using slaves instead of robo-waifus
you have bested me
Most low skilled jobs aren’t even worth 8 dollars an hour. I’d rather just get some day laborers I can pay 20 bucks for the whole day than legit temp workers. Essentially having a bunch of illegals in the USA is like cart Blanche slave labor, what are they gonna do? Report me to immigration? Lol
It would cause devaluation of money.
It would kill a ton of small businesses, put others in economic trouble or otherwise trouble; create issues for middle businesses, and encourage large businesses to leave towards countries with cheaper workforce.
When the wage is raised, the cost of running your business rises because now you have to pay more in wages. Businesses can't just magically sell more stuff, so to compensate for the increased wages they lay off employees or force them into shitty part time jobs to keep expenses down. This also hurts people just entering the workforce because no business run by a sane person is going to hire an extra employee with no experience and give them a shitload of money to flip burgers ($15 /hour = roughly $45000/year). That would be the definition of stupid. It only hurts, because suddenly everyone whose work isn't worth $15 will find it impossible to get work, and if you had a job paying less than 15, the government just fucked you out of it.
I suggest you get a mechanical and electrical background then. You're gong to be replaced by machines.
Because people who make poor life decisions should suffer for them.
I make 26 dollars and hour so if they raised minimum wage to 15 I would just quit because 15 an hour is only twice minimum wage now!
Because we have too many people who can not produce a return on $15. Every nog, person with a criminal record, disabled person, etc would be rendered unemployable.
The proper minimum wage is $0.00
A lot of people aren't worth 15 an hour
Explain to me why dumping fries in a vat of hot oil is worth $15/hr.
>no pickles
Your kind deserves a one way trip to a FEMA camp.
Entry level jobs are not meant to be careers so they should not pay as if they are.
Easy. Because you marxist scum shouldn’t have the power to outlaw low skilled jobs. Because people that don't do fifteen dollars of work an hour don't deserve to be paid fifteen dollars an hour. People should be paid what they are worth. If they are worth little then they deserve little. It’s that simple.
Work harder and prove your worth, get raise. Move up ladder.
try zimbabwe
explain to me why after 12 years of the most expensive public education in the world, you don't understand money.
>job at mcdonalds
top lel nigger, even if you were that hard up, mcdonalds only hires non-whites
Because minimum wage workers aren't worth that. It is not possible for everyone to make average to above average wages. This is just reality.
kys OP
>muh minimum wage bruhs
>"we want 15 bucks an hour!"
>company:"sure, here you go."
>well-round workers:"how come they get the same pay as us, even though we been here for a year or so. We want a raise or we quit!"
>"ugh, fine. Here's your raise."
>managers and supervisors:"Are you serious? We worked for years to get our current pay, and you just gave the workers who've done nothing?! We want a raise too!"
>"Sure, here's your raise; now work, damn it."
>ceo:*checks wallet*
>"Oh fuck, we're running out of money. Board of bureaucrats, what do we do?"
>"We could jack the prices up."
>"No,no,no. We'll lose consumers that way."
>"Then we got no other choice."
>"Hey man, yeaaaaaah, we gonna have to lay you off.
>"Hey, yeah, sorry. We gonna cut your hours down."
>"Yeah, sorry. But we can't hire anyone right now."
>Leftists who started all of this mess:"WHAT? HOW? HOW COULD THIS HAPPENED?"
>"Well, the gov't raise the minimum wage up and now we can't pay people."
Get the picture?
Only a person who failed economics in high school would believe that the Soviet Union was successful and didn't just trip itself down.