Trans person here
why do you hate me so much
what did I do to you?
Trans person here
why do you hate me so much
what did I do to you?
You made my eyeballs puke having to look at you abominations. You're not a woman, you're a mentally ill man injecting himself with funny hormones that turn you into a frankensex monster that'll die at 40 and will never find work/relationship outside of being a fetish object for homosexual deviants.
Because instead of seeking help and trying to fix your mental illness you try to force everyone else to accept your delusion.
No one cares
They used to lurk Sup Forums and jerk it to trap porn but then they got shot down by the first tranny they hit on so now they hate you. Just learn to laugh at the losers.
I don't care.
But when you make it a crime for me to use the wrong pronoun, or to not want to date you, that's just evil.
Just leave us alone.
Fuck off cunt
I don't care what you do. I just don't think my tax dollars should go towards your non medical operation. I also don't think you should be able to legally compel me to refer to you as your "preferred pronoun." Other than that, do as you please.
someone post the memeball about cutting off your wiener to prove you aren't mentally ill
My nigger. I love DFW. And yeah nothing against trannies, my ninth gf was trans. Sucked dick well enough.
I think trans are ok
>what did I do to you?
Your allies would have me tell lies about reality.
i dont hate you for being trans i hate you for being prejudiced and thinking everyone here fits your politically incorrect nazi fuckshit stereotype. for example, i am an other gender vegan
im pretty degenerate but i have limits. goes something like this.
may live:
>cute traps
>cute trans with benis
>ugly traps
>ugly trans
>anyone with removed benis
the basic thing is if you actually suit looking like a girl and act like a girl and don't mutilate your body into frankenvagina then you can live, as long as you act normie. hardly anyone even notices passable trannies in most situations irl, which should be your goal since what's the point of becoming female if you just look like a man in a dress.
the fucking freaks that go on about trans rights and "it's homophobic to not wanna fuck me" while looking like something out of rocky horror whilst making tax payers pay for their dick chopping surgery can go fucking die tbqh.
>pic related, just be a qt
also stop fucking niggers and """bi""" men youre gonna get aids off them. just stick with """"straight"""" men with tranny fetishes. stop spreading stds you sick fucks.
I don't hate you. In fact, at one hospital I used to work for, I transcribed procedures for transgender operations (phalloplasties, labioplasties, tracheal shaves, etc.).
I just hate how SJW's, like with so many "marginalized" groups, have hijacked your goal for acceptance into a demand for superiority, and I hate the trans people who go along with this bullshit. There's a lot more I could say, but that's the gist of it.
What you perceive as hatred is more like concern for someone with a mental imbalance that would benefit from counseling. Your fetish isn’t normal and no one really takes it seriously
You're a disgusting degenerate. gays are sexual perverts who spread awful diseases and revel in mortal sin.
I don't hate you. Do what you want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. What I hate is the authoritarian political correctness that's unfortunately looped trans people in. If you want people to like you, don't play the left's game. If people in your personal life are harassing you, not using your pronouns intentionally, whatever it is... call them out, sure. But leave it out of the law. There's no reason why the entire population should be forced to use your language, but now I am forced to use leftist language because I'm a leaf. The left treats trans people like little pets so that they can further their bullshit ideology. If you're not a pet, I don't hate you. If you're okay with the left literally speaking on your behalf even though they don't know you (in other words, taking your voice), then I don't hate you but you're weak as shit. If you openly call out political correctness and all the left's bullshit, good on you.
>what did I do to you
Forced me to play along with your delusions, accept you into spaces that belong to the other gender, and pretend you are what you are not
I don’t hate you but you have a mental illness and you’re trying to normalize when what you need is therapy.
its not natural, and you people keep trying to shove it down our throats, we will NOT fuck up our childrens bodies with fucking hormone treatments that leave them a suicidal mess before theyre even 15, you people are just a fetish for weirdos
I don't care, take care of yourself, do your own thing, be a virtuous person.
polite sage.
we don't give a shit about you dude.
just try to be not so vocal about your mental disease.
I don't. I pity you and I want you to be able to get help.
You are at war with nature itself
you are a faggot
thus I hate you
if you weren't a faggot I wouldn't hate you
you are not a man, your are not a woman, you are a shame, trying to go against nature is something only a retard would do
what is the point of even wanting to be a girl?
you want to get fucked in the ass? just put on a dress and go find some lonely neckbeard on a craigslist
they feel so good about themselves.
you've already started trying to legislate freedom of speech. why should I go to jail or get a fine for pointing out you are a mentally ill man in a dress?
just eat some poison, speed up the process.
Stop telling me you are normal when you are not
Stop trying to get the world to bend to your abnormality
I owe you nothing. So once (((society))) guilts me for not giving a shit, all of you can fuck off.
Live life on legendary, fine, just stop wanting my fucking participation.
personally I've no problem, gender dysphoria is legitimate and if crossing over is what will help you function then fuck go ahead, but you can't expect everyone to just jump on board with that. When Americans don't understand something they tend to shy away from it all together.
Trans here not OP. Most of us don't want anything to do with SJWs or forcing pronouns or these ugly unrealistic hons that act like a anime girl after a month of hormones. Being transgender is the least interesting part of our lives.
shut up, shut up about pronouns, dont join the military to get taxpayer funded tran surgery, keep your horseshit deep in the closet you social eyesore
You are an abomination that exists outside the natural order. I despise the self oity, self hatred and seld righteousness that the majority of you display daily.
I feel like the ones who make it their entire identity (unless they're activists or whatever) are just involved in a trend, otherwise if they really were trans it'd just be something you don't think about and you'd go about your day doing whatever you normally do.
yes, the ones who make it their identity are transtrenders. actual transsexualism IS a horrible disease that i would not wish on my worst enemy.
Its not normal or natural and i personally find it disgusting, but with that being said i wont bother you unless you act like a vocal SJW and try and push your views on me, also no parades or open displays of homosexuality allowed
agree re: gender dysphoria
the problem is that it is being pushed as a mere lifestyle choice and a majority of the people who now consider themselves trans don't have gender dysphoria.
fucking kek
ooga booga
Have you read Infinite Jest or DFW's tennis essays? He was pretty openly homophobic in a jockish sort of way
and regularly portrayed trans characters as mentally deranged creep deviants
your concept of transgenders seems little more than what you'd imagine yourself doing in their shoes
fortunately, we are not all craven faggots like you
>all these people saying get help
Getting help leads them to hormone treatment because thoughts and feelings dont magically go away.
I dislike how trans has been normalized to a point that it is acceptable for a minor to "know" they were born the wrong gender when they are legally incapable of making other sex-based decisions.
I knew a 14-year-old girl a couple of years ago who was transitioning because she felt she didn't match her assigned gender. Ultra-liberal parents were completely on board and fast-tracked her to hormone therapy and whatever follows that.
That was a while back and I'm not sure how far into the process she made it. But I do know she absolutely regrets it now, is quite depressed, and angry her parents let her do it. I honestly have no problem if a consenting adult makes the decision, but I'm just very skeptical that a child can "know" this sort of thing to the point that they can make permanent, life-altering decisions before they even hit 18.
>non-medically necessary surgery
>used to be called an elective surgery, therefore not medically necessary
Not sure wtf the medical term is now they are using.
You exist.
Enough for me.
Do you ever question why you hate people for exsisting? That sounds very odd to me.
Youre ALL prostitutes
Hey your choice to cut your ding dong off. But don’t try tricking straight dudes into fucking you. And don’t molest kids. And don’t lie to yourself that the most likely reason you’re trans is because you were abused and mindfucked by pop cult(ure). We cool otherwise.
This isn’t Voat dipshit
100% fpbp
It is called having a culture, something americans will never understand.
what about people who are convinced that they are ACTUALLY DRAGONS (or whatever) IN THE WRONG BODY?
should we let them have surgery that completely cripples and mutiliates them, too?
should we enable their illusions, eventually driving them to suicide, once they realize what they have done?
or should they receive psychiatric help to accept / like their human body?
should be a fucking no brainer.
>why do you hate me so much
You're mentally ill and degenerate.
>what did I do to you?
Contributing to the destruction of traditional White culture.
>1 post by this ID
You are hiding behind your post just as much as you attempt to hide your cock between your legs.
I don't hate you. I think that encouraging someone with gender dysphoria to transition is like encouraging someone with depression to commit suicide.
An unneeded solution to a problem that could be cured with medicine or therapy given proper research.
How about the people who are convinced that they are Hitler?
I just want what's best for you
Which is trying to solve your mental health issues without permanent surgery
same deal.
>why do you hate me so much
1 post by this ID
Oh shit. Nicely done.
And yet another 1 post by the OP.
Nigga no one even knows what your culture is. I'm not even going to bother highlighting your flag to see what insignificant spec of rock you represent.
>And don’t molest kids.
I don't really get this meme. You're like that atheist marching into a church and accusing everyone of raping choir boys
"Dick mutilator here, why do you hate me?"
Why did DFW wear the bandana?
"What did I ever do to you?"
"It's not like we abuse kids"
You've got huge mental problems, please see attached picture.
why do i HAVE TO like you???
You're not a trans-person, user. This shit was settled a while ago. You're a dielater. Get your affairs in order.
You act like a deviant, pretend that deviancy has no downsides, then when those downsides crush you, you blame your circumstances on others. Trannies are an entirely optional human catastrophe.
I think when surgical procedures are capable of actually making furries wolf people I fucking won't give a shit what they do then either.
This only goes to show how self absorbed your kind is, you can't see the effects of the overall trans movement, all you care about are your fee fees
Saged you fucking horrendous beast
>1 post by this idea
ooga booga
>die at 40
*kill yourself when you realise you have taken away your personality and made your entire life about being a freak
"We're natural allies, Sup Forums. The ancient greeks were all fags like me."
"It's not like we hurt anybody."
You are at best a mentally ill person that is not receiving proper treatment because leftist nutjobs encourage your delusion. At worst a fanatical marxist that failed at operating under their real gender, and decided that they would be more useful acting as a human political statement via self-mutilation. I have seen these people, they are husks of humans. A number of faggots are the same way, failures at their real purpose so they adopt a new one in hopes of 'success' there.
The first one I feel bad for and the second needs to be purged because it puts my children at risk of being pulled in by that same batshit delusion.
Even if you make the transition and don't immediately look like an abomination in a mere few years it'll catch up to you, you're more or less throwing away your future to enable a delusional mindset in the short term.
Furthermore your parents raised you as the gender you were born as, becoming something else just alienates them even if they support you and say they don't mind they'll still be losing their son for someone else.
are you physically or mentally trans? because there is a difference.
>I convince kids they are fags so that when I fuck them it is justified.
How can a person be so devoid of shame
If your going to do it then do it right, like Blair White. Not some half assed dude with makeup and long hair, oh and don't chop your pecker off you or you will regret it and suicide yourself.
>what did I do to you?
Individually nothing, however transgenderism is an example of the slippery slope, lets assume transgenderism is fine, gender dysphoria is a thing and the most effective treatment (by looking at suicide rates) is transitioning to your "proper" gender. Fine, however this leads to a few issues.
>Muh genderfluid
You may hate these people, however love them or hate them their identity is born from the transgender identity, these people actively seek to blur gender lines which is wrong since genders allow for social stability by pushing people towards defined roles towards which they are best suited. Put simply society functions best when men do risky work, and women do safer work and care for children and injured men.
>Muh three year old son once wore my heels without me asking him, he's clearly a girl
If transitioning is the best way to treat gender dysphoria than it stands to reason that we should treat it as soon as possible in order to ensure the best outcome. However this leads to an issue when it comes to people who aren't actually suffering from transgenderism but are simply either have an autoandrophilia (fetish of becoming or being the opposite sex) fetish or are simply copying their parents or crossdressing. Statistics show that people with an autoandrophilia fetish who transition are much much more likely to suffer from regret, and it is highly debateable if gender transitioning (via hormones and eventually surgeries) for children is ethical given the long term effects. After all if castration was a treatment for autism would it be ethical for parents to let their 8 year old sons be castrated? Even the "moderate" position of taking hormone blockers instead of full on hormone replacement therapy is horrible since sure they can decide to transition as an adult, but if they decide not to an adult will be stuck in the body of a deformed child who never hit puberty.
why do you care
What exactly did they do to you?
Have you never seen a stupid parent dress up their baby and caption it with something stupid? Fucking every mother does this sans the topic that triggers you.
Are you really this much of a bitter dipshit to grasp at straws?
I don't hate you at all. I just hate the way SJWs and some trans people go about protesting and guilting people and complaining they have it so bad. Everybody has it bad, just in different ways. I don't mind if people are trans, honestly. If we restrict that freedom, we're no better than Isis and dickheads like that.
Suicide is your solution
It is just a phase. Think of all the emo kids that were just as cringey who swore they were emo for life, but now they all regret it (or have killed themselves). I'm sure most will grow out of this and regret it, and thankfully, the majority of them will kill themselves
This guy gets it.
there AREN'T though.
just like there are no surgical procedures that are capable to turn a man into a woman.
all it does is cripple and mutiliate, exchanging a perfectly working sexual organ into a twisted mess of pain and misery for the rest of their life.
people mutiliated in that way, will never be able to enjoy sexuality again and be in pain and regret for the rest of their life.
thats why so many kill themselves.
but I don’t wanna die I really like living now I just don’t want people to hate me for no reason