The new konosuba theme is shit

the new konosuba theme is shit

It's best to watch this show in the middle of the night cause it puts you to sleep easier afterwards

YunYun is too cute for her world

Fucking wow

When did she get an elephant ass?

Fat fucking bitch

its water weight not fat

new season is great so far, why are people bitching?

It's funny but it looks like shit, even worse than the first season.

It's not that bad for DEEN, also since it's comedy the funny faces just add to the humor.

First Episode was absolute dog shit

Second episode was good but the drop in quality and direction is 100% apparent. The slime on the inspector was F Rank quality

Are you fucking serious?

I still like it, but the new opening / closing are trash compared to season one

I thought the first two episodes were hilarious. I'm not the type that notices bad animation unless it's super blatant though. I want a webm of megumin stealing all that food.

It's just KyoAni vagrants who are waiting for a new trumpet show. Disregard and move on

First episode was rushed QUALITY and extensibly exaggerated

First Season was great, but you can tell they're cutting corners and saving costs because HikkiNeets will buy it no matter what

Op and Ed are trash
Show itself is good
Animation is fine
The rest is seasonal shitposting

poor yunyun!

OP and ED aren't as good. First episode looked bad, yeah, but the second episode was much better. It was a little off looking as a whole but at times it looked perfectly fine.

The comedy is still there, anybody who says otherwise is just a jaded contrarian hivemind shitposter who wants to be upset and complain about something.

>you will never be her friend

Loli yunyun is fucking cute

Its pretty unrealistic since no matter how shit yumyums attitude was guys would still fuck her and be a "friend".

Shrunken pupils are the best thing to happen to anime

at the end when megumin claimed to be more of a woman because she bathed with kazuma, i thought yunyun was going to be determined to fuck any random guy(s) to keep up with her rival as she ran out crying

doujin artists are probably already on it

are people still pretending that aqua wears panties

I want to hug Yunyun.

so what are the major differences between this and the light novel? since i remember they didn't get their stuff taken first episode.

So is Yunyun.

its epic memsters trying to get (You)s so they can post screenshots on r/Sup Forums and /s4s/ to show off their awesome trolls.

Since she wears them in the novels the anime is not canon.

The Op is great, what are you smoking?
The EDs not as good as season 1 though, I agree

The Op to me is just generic pop song #6419 but the actual animation in the Op isn't bad

What is going on here?

Didn't say it was bad, I just don't like it nearly as much. Seems a bit more generic to me.

ED2 audio > ED1 audio

The visuals on ED2 feel unfinished though. Also, the thumbs up at the end doesn't fit.

The OP of season 1 wasnt that fantastic either,the ED's are both good.

Why didn't Megumin and Komekko go to Yunyun's birthday?

Free food.



All this Megumin and Crimson Demon clan people is getting old fast.
Unfortunately she is the most popular for some reason so the author had to have her in the story more instead of the better girls to pander to them to sell more copies.

They still tease the romance for several books because thats comical in authors mind.
Its frankly one of the most annoying things when reading trough the novels. "oh great the author managed to not move the plot again"



Seriously though that ED is near comfy levels of S1. And S1 ED had the better animation as we got this
Great episode though, I really need to hurry up with my other book so I can get back onto the Konosuba ln.

what's going on here?

>not one for clich(accented e)s
>still gets embarrassed when she actually agrees
how clich(accented e)

making her wear a corset

JUST ;_;

if you're seriously asking, she's at home, those are her maids trying to dress her

>tfw don't know which thread to use


This isnt 8ch Sup Forums.


It hurts to see ;-;

I didn't like that they used the toads gag again but I ain't complaining that much, this episode was hilarious and so was the first chapter, kono suba is looking good.

wanted this translated.
Here's as far as I got.

>Left Page

Z_rig__i R_oiri ...(.)
___on_gi G_ri ....(..)
M_ndr_g or_ H_p_nuki .(.)
__kkoii __nori _0r_nu_ts(u)
__kkoii Eis_oi _0r_nu_t(su)
__kkoii P__ _00r_nu(_ts)u
Donguri _tsi__ ......(.)
Y__oi _tsi__ ......(.)
___s_i _tsi__ .......()
Binboi__shi R_dip_ T__k_(tsu)
D_rio_s_n __ _orond_ (..)
__rig_ni Tsiri ...(..)
Hoig_n __g_ .......(.)
D_kisho __nsoi_in (...)

I know ;_;

Why did no one go to her birthday party?

Someone already did it.

Its in the novels and is very plot relevant as it introduces yunyuns superior magical powers when they were helpless.

I love how people disregard the series and dropped. KonoSuba was never meant for normies.
Get the fuck out of my thread

>Yuntun celebrating her birthday party without anyone showing.
Fuck. That is one of my biggest fears.
Poor Yunyun.

Godzuma is a real human bean


>Ctrl+F: kono
>Thinking I'm going to do more work to find the topic in the catalogue

>OP and ED bad

You shits got bad tastes

Red pulled as fuck

If you send a bunch of invites without confirming wether people accept the invites you deserve pain and suffering.
If you're elderly you should leave your grandchildren alone, no one wants to spend time with you.


Whats better to read wn or ln? and where do i read?


Tragic story.


Wasn't this episode just a rehash of the OVA? Or am I missing something.

Was the OVA not canon??

OVA maybe takes place after this?

The ova just happens later.

>everyone is pointing out every small "quality" detail and bitching
>I'm just glad it got a second season and the episodes are still good

>you will never tell yunyun that you love her and want her to bear your children

OVA was anime original with author input I've heard. Pretty much seems like one of the store-only short stories or whatever.

>it's funny

Everything else is irrelevant after that

Ep1 was sub-par. I was really worried about it but ep2 saved everything.

S1 OP is better

S2 ED is better

not sure how I feel

>i'm blind

It's the opposite

I've enjoyed everything about season 2.

I'm just having a good ole time.

Hope everyone else does too.

S2 OP a comfy

good episode today, lots of megumin

anyone got the video where her VA cosplays as her

>S2 ED is better
>not sure how I feel
You feel confused as s2 ed is much worse than s1.

You should kill yourself for spacing like a newfag.

kill me

S1 Ed so much better

i love the VA direction. the little bits where the other actor speaks in the background add a lot to the show.

Everyone loved it s1, now its just old hat.

reminder that if you like megumin you are a pedo

>that slow motion Aqua whine

Holy shit, this is the Konosuba I fell in love with


You're old, user.
Stop disliking things.

>Kazuma Kazuma

I will accept this burden.

That was a good triumphant yell. Definitely at YAMERO levels.

Aqua is festively plump.

So everyone forgot about darkness?

Megumin at least cares enough to chase off the creepers she was getting.