Japan is racist-

>Japan is racist-

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Expats and English teachers, real Japanese are too busy working free overtime to protest shit

>tfw japan is being blacked

This. The Japanese people don't give a fuck, let them protest all they want.

Do they even have blacks in Japan? I don't remember any argie community there.

Jesus fucking Christ, ucking gas them all.

Dont succumb to the pressure, Japan.

Retards playing in the corner. Regardless the banner should have been ripped and the participants ran out.

There are no Japanese members in BLM
all expats

What the fuck

>Japan isn't ethnocentric/nationalist because they neutrally allow black lives matters to protest
What is this retarded shit OP?
Speaking of Japanese, saw gee.

We are not black we are indios you dumb nigger

black people are fucking insane
like seriously, it's really hard to justify why, globally, dark-skined people take up meme-ideologies at the drop of a hat and immediately find an oppresor to hate
this level of global coordination is astounding, especially for a group that can't seem to put out any real thinkers (ta-nehisis coates probably leads, which isn't saying much)
it's 99% media propulsion and .01% direction and ideology, their a step away from being zombies on the hunt for brains, their desire to seek out the oppressor and find someone else to make him go away is nerly instinctual
what is the hiveminds endgame? can the media control their frankenstein monster? tune in next week to find out!

Their racism is overblown, though it exists. In some cases it's a positive, the cosmopolitan Japanese tend to like white people for instance.

Feels good man

The jew as always is using the black man to foment revolution. Same as it ever was. I can only hope that Abe and the Nips prove more resilient the the gullible white man. If they can't then all hope is lost. The whole planet will slip into darkness. Fucking kikes and their ape muscle



Speak for yourself, filthy wh*te-ind*an me*tizo. I descend from African's slaves.


It’s ok, Japanese love blacks regardless

They are less racist than Americans, they are just ignorant sometimes is all

blacks are the original japanese

>It’s ok, Japanese love blacks regardless
That's where you are wrong kiddo.

what black people aren't even treated like absolute shit in Japan

>literally not a single nigger ever killed by nippolice
>still have BLM protests

really jogs the nignog

All the nignogs protesting should 100 percent be deported and if they're in school fuck em

Fucking retards

t. nignog

Why are they doing this in Japan?

I am okay with this. More Japanese waifus to make master race Blasians with.

>what black people aren't even treated like absolute shit in Japan
Better question is what the fuck are they doing in japan?
fucking rainbow flag and black lives matter, as if there's an epidemic of police violence in japan. Blacks are like a global joke.
Check out the assholes in this article. They're doing the same shit they do everywhere.
>“I didn’t see enough representation of black people in media but I saw it of black culture—youth culture trends and music, but not enough in general media,” Nwosu told Black Enterprise. “When I did see black people in media it was often as stereotypical characters and that is largely due to the western objectification of black people, which translates all over the world. I knew I had to do something to change it and that was when Black In Tokyo was born.”
They move to japan then complain japan is too japanese eventhough the reason japan is so nice is among other things because it's not full of niggers, and then they complain that there's not enough niggers in japan, niggers are fucking assholes.

Yeah real japanese

Expat partners and housewives of cucked googlers and batshit commie returnees - very small percentage and transient

>Literally every American black person in Japan showed up
>don't even have enough black people to hold the sign by themselves.

Why the fuck are they even there if Japan isn't racist op?

God I'm sick of the entitlement of these fucktards.

>Give them Africa
You b opressin us n shieet give us dat foreign aid whitey

>Bend over backwards for them post civil rights US
Ayy yo we cant make it cuz of racism 200 years ago senpai give us free shit

>Go to Japan
Yo nigga why there no black people in anime and Japanese tv n shieet cuz thats fucked up gimme free shit nigga

Why not grab the reins and turn the golem on them?

>Why the fuck are they even there if Japan isn't racist op?
Well ofcourse nips aren't super fond of niggers but the reason niggers do this is because they pull the same stunt they do everywhere no matter what. Pretend to be victim for victimbux and special treatment. If they're not a victim of something (99.9% of the time they aren't) i'm sure they'll find a way to find something to either fabricate or blow out of proportion and complain about for the same reason.

>like seriously, it's really hard to justify why, globally, dark-skined people take up meme-ideologies at the drop of a hat and immediately find an oppresor to hate
It's not hard to understand. They're lazy and don't want to take responsibility for themselves.

>God I'm sick of the entitlement of these fucktards.
You and me both buddy.

Representation has got to be the biggest dumbest non-argument of the twenty-first century

Blacks are the black plague of any succesfull society, once they arrive , everything rots

Im certain the white cucks and jews in Japan are why this is happening.
>be libtard
>fuck up America because of your diversity bullshit
>move to Japan for "reasons"
>try to fuck up Japan


Excellent digits and you are correct. Ideally that is what will happen with the blacks and women too if we are lucky. Which is why part of me really wants to accelerate everything. Vote for every commie policy and plunge us into darkness as quickly as possible. Only then when the people cry out in desperation for order and answers will a far right figure manifest to answer the call.
Only this time the gas chambers would be real.

>people take up meme-ideologies at the drop of a hat


And there's just two blacks on OP pic.



Nignogs that act up in Japan get shot by the yakuza, I think. Yaks like to have them around because a bunch of pushy, jive-speaking nigerians will absolutely drag your average japanese person into a club where the women will be raped and the men will have thousands of dollars charged to them on a fraudulent bill.


Wait, wait, so the original black plague wasn't a disease, the disease story is just a Jewish creation!


I fucking hate these people so fucking much. I'm a Euro and have been to japan and LOVED it precisely because I had nearly zero fucking representation. I don't WANT representation there because that takes away from what makes Japan unique yet these fucking niggers demand it? I swear to fucking god man

They got the only two niggers in Tokyo to show up for this, lmao

>like seriously, it's really hard to justify why, globally, dark-skined people take up meme-ideologies at the drop of a hat and immediately find an oppresor to hate

kinda like white nationalism

does that mean pepe in binland

>less than .05% of Japan black
>screaming like apes on the street at everyone about how much they matter

Now that makes me think

Fucking buraks and their biktim mentarity!

kek you are dead wrong mate.
>less racist than americans

most americans now are pussies through and through who would never dare criticize a black let alone racially abuse one

in japan niggers are avoided on the street even in broad daylight. This I know because I did a year of study in japan and in my international dorm there was a black guy who was constantly bitching about it to us and saying how all dese japs be raciss n shit

>kinda like white nationalism
You're an idiot, don't you realize the reason japan is so nice (which all white countries used to be aswell till very recently) is because they are massively majority japanese.
If japanese were in similar situation and their countries were going to shit retards like you would sit and say
>ah you just want japanese nationalism, what a joke and a racist you are.
Eventhough objectively japan is nice precisely because it is massively majority japanese and very little else.

One of the best parts of my experience in Japan was the subtle racism I came across every now and then. I'm a fairly good looking white dude and am outgoing so generally had a great time and met people easily, but every now and then a middle aged Japanese guy would give me a horrible look or spit on the ground as I walked by and I couldn't help but get a huge shit eating grin on my face every single time.

Japan is still pretty racist and xenophobic, they were not really denazified like in Germany after WW2. At least maybe now if they start having more mixed babies then they will be less racist.

it's hard to be offended as a white guy
reminds me of that scene in the boondocks
>wait a minute, I'm white

Most Japanese clubs are owned by Yakuza, Former Yakuza, or people associated with Yakuza.
They will hire black dude (the thuggish the better) to stand outside and chat with Japanese women looking to party.
A lot of them are wannabe rapper.
Black guys are associated with "cool" American rap subculture.
So young Japanese will go in to drink and hang with the black guys to try their English out.
Girls being raped in clubs like this isn't uncommon. And the fact that they are looking for foreign men doesn't make them saints in the eyes of Japanese citizens.

Why don't we stop using words like racist that were created by fucking commies. Do the Japanese prefer their own kind, sure but who doesn't. For the most part if you act in an appropriate way and treat others in Japan the way you are supposed to treat them you will suffer no major issues. The only people who have issues are those who except special treatment or can't shut the fuck up and stop talking on their cell phone in the subway.

more you understand how important racism/mild resentment like that is to keep your country good. So ofcourse japanese are respected for that. Whites used to be like this aswell in their nations. It's perfectly healthy and normal and even necessary.
>let assholes into your country by the masses and ruin it
>but atleast i wasn't racist

>Why don't we stop using words like racist that were created by fucking commies. Do the Japanese prefer their own kind, sure but who doesn't.
This. And created by them exactly to have nations and people they were fucking with put their guard down instead of defend themselves and their people nation and culture.
youtube.com/watch?v=L0tYDGr6gwA vid related.

Hm... looking at a lot of JET visas about to be revoked

>Japan is still pretty racist and xenophobic
They're racist and xenophobic when they need to be.
If you go to Japan and behave you're treated well by most people there. If you are a fucking pain in the ass you get the cold treatment.
The issue with a lot of western foreigners is the idea that Japan is going to lick their ass crack for being foreign and they find out they won't.
These people also get disappointed that he country isn't some zany anime adventure and it's inhabited by normal boring people living life.
You should never go to another country and expect them to change just to suit you.
Japan isn't going to change their media or practices to fit some foreign faggot. They aren't going to not look at you strange because you stand out.
And yes you have some who down right want you to "Prease go homu!" because so many foreigners come in and out being cunts in that country because they feel they can.

>Few niggers in Japan.
>Are already protesting.
>Let's add the gay flag to it for more oppression points.
Hopefully Japan will never give in to this. If you can't perform in a first world country it could be a hint that your third world ass doesn't belong there.


No, Argentina is white. Italian and Spanish white. You nogger.

It's a retard variation of "hämmästyttävää" (=astonishing).

Japs are only racist towards non-Japs who live in Japan. They love foreigners when the foreigner's a tourist.



hahaa nice!

You wish, wh*te boi. We are proudly a black sub-Saharan nation.

So the Yakuza then kidnap these girls to be used for porn money right?

Govt needs to grow a pair and forcibly deport/deny their visa renewals for political activities. Any state suffering noncitizens protesting or stirring the domestic pot is absurd

Whiny article going into the some specifics of the old issue
>Ronald McLean was an American who came to Japan in 1969 on a one-year visa to teach English. He became involved in the Japanese anti-Vietnam War movement and participated in a number of demonstrations at the U.S. Embassy and elsewhere. When he applied to renew his visa, it was rejected because of his political activities.

Why would anyone put black characters in anime? It's all based on EA aesthetics.

Fruck ru nrigger!


you butthurt black bitches are terribly annoying... just saying...

Because destruction is the only thing you people seem to be good at accomplishing.

99% foreigners with one or two Yoko Ono wannabes doesn't represent Japan.


Nice, niggers ruining another country.


Japs, what a fuck, explain yourself, why is it allowed?

Bracku peepuru ina mai cuntary?!


Why is it
a - allowed
b - not opposed by local right-wing guys

The moment the definition of human was expanded is the moment that human rights became a mistake.

Lol nigger

If only the truck of peace would come. But it won't because japan isn't fucking stupid

Human rights always were a mistake.

There's a US military base in Japan so yes.

You have two types of Yakuza.
The nationalist business Yakuza who infiltrate corporations, small businesses, and politics to make money and influence Japan, also do shit behind the scenes for the citizens of their turf.
These are the old school minded gangsters who still believe in honor and order in the Yakuza.
Then you have the drug dealing, prostitution, trafficking, and other crime Yakuza. They only care about making money, getting laid, and owning turf. They're fucking rogues who have no honor or order and would sell their own mothers for enough Yen. These gangs are usually only Yakuza in the sense that they either related to or were former underlings to an established Yakuza family.
The old guard dies and what's left are these types.
Those latter are the ones notorious for kidnappings and human trafficking.
The former don't get involved in that shit as much as they use to because it's messy business and gets them in trouble which leads to Yakuza families going to shit.

Memes aside, this

Its a misconception that Japanese prefer black men over white men. Blacks were regarded as kinder and more gentle for a few decades because the black GIs in occupied Japan were socially conditioned to treat the Japanese like white people. So, since this was the 1940s, they were always very courteous and kind to the Japanese people. But it is 2017 now, we are not operating with a 20th century mindset. Most Japanese know the destruction blacks cause, they are no longer a novelty but a nuisance.

>few dozen expats being shepherded by police
whoa powerful

For what reason would they have to protest in Japan? There is literally no Japanese on black crimes. There aren't black people getting shot at by Japanese. They recently had a Trump protest and it was nothing but white people, a jew, and little to none Japanese citizens.

Why the fuck does Japan tolerate their bullshit? they are too polite for their own good.

I hate the Japan...

Because I envy them...

You have got to be fucking kidding me