That Mexican slave labor must finally be paying off

/Brazos/ reporting in

Lol all those slaves the Dems want to keep importing? Muh lawn, muh strawberries!

>W-who is going to pick your crops when you remove cheap labor?! C-check mates Drumpf!

Jesus fuck Cali almost dead last, fuck those comie globalists faggots

shows how awesome a hispanic majority state really is
i for one welcome our goya loving masters

Bexer reporting!

>among large states
Stupid wheelchair Tejanos

Very rare does op's brag and the facts line up. This op is rare, truth.
Pic relate. From Forbes on tx

Its Bexar u fuck. Go back to Houston.

it won't last

According to the 2010 United States census, the racial composition of Texas was the following:[206]

White American 70.4 percent (Non-Hispanic whites 45.3 percent)
Black or African American: 11.8 percent
American Indian: 0.7 percent
Asian: 3.8 percent (1.0 percent Indian, 0.8 percent Vietnamese, 0.6 percent Chinese, 0.4 percent Filipino, 0.3 percent Korean, 0.1 percent Japanese, 0.6 percent other Asian)
Pacific Islander: 0.1 percent
Some other race: 10.5 percent
Two or more races: 2.7 percent
In addition, 37.6 percent of the population are Hispanic or Latino

I was born here, so never!

best part

>As of 2011, 69.8% of the population of Texas younger than age 1 were minorities (meaning that they had at least one parent who was not non-Hispanic white).[208]


Texas is New York 2.

GDP per capta is actually up, too. This is real growth, not just brute force migration based GDP pumping.

There are Dem states with higher growth, why aren't they on here?

That is by far the stupidest thing I ever heard how do you even come to that conclusion?

Because the whole fucking world wants to move there, see what happens when they all get there and fuck your shit up.

Tons of immigration causing the shitshow like NYC. Look at places like Austin or Houston for a good example.

the whole world doesn't want to move there especially liberals

As more and more idiots from California move to Texas there's only so much time before the pattern is reversed. The voting patterns of these fools will remain unchanged and combined with the ever exploding population of spics Texas probably won't look the same in 10-15-20+ years.

NYC isn't the whole of New York but it is true that Texas is by far dying due to Immigration

Even people here are saying they plan to move to Texas and not New York.

When literally the whole population has no family/historical ties to Texas, you won't be Texas anymore.

On top of that, your dumbass capitalist politicians are just inviting anyone and everyone in.

We need to incentivize surgical birth control for like 3-4x as much gibs. We'd break even in as many years, and the dindus would jump at it. That would really set us up for future improvement I hope.

pana, usted si es ignorante lol. I used to think the same way being born in ny. boy was i fucking wrong. nyc is shit tier in terms of living conditions unless you're rich. no venue paca con esa mentalidad, aqui estamos jarto de parasitos

south illinois here
can someone nuke chicago already

Rest of NY is beautiful, NYC is a craphole. I grew up upstate, love it there.

New York is a shit hole, and dominicanyorks are worse than Haitians.

Could rocket man really be /our/ kim?

Worse than Haitians!? Please explain, I thought the Haitians were pretty bad. Is it only the black-tier DRs moving to US?

im a dominicanyork and ill say thats right. haitians are on a different level. theres places in little haiti, fl that are 3rd world tier

Texas is nice and all, but iduuno driving through the panhandle really turned me off to it.

Probably due to the oil crash

Alberta is supposed to grow 6.5% too but that only puts us back at 2015 levels because the oil crash was so severe

bullshit, thats exaggeration at best. I've seen dominicans of all social status throughout the united states. you can't change a haitian mentality.

It wont be long before white liberals and Mexicans flock there by the millions shitting it up turning it into another pozz'd state like California and Michigan.

Dominicanyorks or yorquis as we call them, are coming here with all the bad habits of both american niggers and whites.

They do not speak Spanish worth a shit, the majority of them.

They also refuse to adapt and integrate and are fucking obsessed with american fast food.

Haitians at least fucking work for a living.

Already happening. Whites are 40% of the population (even less since Arabs are counted as Whites) and our cities are democrat shitholes.


if you family stays on the hispanic side and integrates with them it won't be a problem.

Why would they?
There's literally nothing to do in Texas except work.

t. Texan native

There are many things we need to do yester-year and it's important that we somehow contact the President or something because 2050 is going to be horrible. 2020 is going to be the middle of the end.

>choosing haitians, the scum of the island who haven't evolved past witchcraft over dominicans with shitty manners.
>parasites OVER shitty manners

what kind of fucking shill are you lmao

>Does not speak Spanish
>Knows nothing about Dominican culture or history and does not care to learn
>Eats shit tier gringo food constantly
>Supports all the gay shit american do

You are not Dominicans, stay in NYC.

We just need to send the Haitans over there too.

Sorry to hear that, Texans sound like awesome people, they will soon be replaced by inferior immigrants and liberals and along with it the vitality that allowed economic growth.

look at calilet all down at the bottom, pathetic.


I’m from Bexar County

NW Cook County here
Why dont we just retake the west and south sides?
We can sell tickets and game tags to the neighboring states

Yeah it sucks, it really does. Honestly I think the mestizos don't rile up here as much as California because we kicked their asses in a war but the more they come here the more uppity they get. Pic very related, we may have won the war but they're winning the demographics, it's very disheartening. Liberals aren't helping either, if anything they're happy our country is dying. Don't know how liberals are in New Zealand but I swear if they had the power they want this country is fucking DOOMED

Vivi en san francisco de macorís por 8 años y volví por muchos años en mi juventud. Estas seguro que no sè español? palomaso lol

Nobody is claiming to be dominican either, theres a reason my parents left that shit hole. I stay proud to my roots but you're retarded if you think i'm arguing in an attempt to affirm being dominican lol.

ps NYC is for dominican hicks that don't have balls to leave the comfort of their home. try again lambe paila

Liberals here are incredibly arrogant and conceited. They would look down on states like Texas to mask their own feelings of envy and inferiority. Tall Poppy Syndrome is rampant among the progressive left here in NZ.

I hope in the future we are able to have a nation state explicitly for Europeans with right wing views.

NW indiana here

Because your gun laws are garbage and good got Rauner won't dare call up the NatGuard against the wishes of Alpha Jew Rahm

Fuck off hyphenated-American. You're not one of us

Vete a la mierda, mamaguevo.

I don't give a fuck, stay where you are you fucking yankee lover.

Move to Texas or some shit.

We need to abolish dual nationality to end the yorqui disease.

Agreed. I hope the West can survive and remain right-wing like we should be

78261 here!

Former /Ft Bend/ reporting in.
Still work for NASA, but now I'm in Florida.

Lmfao I’m not even a dual citizen but okie dokie buddy. Maldito bends patria, dique dominicano y apoyando la invasion de los haitianos. Que lastima tienen que tener duarte, sanchez, y mella.

But for real, our demographics are already shit, and so are our cities, why do you third worlders want to come here

They're falling along the same line the dindus fell for. (((Something))) made the dindus stop trying to better their situation and hate those doing better than them. The same is happening to the latinx (TM) population. Idk how I'll deal with it. Especially future family man me.

what do you mean Dominican hicks

are there really rural and suburban retards in DR

>Why do you want to leave your shithole for a stable country?
Mystery really. They ALL have to go back. Leaving a broken house doesn't fix it

It's adorable when people think Florida is a bad state to live in.

Go suck some gringo's dick like your father taught your mother how to do.

>When literally the whole population has no family/historical ties to Texas, you won't be Texas anymore.
He's right. I'm a filthy transplant in Florida, but the entire state is so fucking transient. I have yet to meet a white person from Florida, with parents who were also from Florida. Nobody's got any attachment to the place, and it'll be a shame when it happens to Texas.

In-ground pools are such a pain in the ass to maintain. Anyway, where you at? /Brevard/, reporting in.

It means Dominicans that had recently migrated or barely speak English. Country hicks from the islands

What's the plan when Texas inevitably falls blue?
We're only like 15 years away.

TEXAS: Niggers Spics and Ass backwards hicks. That shit is fake son.

Houstonian here, you faggots never learn. All this "numba one, much success" only causes niggers and foreigners to be attracted here. Houston keeps getting more and more niggers and foreigners because of "muh jobs". We're losing our state slowly, success is killing us.



Been unemployed for months.

There's no fucking work.

We need a solution to carpetbaggers. Should we make it to where you have to take a state citizenship test in order to prevent them from fucking over our state elections and to a greater extent federal?

The only multigenerational whites in FL are the white trash in the outer suburbs of Tampa.

Yeah it sucks. True Texas still exists though, mainly in the panhandle and rural areas outside of the cities.
Dark times ahead, friend.

>married to white girl
>gringa sucks me

Yeeeeuhh boyyyyyy

>What's the plan when Texas inevitably falls blue?


I hate all the Muslims I see in Houston now. Sometimes I even see people with burka shit on. It's disgusting.

So true. I would rather just go to the beach. I'm in Ft. Myers.

Hoh boy

Consider going back to mexico?

Too easy in the age of Google.

Lots of stated require multiple years of residency and a parent currently employed in the state to get in-state tuition. That's a good start.

Good, that way they won't larp as Dominican like you do, stay there, don't teach your children Spanish.

Never come back.

Did you know that we're the only state that has any sort of state history classes in school (as far as I can tell, not a huge sample size, but I know that Florida doesn't, and my wife didn't get Georgia history). What was it, 4th and 7th grades?

We get everything except NFA, silencers, and SBR's
They have several Barretts on the wall of my local gun store

Stay the fuck away from Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. We're full.

>Consider going back to mexico?

Fuck off nigger.

Am Anglo

>Stay the fuck away from Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. We're full.


Are you saying Texas is the only one or Florida?
If the former, that's shocking, if the latter, I learned about Texas and loved every second

> stable
If only you know how bad things really are
Besides our growing industry/economy, there are no redeeming qualities here
Migrants are only going to make our terrible cities worse, and our stupid giving boomer politicians won't do dick to stop them
On top of that our pension system is fucked and our education system is about to go bankrupt
Our outer shell might look nice, but things are fucked here
T. Intern for a state senator
Pls go, I just want Texas to go back to looking like king of the hill

I'd welcome more Saudis if we could kick out chinese nationals on a 1-for-1 basis. .

I would like to have seen Montana

Probably up in the Panhandle, too

Maybe you just suck and deserve to starve?

We're already dealing with influxes of Californians who left the state because it "got too weird" and they're destroying these states.

Kind of have to keep going down there user, mom owns a business and a ranch. Keeping that shit in the family.
>see you at the all inclusive resorts
>still gonna keep going back

Texas is the only one


Dude the chinese nationals will mostly leave on their own, those Saudis are here to stay. I'd trade the other way.