What will you do when your little sister comes back home from freshman year a marxist? How will you combat the brainwashing?
What will you do when your little sister comes back home from freshman year a marxist...
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Thanks to jewish laws we can't beat women
at that point that is the only thing that would fix her
Cum deep inside her.
or when she comes back a man
>letting a sib go to college
you dun goofed
make her live up to her beliefs: take her stuff without asking, eat any food she buys for herself, etc...
when she whines, tell her she doesn't own anything, that it all belongs to the people, and you needed it more than her. %-)
Mandatory throwing her the fuck outta the window.
But then again, my little sister is the best.
She was a tiger yesterday.
I'd smash and than report to my parents. She will be disowned withing a day.
>little sis coming home looking like antifafu
A man can dream, user
well first you should ask yourself why you're still at home when your "little sister" has at least left home for educational purposes
then you should realize that your answer involves the kind of socialistic principles that you decry
and then you should ask your sister to educate you??
She is ugly and Antifa kys fagglet
Drop her off in the hood with no cell phone and tell her to find her way home.
Dick deep inside her like a true anime protagonist would
I chat with my sister almost every day. I'd be linking her pol threads if nigger dicks weren't spammed here, but she gets a QRD from me anyway.
The trick to combating the brainwashing is having a good relationship with your siblings.
Who's Zed?
I bet none of you even know the first thing about Marxism...you just shun it because you have all been so blue pilled by American government into believing that any ideas that threatened the agenda of major corporations and the capitalist systems, is inherently evil and flawed. Almost no one knows that 98% of Marx work was actually on Capitalism... He was one of the firsts economists and philosophers to critique capitalist systems, even before he was a socialist.
Fuck the section of skin where her socks cut off is absolutely disgusting.
this sloppy bitch can't even find a pair of matching socks?
Send her to cuba ... let her live the dream today,
where is she now brahs?
Damn you're right, I've never heard any of the pro marxist talking points before.
>turns on TV
>Le Current Year man is pitching Marxist philosophy to his seal audience for the 100th time this week.
>A threat to the corporations
That's grand
Slap the bitch and disown her.
>satan digits
Get thee behind me commie devil
Zed's dead, baby. Zed's dead
Marx was naive. Claiming that class is what separates us, not religion, nor gender, nor race is absurd.
Humans will always have an outlier. A group of people who are different and create friction.
Equality is earned, not enforced by law.
His understanding of capitalism is enlightening though. There's no argument there.
But his solution is retarded past "seize the memes"
>letting your little sister go to college, ever
Hahahahaha you absolute cuck.
>rich bitch
>LARPs as commie
Colleges don't produce Marxists. You just call everything you don't like "marxist" because you're fucking stupid
If one year at college turned her into a marxist then she had no hope to begin with.
Put on blackface
Break nose
fuck her
You've never read anything by Marx. You literally don't know what you're talking about at all. You're an idiot.
It's proletariat-vogue.
Dress like you're from the poorest classes of 1950's England, in hand-me-downs and leather school shoes.
You don't understand Marx at all either. You're stupid. Stop being so stupid.
post rare augusts
Tie to chair and give her a 6 hour history lesson.
>You're stupid. Stop being so stupid
Wtf I love communism now.
chicks love dick give her yours and she'll take the pill
Plant coke on her
I just found out my wife is preggo with my daughter. How do I into good male role model for a woman. We already have a son and I’m not worried about him but idk how to raise a girl
>the Socialist utopia is always ten million more murders away.
>How will you combat the brainwashing?
my sister was a hard line marxist until she get a good job with a good salary. now is only liberal.
If equality is earned, than capitalism is not the best system for the job. People work their whole lives, black, white, jewish, whatever, 40+ hours a week, only to find they don't have enough... I think we've done enough to earn it. The reason we aren't getting ahead, or can't seem to catch up, is the intrinsic system built within capitalism. Unless you are owning or investing capital, you will always have to be taken advantage of, producing more for your boss than you are getting. It's all pretty well laid out by Marx...
Of course we all have differences, especially within culture and religion, but I think the bigger problem at hand is the vast amount of income inequality that has been hitting us..
My sister (16) wants to join the army then become a cop later. She's also moderately religious. I don't think she'll become a Marxist any time soon.
she has a cyst on her eye from all those salty tears
there you go... her cousin's account... mostly pictures with her:
With a bullet. She would be terminally ill with Marxism. It would be out of mercy.
That's just the inevitability of of "capitalism". The bottom 90% receives a wage increase that barely reflects inflation. Meanwhile the top 10% have enough money to influence (exploit) politics and markets.
Socialism works, but if it means I have to work for mohamad, juan, and tyrones parasitic nature then they can fuck off.
Even if the system is changed you're still fighting globalism and the dual-loyalty of the jews.
Argue with her to the point of her leaving in frustration while I laugh my ass off. Mocking someone's stance is more fun and effective than having a reasonable debate when it comes to changing one's mind.
What do you mean, work FOR mohammad, juan and tyrones? One thing the west never tells you, is that in real, marxist socialism, not what china and USSR accomplished, the workers OWN the businesses. And with income and education equality, Juan, Tyrone, and Mohommad will become a lot more tolerable. Right now they are obnoxious because they are struggling and angry because they know they are being taken advantage of... and we do to.. The Rich like to make us fight each other so we dont team up and take control for ourselves.
you fucking rock, thank you. I missed that one.
When I say working for them, I mean they are quick to fall into the lowest class of society. A class that lives off the welfare of the government (my taxes pay for this)
>education equality
We need segregated education, not a racist system, but one that's tailored to groups of people. Their racial and cultural differences are what's making them under perform in our system.
Or we can white wash them and destroy their culture in a generation or 2.
>they are being taken advantage of
There are more poor white people in the US than poor black people, and they're not as angry. Everyone is being taken advantage of, it's just more white people are able rise slightly above the poverty line.
They'll still be angry and obnoxious in your utopia. You will see more success in certain races/genders, and that will create division.
Equality is a shit value, people that are different will bring inequality if they are free
it's too late for mine. she never became marxist, sjw, etc. but she burned the coal and is in the process of paying the toll.
Marxist or not, I'll still have sex with her
Communism, real communism like you say has not been tried because it is impossible.
I agree, a utopia where everyone is equal cannot exist due to human nature, there is always a balance of power from strong to weak and it is constantly shifting. Strife and conflict is at the core of human history, that's what the lefties, the hippies, and every other deluded fool seeking a paradise of equality will never understand.
if they don't go to college, you don't have to worry about them becoming marxists in college
Per capita, there are much, much more poor black people than white people.
In my utopia, and literally all societies, big and small there will be divisions. Even small communes in California based on absolute equality of just several individuals soon found some where more "equal" than others. You can't remove all divisions and inequality, but that damn sure doesn't mean we should just say "fuck it" and instate Laissez Faire... or give up on spreading ideas of a better society.
According to Marx and Engals, Communism has always meant to be a far off form of government after long-term socialism has been implemented. And again, I mean real socialism not what the USSR or China implemented which is more accurately called state capitalism.
>Right now they are obnoxious because they are struggling and angry because they know they are being taken advantage of.
They are obnoxious because they are culturally and physiologically different..inferior actually. You probably think you are very smart but how is it that you know nothing about what evolutionary biologists have said on the subject for centuries now?
>Per capita, there are much, much more poor black people than white people
Twice as many actually. Not much, much more. And that's a useless metric. If you had 12 Benzoslavaneze and 8 of them were in poverty, would you direct all of your resources to help 8 people?
There are more poor Whites in America than there are all blacks in America.
And a real socialist society is not a far off, utopian idea. It is a form of government were the working class owns the means of production, and it doesn't have to be through the state. it kind of gets to the root of the problem with inequality. If you are interested, look into worker co-ops.
What evolutionary biologists have said blacks where biologically inferior? Please provide a source.
Is Pulp Fiction redpilled? Among other things, Bruce WIllis mercilessly slaughters a few faggots.
It won't work, there needs to be a system of authority, or else it will fall into chaos. You also assume everyone will remain equal and no one will try to usurp power. Just look at human history, there have always been kings, presidents, pharoahs, emperors, ruling bodies, leaders and followers. This is not a matter of politics but human nature.
Poor white people are out performing poor black people in the same education system. Also IQ tests are pretty unbiased.
It fixes economic inequality, but humans will never have social equality.
All of the girls in my family went to an arts or liberal arts school in a big city. One of them is now a militant feminist who obvious never wears a bra to every family event. Another is now a lesbian. The third is the ultimate basic bitch whose entire life revolves around social media. She now has three cats, 35, no dating at all, and is an "event planner." The two girls not in college yet are being raised by their extremely marxist soyboy father and french mother.
The worst part? Grandpa is a multimillionaire businessman who put the entire 10+ grandkids through college for free. All art. Every fucking one.
Always wanted a sister, but if I had one and she went to college, the impression myself and my father built over a lifetime would make any dyke or numale unappealing
...of course socialism has people in charge....the workers have bosses too its not just chaos.... the workers actually hire the managers in most worker co-ops. People have thought of more systems besides the traditional capitalists one. It's just that we've all grown up believing that anything near marxism is evil... before WW2, socialism, anarchism (btw, traditional anarchism is a form of socialism, not what modern interpretation consists of) and communism was actually pretty popular and people where openly members.
They will always be niggers because being a nigger is a genetic trait, you lying commie kike filth.
GotDamn! That's too much. Fuck.
James Watson. Nobel laurate and discoverer of the structure of DNA. Google it.
IQ tests are definitly pretty biased... and if you wan't to base your whole argument of racial superiority on IQ tests, than we should all bow down to the master yellow race...
>Zed's my fucking pronouns, shitlord!
Give her Mercy
post more pictures of her aidzz
t. lethal
Rocks and a shovel.
we won't do anything but you should rape her to teach her a lesson in family values
>IQ tests are definitly pretty biased
It's a only a single metric, but it gauges problem solving pretty effectively.
You are timed to solve a puzzle, recite/predict sequences, etc. None of this should be influenced by culture.
Obviously I'm not talking about those meme "online iq tests"
Do you really not recognize a biological difference in the brains of our fellow races?
It's not about superiority. It's acknowledging that we learn differently, and therefore need to be taught differently.
Older sister is a Marxist with a nu-male bf. It is bad, and I've given up hope. Thankfully, she is politically jaded and likely to be a NEET despite going to an Ivy League.
Grant neither pardon nor parole. Shoot her. It is what socialists do.
I just sent a message with pics from this thread saying her brother wants to have sex with her and she should contact the police.
You would count yourself blessed if your sibling became this. My only brother decided to be a trannie this year and I know when I confront him I'll only push him away and we'all never reconnect before he kills himself. I WISH he just was a Marxist
fucking kek