ps fuck you norway
ps fuck you norway
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Help yourself you weakling
>some random MEP from some party (that doesn't even have power in its own country) said a stupid thing
>therefore this is official EU policy
I dislike the EU, but this is stupid as fuck OP
He is not a member of the European Parliament anymore. He is head of the SPD, who might form a coalition with the CDU/CSU in the Bundestag.
He is completely insane.
So he really has nothing to do with the EU at all then
He was former president of the EU-parliament.
The governments of the member states (particularly Germany and France) have huge influence of the direction the EU is taking. IF he could force this a goal of the coalition and if it would gain some support by other states, this will bring more centralism, less democracy and mean that Germans have to pay even more money to other EU countries. Absolutely disastrous.
He even knows that people are against it ("rising nationalism") and thinks acting against the people, will somehow help the EU.
>Martin fucking Schulz
If you are this ignorant about German/EU politics why even post ITT?
Hope the European countries have the sense to not let Germany anywhere near such power again.
asian women are pretty.
Resolutely swimming against the tide of history.
What's so bad about a USE? White people need to unite in the modern era.
Brexit proved stopping white genocide is a separate issue to the EU.
>What's so bad about a USE?
They already tride that. It was called USSR.
some people are immune to red pills
You realize the whole point of importing millions of rapefugees to EU is to breed a new pan-European
mulatto race for the new USE, right?
you need freedom
People like Schultz have tried repeatedly to unite Europe into a single state over the centuries. It always ends in war and genocide. Charlamange was the closest and he left behind a dysfunctional empire.
Their ancestors conquered England and made angloniggers civilized people. Now they suck niggers cocks.
What happened to white people?
>ps fuck you norway
Fuck you, shill. Always archive.
jeez look at that honker
Feels good