Little Witch Academia Moonrunes Thread

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is this the official cheatsheet used by Trigger?

Nope producer says she won't be releasing until probably end of the TV airing

it's a cheat sheet we've deciphered from one image.

>implying we even need the cheatsheet anymore

No. Just what a bunch of Sup Forumsutists can do with their free time.

this was from a guy from 2ch trying to decipher it when they saw us doing it.

this excites the neurons


Two images, last 5 are logical conjecture based on reading pixels from their textbook.


it would be interesting if actually we got the code all wrong somehow.

but then again, its problable we will know once the next appearance of those glyphs occurs.

>don't want to learn japanese

>but decipher an entirely new language because of cute witches

goddammit Sup Forums

The textbook was merely used to confirm an user's hypothesis of a looping sequence.

Has anyone written something out by hand in moon runes?

What are the moons on the side? Parentheses?

Fuck learning nip, just going to get good and shitpost with moonrunes.

>hundreds of posts about a simple substitution cipher
>all of this self-congratulation over a background visual device Trigger cared so little about they copypasted Lorem Ipsem boilerplate

Anons, pls.

So basically this alphabet is convoluted as fuck?

FYI the online generator is still using the old version of the font with the missing letters.

Sup Forums always shine when we work together

They will update when?

They are known, the looping sequence explanation means that the symbols for W-Z are defined in A and Z.

remember when the madoka runes appeared? there's always an autist a foot

Parenthesis yeah, but they're made up. Not taken from the anime.

From the anime all we have are A-Z and also the period is just a normal dot.

Notice there are 2 fonts in the OP. One is just the actual canon stuff, and the second font has some made up extra punctuation like parenthesis, commas, exclamation point, question mark, etc..

It earned us a much coveted AMA, seems good to me.

Maybe the attention it's getting will lead to Trigger putting in real secret messages.

This reminds me of those old alien language ciphers from Futurama.


Those were actually challenging, since they were corresponding to passages of Goethe in the original German

I don't think they care that much

Yes, Sup Forums did it first. 2ch was impressed.

>I'm impressed the westerners were able to decipher this so quickly. When they see something they don't know, they research it. That's why technology grew in the west.

Seems like we did user, pat yourself on the back, you've deserved it.

Welcome to Sup Forums.

Can't wait for more runes to appear in the anime,
rune posting will become a thing in 2017

So what does all that shit say?

Did Diana get all of it or what?

Why'd they make a coherent alphabet and translate actual text if it wasn't important. They could get away with gibberish if they didn't care.
Tattun confirmed on twitter that there are a bunch of texts they had to translate using this code. Also Trigger is withholding the cheat sheet until the end of the show so it must be important enough.

elevens don't give a shit about LWA. They're too busy fapping to Konosuba

>I'm impressed the westerners were able to decipher this so quickly. When they see something they don't know, they research it. That's why technology grew in the west.

In what thread they said that?

>tfw you actually did mildly contribute

this thread

Idk, word from the mouth of a translator user in one of the first translation threads. Like 2 days ago.


What if the moon cycle corresponds to some actual moon phases.

I'm trying to look it up but it's hard to understand. I wonder if there's some actual year/month or whatever that has this particular moon cycle

There's no waxing or waning tho

As they pointed out, it was probably easier for us because the English speakers already easily think in A-Z and a Latin-similar consonant-vowel relationship, in addition to some people who had a basic knowledge of Latin itself which made guessing "NON" etc much simpler. If they corresponded to kana and wrote out a relatively familiar Japanese phrase the Japs may well have beaten us to it, although many on Sup Forums are of course also familiar with kana.

I found the post using google translate because I still haven't learned jap

Only because only baka gaijin care enough about LWA to do it.

Now we have google to integrate to chrome

>Anonymous of the Valley of the Wind
This sounds really cool.
Why don't we have cool names too?



I told Sup Forums they wouldn't be able to do it because the moonrunes would correspond to Japanese.

Boy was I wrong. But we did luck out, seriously. Has nothing to do with intelligence.

all this monerune shit corresponds to the entire theme of astrology going on in the show

As somebody at the end of the last thread mentioned, there's no waxing half-moon. You'd have to either draw extremely arbitrary lines of where the "full" symbol starts and the "waxing crescent" symbol ends, which ought to give a noticeable effect on the frequency of those symbols in the pattern, or assume that the half-moon counts for both waxing and waning, which would probably fuck up the whole thing. Regardless of your resolution plan, wherever you draw the lines is going to determine how easy it is to find a match, coincidental or real.

I'm glad he corrected the nip, that could have been dangerous if someone else had been there.


It wasn't that hard to figure out it would be latin, since all of the spells are as well.

Don't set yourself up for disappointment like /vp/ with their alchemy theories for sun and moon

What's the point of fake translations like this?

I think the determining factor is that we're sitting here discussing Jap TV and a lot of people could easily go through all the hiragana/katakana symbols by rote, while the Japs are discussing Jap TV and may or may not know or care much about English/Latin.

it is actually a thing though, the constellation here is the big dipper.

excluding the one star that flies out because that one is chariot

That's just a screencap brah

>Luna Academy
wow what a deep connection you just made, i never would have guessed that the moon was important

Isn't that the little dipper?

Which anime board on 2ch are these screenshots coming from anyway? Don't they have like 50 anime boards?

then theres a shop literally called "ursa major" and the premium chariot card is being sold there.


>ursa major store
>right next to "awesome store" and presumably "restaurant"
Some imaginative names there.

there's also the fact that the ursa major is one gigantic constellation that includes the big dipper inside it.

What do they sell at Awesome Store???

Tattun can only translate so much stuff to latin

It isn't a translation, though.

the shiny rod and the big dipper both share seven stars too which is pretty neat.


whats more ursula's familar is named "alcor" which the name for another constellation

Ursa's clearly named after the constellation; the staff is supposed to represent it as well.

I want those cards so bad.


actually to be precise, alcor is one of the stars of the big dipper.

tl:dr theres a fuck ton of astrology themes

you know ursulas name could be derived from the ursa minor

I guess they're fresh out of awesome.

I want them badly as well

Why would she be? They've pretty obviously made Ursa Major her constellation.

I said "could be" but you're right. her name is most likely derived from ursa major.

Who the fuck would invent and actually use these moonrunes in writing?

does the user have the sheet where they figured out this? it's from episode 2

witches, duh

Witches, presumably they don't have to write them by hand.

You can just read this one by squinting at it. It's more lorem ipsum in a funny font

Mizar and Alcor are a double System (or quadruple but those two are the only ones visible). Alcor is kind of faint.

punchcard overlords?

a turbo autist

I solved it, everyone!

The real autists are the poeple who saw a bunch of moons in the background and believed a readable secret message was there.


>Voynich Script is shitposting and spam in ancient times

I knew it.

>spaces to differentiate words
>the witches clearly read and write them
wow much autism

Stop posting that because it's already a thing.



Weaponized autism strikes again.

I immediately recognized that it was Voynich script.



see It found a way.