Should she be celebrated as the ideal woman?

>hard line conservative
>family oriented
>comes from a God-fearing church family

I think all men should find a lady like Sarah Huckabee Sanders and marry her. It's the only way to save America.

Other urls found in this thread:

Dreddit sliders fuck off.

I think she's hawt...

she's the type of female you don't see much anymore..the type that raise men, not beta faggots

New alt-right thot.


Indeed. Too bad she's out of my league.

>those eyes
what did she mean by this

No one cares about the crush you developed while watching the evening news

This woman gives me a bonner like none other. I want to clone millions of copies of her and make a broad shouldered hulk-busomed brunette bombshell master race.

What matters is the inside. She's a conservative woman who puts God, Country, and Family before all. It's men like you who are simply looking for a good looking piece of flesh to fuck who are brining our culture down.

To meet the supreme reality with fear is no virtue friendo.

You forgot
>ugly as sin
Why such low standards user?

shut up sjw faggot

Hey I would...

Nu pol has proven their hypocrisy time and time again, just don't bait these faggots.

Yep, I would in a heartbeat.

Not even ugly, just kinda fat cause she had kids

>0% chance she'll cheat and cuck you
>100% chance she'll raise your kids and cook you some good ass food right before sucking your dick all night
I don't see a problem here

Fellatio is forbidden by Christ.

I would fuck the living shit out of that chubby hottie. Definitely a paramount in the chubby chaser community. Anyone with compromising photos of her?

>0% chance she'll cheat and cuck you
>100% chance she'll raise your kids and cook you some good ass food right before sucking your dick all night
>I don't see a problem here

Totally agreed.

I think we need to start pushing her into meme status as the ideal American woman. Any attack against that is going to force Dems to look bad.



How do we start it? I’d love this future for the nation
>tfw no brainlets either

I get the feeling that she makes a good cornbread.

Those eyes
Her parents were fish
Or her mom was fertilized by a fish
Definitely not white

I wouldnt fuck her with your dick user. no go upstairs and see what your momma wants for tea.

Chameleon eyes

So the usual twitter platform? any ideas on what could be the main reasons to promote her for the normies?

she's clearly a very fine american specimen

someone hit her with an ugly stick too many times in the womb

>promote her as a good role model
>leftists will resort to attacks on her appearance
>point out hypocrisy

>How do we start it? I’d love this future for the nation
>tfw no brainlets either

We need a good slogan with a picture and we need to push her daily press briefings as a brave religious mother fighting for America against a misogynist, religious intolerant bully media.

Shes ugly but id fuck her for being on our team


if her eyes were any closer together the bitch would be a cyclops

i've seen you post that gif with the same filename in two other threads.
Care to tell me what you're trying to do rabbi?

She is MILF as fuck, a little too old to breed a proper amount of children now though.

>so based her children look straight out of hitler youth propaganda

>implying you don’t want the mother of your children to put brown people into place like she does on the daily to their own faces
NPR has been reeeeeeeeing about her lately too
I wonder whose 18bn could be behind this post

This is a start.

I don't think I could get hard with those cross-eyes


Lel@lazy eye.

Now they will attack her over her lack of integrity because we know she literally has been hired to lie and evade topics. How can we turn this against lefties? maybe pointing out how that is her duty and her speech is being monitored from above (releasing responsibility) and pointing out how part of having strong motherly instinct is to care for her own as when a mother defends her little kid even though she know the kid misbehaved...then we point out how lefties lack duty, commitment and family values.

I wonder if she eats man ass


sorry about your deformed mother

Is there an image of her while not "at work"? I think it's important to promote her image as a mom and a wife

this. Maybe a pic with her kids and "The ideal American mother".


Please ignore the Soros shills everyone
Don’t respond to them even if the respond to you

Excellent point, leafbro. She is a hard-working person and she has a helluva wit, too. I love that lefty faggots immediately resort to insulting her appearance and/or sexuality. It's just another reminder that, when the time comes, there will be a lot of scum to hang.

Nah dude, I know plenty of righties that don't care about their families. Just power and authority from le bible


I wasnt shilling for Soros. Id make sweet love to her flobbidy pussy and put my man ass in her mouth. I love Sarah. Shes done an excellent job of silencing the faggot whitehouse staff media

Your dream job awaits you at the bottle depot.

Daily reminder she’s actually pretty kawaii too, but the only pics you get of her are from the media, who fucking HATE HER
Like, a lot

Beat it Cozy Bear!
Max Stierlitz was a friend of mine and you're no Max Stierlitz!

i unironically think shes attractive and like her voice. shes a smart lady.


She's brought out fetishes in me that I didn't even know existed.

The kike shills always make themselves known in these threads
>traditional, intelligent virgin women only!

I tried

>I tried

Not bad at all man

Are you insane? Fat chick with a mic is still a fat chick

This one doesn’t even need text because it’s so wholesome
The Pences are perfect
I wonder if their daughter has met a good guy yet. She takes her bunny with her places ;___;

honestly, I think she's pretty sexy desu

proof I can respect a woman not based on looks
I'd still hit it though

Nope. Still learning Japanese.

I think white bitches need paleo and intermittent fasting otherwise the white race will die.


shit follow the White rabbit!!!!!!!

thats not a woman its a moocow in clothes

this right here hahahahahaha

Good one, even the baby looks happier!

Okay, how about this?


>ideal woman for americans

color me surprised...

>mother of three
>not actually that fat
kill yourself leaf

if she looked like that irl it would much less offensive

you are missing the point leaf, we want lefties to attack her so we can point of how that is shallow and misogynist, you know lefty rhetoric against them.

>t. fat fuck

Fuck you fat niggers and death to all you australians

I dunno, man. There's just something...........unwholesome about her.
I picture her late at night, when no one's around, doing horrible things to small animals.

Poor girl, wandering eye sucks. A coworker has it, would be a 8.5or9/10 if she didn't.
I wonder if constantly looking at your nose would straighten that out eventually, you know, eye exercise.

Got a weakness for chubby plain librarian types. But she can’t wear purple anymore. That’s some serious Barney-tier shit.

they don't make enough of SHS, but yes she is my ideal woman.

See in this pic, with her focused on the "journalist", it looks like her lazy eye is gone.

Pose her as the a hot statue of liberty


>overused filename
hey rabbi, watcha doin


Being anti-american is the least jewish thing you can possibly do


God damn dude. Do you constantly steal other people's material or is this the first time? Go the fuck back.


I'm probably a bit older than you. I always picture Grimace from McD's.

She makes libtard women eat themselves up inside unironically. She uses it, twisting like a plumber on a plumber's wrench.

With her presence, and the things she accentuates, imagine being at one of these press conferences on drugs? Yeah. And how many Trump/America-hatting sold out f*cktard "journalists" out of the ones who give her false leading questions do you believe might be sober? Yeah. Once victory is achieved, she will become an unforgettable part of American history.

What do anons make of this?
This story has a few very interesting assertions, including the news that
>"Trump" was offered nearly a billion $ to end his candidacy before the election."
I don't think we'll see through the fog of war on some of this stuff before the fight is over.

7/10 would wifey. (I like big stronk womens)
My children would not be little soy boy manlets and she could watch two kids at once on opposite sides of the room.