ITT: Neuron stimulation


Other urls found in this thread:愛-奉文-x-聖子


106. I don't want your kisses, old hag.
2nd hint is also useless.

Aren't you tired of getting no replies in most math threads, algebraic topology-kun? Here's a pity (you).

if I say 7 will I be arrested


16/3=5, remainder 1
16/4=4, remainder 0

22/7=3, remainder 1
22/2=11, remainder 0

what is going on? am I being rused?

You should be able to solve this.


Like, you cant find any fitting answers? I think mine works 7/3=2r1

>too much of a brainlet to solve any of these

>divide it by...remainder
Why does nobody say modulo?

>divide it by an
divide it by ANY?
it's not really a problem if it was ANY number 1

I bet Sup Forums can't solve this.

2nd hint isn't useless. It discards any possible odd answer, like 15 (15 divided by 7 has a remainder of 1, but since it's odd, it has a remainder of 1 when divided by 2).

This means any even number which fits the 1st hint can be the right answer, like 22. It's still a very easy and dumb math problem, though.

I think you should read the second hint more carefully, user.


1:4 is red:area
1:3 is red:blue

oh shit, that makes the puzzle even easier

Gotta need to know if you're a boy or girl first before giving my answer.

It's actually not me this time. I actually take the time to formulate a novel problem instead of copypasting from Wikipedia.

its supposed to be written by kurisu, who is cis female as far as we know



Umm, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 19, 21, 22, 26, 28... fuck it, you can't be any older than 28.

it's 1:5 retards

Actually, I misread the 1st hint. It needs to have a remainder of 1 when divided by 3, 5 and 7 at the same time to satisfy the equation, not only one of the three. In that case, 36 is an acceptable answer.

It is? It says "an" odd number, not all.

I did misread it, I included 9 here 10, 19, and 28 are gone.

But dividing 36 by 3 wouldn't give a remainder of 1

actually it's 7:31

Threadly reminder that for every Keit-ai post a mod deletes, Kimi no Na wa gets an extra $100,000 on its gross profits.

Each square section in contains two halves one with all blue and one with two red triangles.

Blue = s*h
mixed = two triangles of height (h/2) and side s
so = 2 * (s)*(h/4) = 0.5 *s*h
making the other 0.5*s*h blue

each rectangle is 25% red 75% blue.

1 seems right

1 divided by 3 through 9 has a remainder of 1
1 divided by 2 through 8 has a remainder of 1


Can't work by that logic, as anything divisible by 6 would be divisible by 3


> tfw I made that pic
> tfw no one was able to use algebraic geometry to give an algebraic expression for the radius
>tfw the closest was some guy using trig to get an answer that is accurate up to 3 decimal places

Yeah, I was retarded. The right answer is 106 (because it's 3 times 5 times 7 plus 1), or 105 times anything plus 1.
And yeah, the 2nd hint was useless, since that will always be even anyway. I didn't think things through. Sorry.

X % 3 = 1
X % 5 = 1
X % 7 = 1

X % 2 != 1
X % 4 != 1
X % 6 != 1
X % 8 != 1

Therefore X = 106

106 % 3 = 1
106 % 5 = 1
106 % 7 = 1

106 % 2 = 0 (not = 1)
106 % 4 = 2 (not = 1)
106 % 6 = 4 (not = 1)
106 % 8 = 2 (not = 1)

Alright fellas time to sleep, 7:49 AM here

did you make the problem?
I also have no idea how to solve it geometrically


A million!

>did you make the problem?
That is what I said yes.

whats the ratio of the plane supposed to mean and are we supposed to take it as given that the pattern grows in wholes
if it grows in wholes then why does plane stuff matter

you only need one even and one odd to test for your answer, not all of them

>made that pic
the pic is the user attempting to use pixels, not the problem image itself.

didn't know if you made the picture or if you scribbled on it in paint.

nevermind, I interpreted it that way but if you take it literally then youre fine

you need to test it against all, else your proof is falsified

the context of age makes the case of OP meaning it that way odd

I made the problem. This should be clear from context.
No wonder Sup Forums has a rep of being the stupidest board with people like you around.


Already a thing.愛-奉文-x-聖子

ESL fag please leave and stay out.

>hint 2
>not get a remainder of 1
What does that even fucking mean, ffs. !=1 could be a remainder of 0, 4, 6, whatever.

>can't read between the lines
>calls other ESL
autism speaks.

But 16%7=2

You have to find the full set of all possible ages, that's what makes the problem challenging.

You don't need to explicitly write out the evens. You can prove that with other axioms.

In other words, it is impossible for (x mod even) == 1 iff x is even

I hope I didn't dyslexia that up


plz tell me you can make a kawaii equation with proper notation

answer is yes

He's right though, neurotypical.

Hang yourself out of Sup Forums.

stick the pen in kevin's arse, christina

I trust my instincts

don't cheat on okabe :(

Shouldn't this get the same ratio between red and blue?

I tried.

I want to be violently fucked by maid Rin for 24 hours.


Threadly reminder that for every Keit-ai post a mod deletes, Kimi no Na wa gets an extra $100,000 on its gross profits.

Stop posting that because it's already a thing.




Is the circle in the top right meant to touch the right edge of the square?

N % 2 != 1, so the number is required to be even.
N - 1 = a * 3 = b * 5 = c * 7

N - 1 is odd, and the numbers on the right are odd, so logically a, b and c must all be odd.

Additionally, all these numbers are primes, so no common divisors exist. This means that the first possible number is 3 * 5 * 7 + 1 = 106.

Next valid combinations are d * 3 * 5 * 7 + 1 for any odd d:

As the set of odd numbers is infinite, this means there are infinite possible answers to your question. Please come with an actual solvable riddle next time.

Nice samefagging, shit-for-brains.


Thanks for the (You) retard.

This is actually really easy, you just have to look at the four circles in the upper left corner
r = a/4(1+sqrt(2))

No, hold on, upper right circle isn't touching the edge of the square. I assumed it was a trick question.

This is just a guess, but I think the answer is: (2 - sqrt(2))/4

Don't ever fucking reply to me again.

The tessellating element is a rhombic tile consisting of a blue central hexagon and two red diametrically opposite triangles contiguous thereto, which has a red to blue area ratio of 1:4. Presumably your mistake was in thinking that the Star of David figure is the generating tile, which would be in error since the tiles shouldn't overlap.


It says that the pattern continues along a plane, means it will go infinitely.
When it goes infinitely, then the ratio of red against blue will be 1:1

>there are people this stupid on Sup Forums

All these brilliant minds and still jobless.
Math is useless Logic is useless Science is useless
Sales/Marketing is the hotshit.

I meant to say 1:4 is the ratio of red to the total plane area.
I am assuming a very standard assumption where the ratio at infinity is implicitly taken to mean the limiting behaviour of the ratio (red area in consideration):(total area in consideration) as the total area under consideration tends to infinity.

Stop posting Keit-ai because it's already an anime.


I wish I could solve this inside her tight cunt

Already a thing.愛-奉文-x-聖子

>Sup Forums
>brilliant minds

I'd marry any old hag if they look like Kurisu at age 106

top kek


I fap to these.

14 small red triangles, 6 make a hexagon.

there's 14 red triangles and 48 blue triangles