New waifu of the season?
New waifu of the season?
Other urls found in this thread:
>New waifu
What the fuck dude?
>I call everything a waifu
>budget megumin
Not when Megumin exists. Heck, Fuuka and Gabriel are better girls than her.
I think his emphasis is on "waifu of the season", not "new waifu".
Who is this crimsemon demon?
>waifu of the series
Those who use the word "waifu" in such a context need to die. Seriously, they need to explode. Die screaming. Fucking 情弱 not knowing the meaning of words.
"Waifu" is a social construct.
By having a strict and outdated concept of waifuism you are being prejudiced and oppressing people with attention deficits who can't hold onto a waifu for more than one season.
another one for my harem
I've waifued every konosuba girl
Next season I'll waifu the new girls
Sena superior
I want her to prosecute me.
>Seasonal waifus
Neo-Sup Forums everyone.
Waifu used to just mean a girl character you liked a lot
You faggots are the one that changed the meaning of it
End yourself you fucking failure
Lurk more.
>falling for the waifu meme
>seasonal waifus
fuck off
it's an continuation dumbfuck
kill yourself redditor
this fucking guy lol
Get raped.
please do not use the word waifu because it is degenerating towards women. use my favorite bishoujo instead!
i'm in agreement with this huge gitantic faggot here guys.
Waifu does mean favorite anime girl before useless NEET faggot take it seriously.
At least that's how it is when /l/ is still a thing.
drink bleach
What about seasonal daughters?
I would readily accept Yunyun's challenges with my dick.
>new waifu
Kill yourself
Why is she a loner?
How can you be this hot and be a loner? It doesn't work like this.
And for being elite magical race, they sure live like a fucking plebs, stealing veggies from farm and whatnot.
Everyone in the village is chuuni except Yunyun. She's a social outcast.
Also, Megumin's family is dirt poor.
The only people who are mad they can't have more than waifu never truly knew the feeling of having an actual waifu. The true meaning of waifu will come to you when you discover her.
This is why I love the seasonal waifu meme. These furious autists pretending to be oldfags just eat it up
To be fair only Megumin's family has to resort to stealing and begging for money. Her parents suck and would rather sell Megumin (and her sister) to a billionaire jerk like Kazuma than change their ways.
Would make for some great doujins though...
Marrying your daughter to a rich man isn't the same as selling them into slavery. And I think some mutual interest was established before the mother decided to try and force a 'mistake'
>seasonal waifu
I want to hug her.
pls delete this
I love dicks so much.
One could only wonder why she was so defensive about Kazuma and Aqua being left speechless when they heard their names. They look like a shit parents.
I don't sense any waifu quality in her. She's plain and boring.
I present to you, the biggest anti tsundere machine since Guy Jean.
what a fucking faggot
Fanfic fags, does Kazuma never try to recruit her for their group? She seems really powerful and useful. Is Yunyun already part of a group or is there a reason Kazuma doesn't want her for theirs?
Scumzuma truly is the best MC
All of the shitty tsunderes should be introduced to Kazuma.
She just hangs around because she has no friends.
Kazuma explains his not inviting her permanently along as 'something that never occurred to him' when she tags along for something in a later book. I don't think he quite realises how lonely she is until a bit later and you don't get the embarrassing slides scene in LN.
Also she is one of these people that are so not used to people they kind of overcompensate or don't know how to react to people. Like Sawako from Kimi no Todoke and then some
Thanks for the information! It just seemed weird but not seeing the slides makes sense.
Generic waifu
>pedo bait
>seasonal waifu
Are we just posting waifu from any show? If so Mako Mankansho. I just think she's cute and funny.
sure is reddit here.
Why do you say that? Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Maybe it is you with poor taste in waifus.
Nope. Chardis and VA is absolute shit.
>Hello everyone I started browsing 2 days ago please rape my face
best girl this season