OH FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OH FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah I noticed that during the Wray hearing today
Moloch BTFO.
it's all going to come crumbling down slowly isn't it
Sup Forums hasn't heard of this before? Some guy caught a PP exec bragging about their organ trafficking operation. There was a full blown SHUT IT DOWN MUH WOMEN'S RIGHTS over it.
How did they sell fetal tissue via the @foxnews app?
Political persecution, nice
Shut up you little bitch. You're going to prison.
>some guy
It was Project Veritas
I remember this, it seems to have been memory holed to a degree. The complete psychopathy of these people really threw me. The casual way they talked about literally tearing out babies with forceps and selling their parts. It's outrageous what they do. They even sell little boys foreskins to make 'anti aging' creams. Our society is so sick and satanic.
I thought it said Planet Fitness and it only sounded a little weird. That's how unsurprised I am these days.
>via the @FoxNews app
Prepare for a sudden surge in black single mothers of 9
We will resist, we will overcome
Fuck yes
almonds activated
Selling dead baby parts = politics eh?
I thought this was common knowledge a decade ago.
Yeah I mean I don't really like abortion. I don't think anyone really does but if it goes away who takes care of all the unwanted black kids? I mean seriously the black population will explode and they aren't going to be brain surgeon Ben Carsons. Most people who get abortions are drug addicts, underage, uneducated and poor with no hope of ever holding a job
>I don't really like abortion. I don't think anyone really
You haven't yet realized what we're up against. "Progressives" don't hit a goal and celebrate, they hit a goal then go for the next one. Now that abortions are legal they're pushing for schools and programs to make them desirable.
Praise Kek
I understand but conservatives typically raise conservative children and teach them abortion is wrong. Leftist kill off their own offspring like rodents that consume their own young
Need to take away the welfare incentive to have more kids out of wedlock. That shit will stop cold when the gravy train comes to an end.
Planned oarenthood is a temple to moloch.
Hopefully it gets closed down
Kids always rebel. Cities are filled to the brim with people moving there from flyover states to have a more "exciting life". Ever notice how liberals only ever give a shit about cities, controlling academia, and illegal immigrants?
It's almost as if all they care about is a fresh supply of someone else's kids.
>Sup Forums is one person
>right wingers equate removing a bundle of cells from a woman's body with sacrifice
You guys are fucked in the head. Seriously. Seek help.
Abortion is murder.
That is true that they want our kids. That's why you have to red pill your own kids young so they never turn. I've made it cool to not be a lib. My kids, nieces and nephews laugh at Libs and mock them. Kids are smarter then you think and if you give them enough info they do not want to rebel because doing so would mean becoming what they hate
You are a bundle of cells you absolute retard. If it is “her body her choice” why is she kill8ng something with different DNA?