Makes you think

Makes you think.

Evidence is a strange thing

>muh false equivalency
Left wing go to

Who cares what ignorant spectators think.

It's also problematic, you shitlord.

Unfortunately, this is what most of the internet thinks outside of Sup Forums.

make a fake girl account and start falsely accusing the guy of rape over and over on Twitter then maybe he'll understand, the stupid faggot

>Louis CK will never work again

Don't make me laugh, he'll make a comeback tour before the next election

I can't listen to normie shows anymore because of how blatantly ignorant they are yet feel they can say anything with authority.

Really tired of the “we live in a world where X, but Y happens” tropes.

Don't go on social media, then. Infested with this shit.

>Roy Moore was accused!
>how can you support him?
I don't know if people are dishonest or just legally retarded. Neither is good.

Now if you're a male if you choose to be a lib your whole world can be crushed by a woman deciding to make allegations against you. If you're right wing you're fine. I know what side I choose.

What'd Louis CK do?

>the left spent all their capital on witch hunts
>they can't do anything but concede when they're the target
We found their religion.

Jacked off in front of cornered women.

theres a difference between doing something and pretending somebody did something. pick your battles better libtards.

Trump has only been ACCUSED without actual proof.

Franken had proof and admitted it; Louis CK admitted he did it.

That’s a bad thing? Even as a joke?

>Trump has only been ACCUSED without actual proof.

And funnily enough those accusations all disappeared after the election.

Fucking idiot.

Innocent before proven guilty in a court of law no longer exists?

I think if you can prove that you are retarded you can get away with it. There's a picture book about it.

Wait, you mean, he cornered them and then masturbated in front of them?

you cant do that shit if you have money/fame/power.

That’s whataboutism

>Louis CK will never work again



The key to success is to tell progressives to eat shit instead of caving in to their demands.

Evidence is racist, sexist, homophobic, and Islamophobic.

End evidence and end proof! Make Lies Great Again!

Going around asking random women to watch you play with your dick isn't a great way to behave to begin with.

What I heard was it was in back of a comedy show and Louis walks to a room with that fugly italian chick and 2 other women. He asked to jerkoff in front of them. and he did the madman.

Another story I heard, allegedly, a female comedian caught Louis in a women's washroom massaging his sausage.

>this one guy got caught red handed and suffered consequences
>but this other guy who's been accused without a smidgen of evidence isn't in jail yet!

We claim to live in an enlightened age, and yet we still haven't progressed to when one accusation from a woman can ruin a man's life. 100% of the time.

The presumption of innocence came about at the same time as slavery.

The only person there that actually did something irredeemable was Woody Allen.

Only by pleb standards. The artist exists outside of community morality and standards.

Ck and Franken didn't do anything wrong. Franken made a stupid joke and ck exposed himself when he was in his hotel room. If you go back to a guys apartment it is always sexual in nature, if you change that rule. A bad path has been made for men.

"Innocent unless proven guilty" is an explicit rule exactly because some people live in the world where this does not hold. According to their logic, if you are accused, you have to either actively disprove the accusations or to attack the accuser. In the most extreme way this is represented in prison culture. If someone calls you a fag, you are supposed to attack the guy and make him defend the statement, otherwise you're indeed a fag.

Neither Trump, nor that other guy were doing it and were pretty much ignoring the accusations. This allows to continue pushing with the accusations.

I actually heavily agree with this, that works need to be separated from the artists personal life. But that's beside the point.

This fpbp

woody allen is talented and his movie SLeeper is funny as fuck and genius. Louis CK is a fucking degenerate hack

Actually that's when you could. For the current time you can't. I'm pretty sure scummy stuff happens even now but a lot more discretely. What's funny is women will have to start offering to put out even more when they can't get jobs.