Why cant we mix homogenize with asians?

Why cant we mix homogenize with asians?

I think genociding the niggers would be a lot easier if we teamed up with asians rather than be all bigoty and REEE WHITE PURITY.

Everyone hates black people so lets all team up.

idunno I'd be fine with it I guess

What do you think homogenous means

mix together. Asians are smart and productive.

So you faggots are ok with race mixing as long as it improves your own?
Motherfucking hypocrites.

Its mutual, Asians want our pretty eyes and extra light skin we want their cuteness and studiousness.

With niggers its one sided, they want our beauty when they have none.


Asians have nothing that I want. Maybe a low IQ mongrel like yourself could benefit from breeding a chink, so do what you gotta do I guess. The tone of this thread disappoints me, I thought this board was all or nothing when it came to race mixing.

T. Hapa

Mexicans are basically East Asian genes mixed with Europeans

Congratulations, you just invented Mexicans

That's not what it means, exactly

id racemix with asians as long as i get that wonton soup every dinner

Why wouldn't you want to improve?

My thing about East Asians is that they are hideous. They are ugly, short, and have bad hair. Also they are ant-like and do not have a sense of individualism or creativity or leadership like white people have.

There's actually a lot to not like about East Asians.

>Conflating nips/chinks/gooks with heart eating myan shitskins


If you don't want niggers mixing with whites, you shouldn't want japs mixing with us.

The same doesn't apply to chinks, because they are genetically inferior to whites. Japs are genetically superior to whites.

Asian genes are trash and devalue everything good about whites.


Half-asians will pretty much be the future master race anyway.

Exactly the opposite

> Memeflag
Fuck off

Why are there so many shill threads pushing for racemixing? Sage.


that isnt what its like, personally i like asian girls but i respect asian guys, theyd rather us take their woman than niggers

The thing is thats what its like for the perspective of a hapa (male). If the white male trys to raise him as a white kid the hapa will resent him. If he tries to say how good he is he will see it as microaggressions years later.

It is a problem not just related to hapa males, mixed kids all have there own problems as they rarely look like the parent, and as whiteness is the desired race they see it as they got fucking shafted big time by almost being white but looking nothing like the parent.

there are people who want to be black to have a bigger dick, being white isnt even that great these days unless youre already rich as shit or in a rich family. Everyone is going to assume you already for white privilege and have it made so you dont get any benefits from affermative action or racially specific social programs that blacks have.

Saying that your kid will resent you for making him an azn is like saying your white boy will resent you for not fucking a niggress to give him those extra inches and automatic alpha status.