Bryan Singer Sued for Sexually Assaulting 17 Year Old Boy


(sorry for not archiving, phone isn't working)

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Checked and bump


>on a yacht party

pls go on...

This faggot knew about the implication.

>poster is mexico where AoC is 13
Never change you glirious retards

>17 year old

Yes but everyone is coming out as a """rape victim""" now for easy shekels

>defending gay pedophiles

Pizzagate is fucking bullshit. I don’t know if you guys have seen the catalog lately but there is a reason nobody is talking about pizzagate anymore. It’s the same old tired shit over and over. The same images, the same talking points and I’m sure the same posters. Just fuck off back to cripple Chan and contain your pizza autism over there. We are onto new things like project cannibal. We are so close to laying the killing blow on the left while capitalizing on their hypocrisy.

Oh btw I reported this thread for spam.


>caring more about americans than his shithole
How goes the recovery since the earthquakes?

0.02 has been deposited in your account

Wha wha whaaaaaaaaa.

I shilled so hard
And lied so long
But in the end it didn’t really matter

>they broke me

Boku no Taco

just look at this face. do we even need a trial?

Pedowood's propaganda machine extends worldwide, massive faggot. The sooner it burns down to the ground the better for everyone.

I have been posting about this fucker and his connection to people like David Geffen countless times. Even fucking Buzzfeed did an extensive article(surprisingly good) exposing connections between him, Geffen and the convicted pedos of Digital Entertainment Network.


>I was only 9 years old
>Bryan Singer loved me so much
>I owned all his movies on blu-ray

Just hook people with the worst possible implications first. Lead with the carrot THEN beat details into heads.

>ask a serious question
>get yelled at
You bring tears to my kawaiinadian eyes

Nothing will happen unless you can get normies hooked onto it. Pol has no power

>rapes someone
>gets sued

Can someone explain why he isn't sitting in a jail cell right now?

Guessing this is why he was fired from his recent movie?

seems kinda old

I've shown a bunch of family members "An Open Secret", everyone knows this guys is a pedo

cool slashfic bro



Yes please daddy defecate into my mouth. Coat my thin asheknazi lips with your soft serve. I’m such a filthy cock pig piss on me and burn me with cigarettes. Take turns fucking me until I die from shock. Piss and shit on my corpse.

Meant for


From literally TWO days ago. Looks like this guy called it:

Can't wait for his origin story

Bryan Singer: First Ass

Arm yourself, a LOT of pedos browse pol, they'll start shilling this thread in no time if it takes off

The sweetest feeling in this life is dissolving innocence. Fragmenting purity brings us closer to the eternal ram.


Statute of limitations. Hopefully there are more in statute. This guy full blown pedo rapist. Violent.

From wikipedia 6:20 pm:
Bryan Jay Singer is an American film director, film producer, writer, actor, an accused statutory rapist.

I have a pasta especifically about Singer, are you(or anyone else reading this) willing to help spread it and turn it into memeable material? Making carrots, that is

"BJ" Singer. It fits.

I wanna know when Schneider is falling

Piss and shit in my mouth raaaaaaaa, hail Satanahhhghhhhhh

Let's have it.

bump for pedos hanging

This is incorrect. It's more believable that pedos would be helping pizzagate as much as possible as it would keep suspicion away from themselves.
It's a cover. And pedos would stoop so low as to betray a child, what's keeping them from selling eachither out.

Probably sooner than you think. Everyone who is into this creepy shit in Hollywood is gonna get got

Sup Forums called out Singer months ago. as usual, we were right again.



17 is legal in California. And most of the world if mI'm not mistaken.


The legal age for male on male is 18

Age consent California is 18. However, this is a force fear rape charge.

That doesn't make sense.

hello kurt. having a bad time?

I'm not talking about the charge. I'm talking about people ITT using the word "pedo" mistakenly.
Pedophilia requires prepubescence.


> Secret (An Open Secret - movie about follows five former child actors who fell victim to sexual predators while trying to make it in Hollywood. Among the accused are Marc Collins-Rector, Chad Shackley and Brock Pierce, the infamous co-founders of Digital Entertainment Network - a studio that AMASSED NEARLY $100 million in investment from the likes of David Geffen and Michael Huffington, but which is perhaps best known for throwing raging gay Hollywood parties. Only later did it come out that dozens of teen boys were sexually assaulted at these parties, some of them at gunpoint.


> Running his business out of a Los Angeles mansion, he and his two business partners - his boyfriend at the time, Chad Shackley, and former child star Brock Pierce, who is now a board member of the Bitcoin Foundation - hosted lavish parties attended by Hollywood's gay A-list. Their guests included relative newcomer BRYAN SINGER, now the director of the X-Men movies, AND LEGENDARY MEDIA MOGUL DAVID GEFFEN, BOTH OF WHOM WERE INVESTORS IN DEN. It was at those parties that Collins-Rector allegedly sexually assaulted half a dozen teenage boys, according to two sets of civil lawsuits
> Geffen's attorney, Bertram Fields, forcefully denied Pierce's allegations [...] On multiple occasions, Fields threatened to sue BuzzFeed and its reporters
> Collins-Rector believed there was someone who wanted to take his business and possibly even kill him: Geffen, the billionaire Hollywood power broker.


Notice how they're all leftists.

hey wait I legit know this guy lmao

>feels good knowing people desu

This is why you carry a piece with you in Hollywood. You can't be a male hooker twinkfag and take things lightly.

Some folks said Schneider is linked to some really powerful people, but that info is not on wikipedia or anything like that. Miranda Cosgrove was allegedly gonna come clean about it a while ago, but they sent some lawyers to have a talk with her. Someone as famous as her needs to talk about this stuff for it to really blow up. Angelique Bates was more open about it, but she's virtually unknown to the public. Amanda Bynes could also say something, but she conveniently had those chimp outs, so hardly anything she says will be taken seriously

Lawmakers believe that anal sex should be 18 because the people participating need to be knowledgeable to not get hurt. But penis in vagina is ez mode so that's 16 cuz how hard is vaginal sex lol

Sup Forums's only purpose is bringing the info to normies user, the board is way too compromised for actual research to take place, that happens in other platforms.

The problem with people coming forward on Dan is he either has NDAs or blackmail tapes

If I was in that situation some one will be missing 2 testicles. I have teeth. You can generate more force with your teeth than your hands.

Rupture a gonad or 2 and whats he going to do? Hit me?

He's teetering on the edge, all it will take is one more twink to #metoo this story and Singer is toast.

i thought someone was burning hollywood down? that goy is my hero.

>be on yacht
>bite balls
>receive oral from fish at bottom of water body

Can people here pls find winnipegers from Canada and send them these

Yeah but, teen preggers ain't a risk with buggery so.

Of course he's being taken down for a 17-year-old. Certainly not for the under-14s he was clearly hanging out with in An Open Secret.

I understand that we're never going to get all these bastards on the charges we want, but compromise, even in draining the swamp, fucking sucks.

Notice how Nickelodeon has bought out Schneider's Wikipedia page for the next two years so that no one can edit it? I wonder why that is.

how does that guy still walk around when his fetish for underaged girls and feet is well-publicized

>At that time, Harvey Weinstein approached Emma and thrust his body on her. Harvey Weinsten then forced Emma to the ground, shoved Emma's face to his crotch area and demanded Emma suck his cock. Harvey Weinstein pulled out his cock, smacked Emma in the face with it and jammed it into Emma's mouth. Emma pleaded with him to stop, however he continued to force Emma to deep throat him, causing Emma to choke.
>Harvey Weinstein threw Emma onto the bed, pulled down Emma's panties and licked her wet pussy. Emma pleaded for him to keep going.
>Harvey Weinstein then forcibly assfucked Emma. Emma moaned in pleasure and bit her lip.

I reported this post for extreme illegal cuckoldry



It's all crumbling down around me

hang them all. hang anyone who gets in your way. hang anyone who defends them. hang the censors and propagandists and write a children's book titled "Your Parents Work For Pedophiles and Daddy Needs A Raise."

Fair enough. In California the child molest statutes start at: "under the age of 14." So, to your point, people could be accused of being heavy handed.

Of course they have ties in bitcoin.

Can't pay the pimps of your under age sex slave with credit

>please stahp
>no please
Why didn't he just kick him in the balls?

Who thefuck is dan?

NDAs dont mean shit in a world without rules.

It's not nearly as hot when they keep using the person's full name like that.


Hugh Jackman will fall soon

You think he is straight with that hag wife of his?

I cant believe this guy has a wife. At least just admit you're a flaming faggot

The saddest words of tongue and pen...


Oldie but goodie

You fucking little moron. There's no minimum age for rape.

Sounds fake. What kind of 17 year old boy gets manhandled like that and takes it with no resistance? Bryan isn't even that big, most guys would at least stand a chance at being able to defend themselves.

It does. Hopefully more will come out when they see that the first ones didn't get whacked. Like with Spacey, so far people just know about some rapey thrusting, when there's much worse.

They're both Epstein Island regulars, so I hope this means the feds or whoever is stirring all this up are back to that investigation, after it was dropped and Epstein given a slap on the wrist.

He was on a yacht. Where the fuck was he gonna escape to after?