Should convicted felons have the right to vote?
Should convicted felons have the right to vote?
In Finland they can vote and run for office.
It would depend on the crime in my opinion, a political motive should be forever disbarred, a serious gun offense and you should never own a gun. Otherwise fuck no, how does that even make sense to take the right of a vote away from someone?
They would all vote democrat!
No blacks should have the right to vote.
>Should convicted felons have the right to vote?
I don't see why not. You being in jail doesn't change you being a citizen in your country.
Maybe if given more than two options they wouldn't vote Democrat?
If they've done their time, I think so. But, that said, I think we should be executing far more felons than we are. Violent crime that any jury finds reprehensible, or any shitskin on white violence at all should be eligible for the death penalty. Once we've enacted those policies, I say we let the remaining felons vote once they're released.
After 5 or 10 years your civil rights are reinstated in some states. I've been voting for the last 20 years. And owning guns.
And I've never voted Democrat
depends on what they were convicted for, in my opinion.
cuck, criminals already have too many rights.
convicted criminals should also be banned from starting a business and having a drivers license.
we should be heavily restricting criminals freedom outside of prison.
anyone who has spent time in prison should be banned from associating with peers for 10 years after release.
>only free men, prisoners are not free so no
How does it make sense to take freedom away from someone? How does it make sense to take the right to live away from someone? How does it make sense to take the right to make medical decisions about your body (e.g. sexual offenders being chemically castrated) away from someone? Your argument is gay as fuck.
>t.statist cuck
>oh no this guy said something bad about muslims
>lets take away his voting rights, business rights and driver license
Only if they vote for the god emperor
Considering how many innocent people are in jail in Murrica and how corrupt the entire prison system is, not letting them vote for their rights is pretty brutal.
>get wrongfully condemned for life for a minor crime that you didn't do but the law enforcement is corrupt and/or not competent
>get sent to a "penal facility" instead of a "correctional facility"
>mistreated by corrupt prison guards
>get punished for in-fighting when you get attacked by other inmates and you're just defending yourself
>paroles ignored
>raped by nigs
>one candidate promises to fix these issues
>can't vote for him
>normies don't give a shit because prisoners are all bad people who should suffer for one thousand years
Too much of a slippery slope as "criminal" can be anything.
Felons should be reenfranchised once they've served out their sentences and are off parole.
Yet nobody should vote if they pay more in taxes than they receive in welfare. No taxation without representation - no representation without taxation.
Yes. It's a right.
Great way to keep petty criminals criminals for Life.
I don't agree with any of your positions, I wouldn't advocate any of that. I guess I'm gay as fuck
>criminal can be anything
>Too much of a slippery slope as "criminal" can be anything.
shouldn't that mean that they indeed should have the right to vote?
Other things felons have to forgo when convicted of a crime are also rights, so that's a terrible argument.
Generally speaking, only taxpaying citizens should be able to vote.
FUck it( why not?
>condemned for life
hey dumbass, you wouldn't be able to vote anyway.
>convicted felons given right to vote
>every democrat candidate promises more lenient prison sentences in their campaigns
if they can afford it
Felons who have carried out their sentence, yes
If you're free, you get your rights back
banning them from associating with peers is the best medicine.
laws like this basically stopped outlaw MC crime in australia (but chinese and arabs quickly took over).
>have all your other privileges as citizen revoked
>somehow voting should stay
>The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.
Voting (at least in federal elections) is a constitutional right for all except those actively serving a sentence for a crime.
after we federalize the death penalty and day of rope this bitch, sure.
Fuck them, they have obviously already been proven to make bad choices.
If they are allowed to vote they would absolutely become another degenerate demographic the left panders to, that is true to an asbolute certainty. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if the left starts seriously pushing for this. Prisoners will vote for people who will help them get out of prison and who will reduce their sentences, etc. Suddenly we are politically empowering the shittiest people in the country.
Yeah, wielding political power should be earned, not handed to anyone and everyone...especially not criminals.
the USA constitution provides that people convicted of "high crimes" loses their right to vote. the USA constitution does not provide that people convicted of "high crimes" loses their right to keep and bear arms.
They should not even be eligible for entitlement programs, much less be eligible to vote.
Where do they forcibly castrate people?
At the risk of sounding "Gay as fuck"....
>every democrat candidate promises more lenient prison sentences in their campaigns
What's wrong with this? We have the super rich and those on welfare voting for free money on the back of the middle class.
What did you do and how was prison? Did you shart outside of the mart?
Only after they serve their time
Run for an office
..thats crazy
>banning them from associating with peers is the best medicine
No. Helping criminals is what helps most. The countries with the lowest crime rates know this. The countries obsessed with revenge and punishment have the highest crime rates
Not for felons, lel.
They also don't have 13th Amendment protections. We can still enslave felons, in case you didn't know.
>"criminal" can be anything
True, but it's effectively been taking blacks out of the population.
>True, but it's effectively been taking blacks out of the population.
They have to get out sometime and if they can't provide for themselves they'll come after you.
Only crime that should effect anyone's political rights is treason.
It depends, if you are convicted of civil disobedience for lawfully protesting the government, them taking away your right to vote basically enables any government to stay in power by arbitrarily charging and convicting people of frivolous crimes.
Entrenching the right to vote is a protection from tyranny.
This would be true if democrats banned guns for example, then all right wingers would lose the right to vote and perpetual democratic government would ensue.
If you can't be trusted with the use of all of your rights upon release you should still be in prison or hanged until dead.
no vote FROM prison
after that yes
Cons can vote in Canada. I don't agree though. There has to be some kind of consequences.
What, you think they'll vote to legalize crime or something? Give them the vote
Why should there be any regard for their "right to live" if they don't have any for others?
Even black people like this?
No, that is not true. One can trust a person with some rights but not others.
>Should convicted felons have the right to vote?
They do in most states ya kno.
Yes, but not in the same year they are released. Too much incentive to blanket pardon people to gain their votes.
>what would the FF think?
What some people thought 300+ years ago doesn't have to apply today.
>no vote FROM prison
after that yes
Agreed. I think all civil rights should be restored upon release from prison, to include the right to bear arms. His debt is paid. If a man is such a danger that he can't be trusted to vote and own a gun after his release, why release him at all?
No. Never.
No nor should people on welfare
It's too scary to put that much power in the hands of the government. I think of things like hate speech laws for example.
If SJW's ever take the reigns of power again, imagine the possibilities when it comes to their views on what constitutes "hate speech".
Everyone on this board would be denied the right to vote in an extreme circumstance.
Maybe for certain crimes, yes, take away their right to vote but not a blanket ban.
I agree. It all depends on who The State is, and whether they can be trusted,
"civil rights" are a liberal code word for "degeneracy". nice try, shill.
>Should convicted felons have the right to vote?
just the white ones