Daily reminder that you will die not experiencing sex as nature has perfectioned it over millions of years, just for a stupid aesthetic decision u werent able to have a word of.
>inb4 I shower regularly
Daily reminder that you will die not experiencing sex as nature has perfectioned it over millions of years, just for a stupid aesthetic decision u werent able to have a word of.
>inb4 I shower regularly
Yep. I know, there's nothing I can do about it so I don't care.
>abusive Western boomer parents indoctrinated with 20th century cultural Marxism
>toxic diet
>broken culture and society
>no waifu or kids
how does a white man survive these times?
Haha fucking cutlets, when will they learn?
I'm already dead inside, jokes on you faggot
Question: Is anyone else ever scared their frenulum might snap one day? Should I rub antioxidant cream on it to make it the strongest frenulum of all time?
>Christiain (Not a very good one, oh well)
I feel like a fucking deity in these threads.
Whiney millennials. Wah . My dink' s short, girls don't like me, my boomer parents cut off my TURTLE NECK.
Suck it up. Be glad your gay fag uncle doesn't have to scape you schmeggma off with a wire brush.
Grow the Fuck up.
>implying modern empowered womyn are better than my pocket pussy
I've fantasized so much about my waifu that she actually visits me in my dreams. Just sucks to wake up sometimes.
>cutfags call a foreskin turtle neck
>counting foreskin as part of your dick length
>using that post as evidence of anything
I too can shotgun on tinder with anything written and get SOMEONE to respond like that.
Betas gonna beta.
>mfw cheating the cheaters
>>inb4 I shower regularly
>3-4+ shower days are based.
Do you shower right after sex? Ice fucking cold just get up and hit the shower after your done?
yeah, and then you have sex in the shower
Dirty Dick Dan trying to feel good about his smelly ass dick.
so you were just born, it's not been a long time since you first put your mouth on your mothers breasts, but you don't remember that, and soon you won't be remembering a lot more
so some Jewish doctor picks you up and straps you down to a plastic restraint.
of course at this moment you're already crying. it's not in your nature to experience the hard cold surface of plastic on your skin, nor is it normal for you not to be able to move around in such already strange situation, but it's okay, you won't remember.
so the jewish doctor picks up a few bladed instruments. your parents, who have the biological imperative to protect you, have instead offered you and paid this man to hurt you. after all, the Jew has told them this would've to be done sooner or later.
but the jew is lying, isn't he? of course he is. because whatever was going to happen later is nothing similiar to what's about to happen. remember, you won't remember, so it's okay.
I grown man, with an health issue, delivers himself willingly to a medical procedure, gets anesthesia, the jew comes and cuts a piece of his dick and places some stitches. boners will hurt a lot for a few days, but, hey, that's the price to pay for never being educated about your own dick.
a new born is different. you see, the new born wont' have the luck of anesthesia. he's restrained instead. it's okay, you won't remember. so the jew picks up his bladed instrument and start hacking away at your dick. of course it hurts like hell, more than any other place in your body. but the difference between a grown man and the new born doesn't end here. you see, newborn foreskin is still attached to the glans. in other parts of the world, as you grow the foreskin will slowly separate from the glans, but as an american newborn, you get the experience of having a jew ripping apart connected tissue on your dick.
of course such levels of pain and discomfort and torture would shaken any man, a newborn is no different, only differece is that he won't remember. that's important to remember, it's okay, if he doesn't remember. especially if it's a newborn we're talking about
of course such levels of pain and discomfort and torture would shaken any man, a newborn is no different, as his primitive fight or flight response kicks in, far from any loving touch and comfort, the newborn shits himself to try and repulse the animal that's hurting him. but it doesn't work, you see the jew isn't bothered by shit.
your dick bloodied red, your lower body swimming in shit, your freed from the torment they put in. you won't remember, so stop crying.
the parents are delighted to see you back. you see, in their core they know they just did some strange shit. they are just glad they have you back. so they pay the Jew for torturing their son, and they leave, the mother happy that her future daughter in law will thank her for cutting you.
and why?
well, no one really knows. a lot of people say a lot of different things, but one thing they all say is the same.
it's okay
you won't remember
which is cool i guess
you get to rape passed out chicks with your mutilated dick later in life, right?
after all, they won't remember.
Does it upset you that I am no longer trying?
Kinda. You get 1 life to live, mate. Make the most of it.
This has potential to be a pasta. Just need to replace the anti-Semitic bits with something less repulsive.
You mean ALL of his dick? I wonder where some of yours went?
I'm a Christian. This is not my only life.
They turn into genocidal psychopaths with the desire to burn everything to the ground.
And as a followup, making the most out of my life means sharing the Gospel of Salvation. Do you know Jesus?
>turtle neck
It's actually cold and uncomfortable sometimes. If the stretching regimen works I'll report back on how much comfier it is in a turtle neck.
Makes me cry, dude.
This is the truth. But women dont care. Just as they dont care about anything and anyone really.
>The black chick still wants the D
Does she have any sense of dignity fucking kek.
They'll care if they know how terrible the procedure is or that they'll have to explain their reasoning to the kid 13-20 years later.
i fuck dogs anyway, so nature's intentions aren't high on the list of things i care about
women behave like children
treat them as such as they will follow you
Overwhelming majority of men who still retain their foreskins at an adult age when they can actually choose circumcision for themselves choose not to get circumcised.
Only kikes or mutilated men in denial defend circumcision.
What, you mean most guys aren't like
>fuck this shit
>I need to pay Dr. Silvertein to cut this stupid thing off
>I can't get laid with it
>30 diseases every weekend
>goddamn cheese factory
>and besides I last too long in bed
>this SUCKS