Trump tax plan

Here is my last pay stub before i got fired. I also made $175.75 befor direct deposit kicked in. How will trumps tax plan help me?

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>i got fired
did you chimped out?

why are there so many niggers on Sup Forums all of sudden

I bought $500 of ltc at $84 a coin

Jesus how do you even survive on that? Your YTD is less than my takehome.

Government benefits. I want to know if trumps tax plan will take it away and give it to the rich

Goddamn I hope it does

I'd shoot myself if I made less than that in a day.

thank reddit

Why? Is it because you are racist?

You think Sup Forums is full of white people?

Considering that this is a white nationalist board, yeah.

No. It's because I think lazy pieces of shit like you shouldn't get a goddamn cent from the government no matter what color you are.

Reminder that if you're earning minimum wage for more than 6 months without
>training for a trade skill
>working for a supervisor/manager position at the shitty minimum wage job
>building inventory/capital to start own business
you have an IQ below 90 and really should be working in a field somewhere.

>How will trumps tax plan help me?
>Both plans cut income tax rates, double the standard deduction, and eliminate personal exemptions.

I hope it does.

Your taxes go to the FED which is run by jews just like the central bank of england.

You are being ripped off by Jews not Trump or any politician in america.


It means u b missin' tha 225.58 tax refund my broke a$$ nigga.

>Here is my last pay stub before i got fired.
Maybe you shouldn't have been a thieving nigger?

>How will trumps tax plan help me?
You actually have to pay taxes first.

Your taxes go to the jews the same way the jews sold all blacks as slaves and the crown run by the jew bank of england abolished all laws against slavery in early america so those jwes could become the 1% they are today and still keep you in slavery by taking your money as taxes to their FED which is NOT a US institution.

Let me be completely honest because I work with tons of people similar to you daily and I NEVER have seen someone working for that low. Just for your info, I work with people's wages for a state and we handle like 80% of the state's employees that I work in. Please answer me some basic questions and I bet I can get you a better job, if you are literally wanting it.

Answer these following:

Education (Highschool, some college, grad):
Prior jobs:
Current Job:
Other skills:
Willingness to work:

If you answer these honest as fuck, I bet I can find you a job doubling your income.

good job rabbi, make sure that goy pays their taxes to the jewish families who own the US Fed and created the IRS to collect their taxes for them.

How will it help you? You'll get paid. Now get off Sup Forums you soyboy faggot. and get a JOB!

posting a fucking inbred jew who literally married his first cousin and never invented anything.

goddamn thanks for cheering me up about my job, you are poor as shit. Why don't you learn a trade and make a respectable income. I get if you don't want to drown in debt to go to (((college))), but just go enroll in a welding program and make at least 30-50 bucks per hour depending on your state. When I lived in GA, working in retail, at my lowest point, was still $11 per hour before tax, surely you can do better. Go back out there and make something of yourself, this country is shitty but its still the best damn country in the world, even black people can succeed here, stop holding yourself back

eww non-white on Sup Forums

You're the same brotha from the other thread that's been trolling here for a while
Have a (You)

newfag detected

This thread is made by a Jew not a black person, its made to race bait pol using their sneaky jewish tricks to race bait and distract from the jews who are the one race we must all unite to destroy.

>nig got fired from his mcjob


No more gibs for you, Jamal

The tax plan only helps people who pay net income tax

RIP poorfag.
Get a real job.

>Willingness to work:

You did notice that OP is a nigger right?

Really if you can show up most of the time and not be a thieving drug addict you can get a job anywhere and make a middle class income. Those who are incapable of supporting themselves in modern America don't deserve to live in the first world.

You make so little that you don't wind up paying income taxes. Most of your money goes to social security and federal witholding (Not true income taxes)

Lol dumbass. LTC is a piece of shit. Utterly flawed design. ETH is pure fundamentals. It's a safer bet.

If you got fired from a job that pays a cuckwage, it means you're too incompetent to handle even menial labor. Forget the tax cuts. I don't think anything is going to help you, son.

Your fingers are tiny

Are you even old enough to work?

Make more threads about how the jews are destroying western society. This thread is made by JIDF to distract anons into wasting time posting here instead of learning the truth about the jews.

how would i know

shill detected

>I also made $175.75 befor direct deposit kicked in.
What are you on about? You made $198.24 before taxes. Do you think direct deposit is a tax or a fee?

You know how it say i got 3744.10 to my direct deposit. I was saying i was also paid 175.75. Direct deposit at my old job doesnt kick in until the second check

>you know how it say
Well you know some people don't think it be like it is but it do

It won't. You earn so little it doesn't even effect you. I mean year to date earnings gross under $5K.

All that tax you paid is owed to you in a tax return anyway.

Dude you need a better job. Learn a trade.

>It won't
>get a real job hippie

You don't pay taxes, Trump's tax plan won't affect you.

Your year to date is my bi weekly income(after uncle Sam gets his). Do you just survive in your mom's basement? Can you even own anything with that little?

You have to understand the mindset: work is merely a supplement to welfare.

This thread is made by jews and is as fake as the holocaust.

Ltc is the fastest and cheapest crypro to trade atm. Also you can buy it easy with usd

Can you even name what thread that meeting occurred in? Go back to re.ddit, you autistic fuck.

>a bunch of people defending coal burners
>a bunch of posts praising civicnationalism

really makes me think

I only worked for 5mos and a day before i got fired so i didnt get to make much.

The jews are keeping you as a slave today the same way they became the 1% by selling blacks in the past and getting the Crown to abolish all slave laws in the early colonies since the Crowns central bank was run by Jews who wanted to profit off slavery.


I hope you're 16 you're making shit pay. You won't even pay taxes in the first place at that rate. You'll have a $12,000 standard deduction which you'll never make at $7.75 working part time.

>You know how it say i got 3744.10 to my direct deposit. I was saying i was also paid 175.75. Direct deposit at my old job doesnt kick in until the second check
Well that $175 isn't going to make any difference at tax time.

I think you should look into finding something that can become a career and increase your earning potential. I'm not sure if self-esteem is a factor in this or not, but no one should be working so few hours or making so little in America. I've even worked with convicted felons who could get and hold full time $50k/year jobs.

whereever there are a bunch of white people having fun, niggers come in and ruin it

>I only worked for 5mos and a day before i got fired so i didnt get to make much.
Why were you fired? Do you think their decision was correct?

You don't have time pay any tax. Standard deduction will be 12,000. You wouldn't have to under the current plan anyway.

Where is the graph showing the differences in how much the jews get at the FED to fund Trumps destruction and the takeover of all American commerical companies like how they used americans taxes to buy every media outlet that jews now run?


lol wtf is that

Trump's tax plan will not help you unless i make the argument that it will give you better job opportunities. But at that rate, you would pay negative tax, i.e. the government would give you free money in form of an Earned Income Credit, basically they'll give you your social security tax back.

$7.75 Goddamn get a job doing construction or something

>Brown hand
What that is, is the product of illegal immigration, aka declining/stagnant wages Obamacuck-san.

the donald

If you got fired within 6 months of the last tax day, you can probably claim full exemption because you would fall under minimum income requirements.

should raise the minimum wage

Yeah 7.75 in my city wouldn't be enough to rent a tent in the homeless park.

that has nothing to do with the minimum wage

seattle had a homeless problem 2 years ago as well

it's foreign buyers driving up the market, vancouver across the border has the same problem

You stupid niggers know that rich people pay more in taxes in a year than you pay in your entire life, right? I have relatives who made 1.2 million in salary last year and paid something like 500k of it to state and federal taxes. The sum of all the money you ever make probably isn't going to be 500k and you're probably sitting around in your fucking dreamland thinking that rich guy is sitting around waiting for Donald Trump to hand him more money. You know why you're a poorfag wagecuck nigger? Because you're waiting for someone to do something for you and not going out and doing it yourself. Every stupid fucking nigger you ever tell that to they start in with the excuses. MANG YOU DONN KNOW ME, YOU DONNNKNO WHAT IM UP AGAINSSS! Bullshit. Why is it japs came here, we told them "work your buck toothed asses off on our railroads and you can make a life for yourself here, learn our language and adopt some of our customs, don't impose yours and be upstanding human beings and we'll get along just fine and they said "ok". We threw those motherfuckers in prison camps in the 40s and they still just said ok and went about their business and you know what? They're more fucking successful than you and all of your nigger and spic buddies ever will be because instead of sitting around making excuses waiting for someone to open the golden door for them, crying about the past they went out and made something of themselves.

They sure as fuck didn't settle for 7.25/hr wagecuck shit hoping a tax plan can bail them out. How did king nigger obama do for you faggots? You imbeciles elected him hoping he'd ramp up the gibs and he didn't just NOT help the black community, he took a big shit down their throats while they shouted for more like it was fried chicken. PLEASE MASSA OBAMA SHIT DOWN MY THROAT AGAIN!

Le 56% meme is not a meme.

>Here is my last pay stub before i got fired
>black hand

go figure

>people actually get out of bed for $7.75 per hour

Bought 100$ worth. Maybe I'll buy more later.

I thought minimum wage was like $10 everywhere now

No, because cost of living isn't inflated as bad as CA everywhere around the states.

I see Illinois state tax is utterly vomitous.