Minor Happening

White guy shouts "Nigger" around a bunch of college students


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Nice. He's a fool for trying to reason with coons though.

At least the cop was doing his job.

I gotta say that brought a smile to my face how he kept saying it matter of factly and every single time everyone freaked out all over again. Poetry.

Looks like he was arrested: rvamag.com/news/man-arrested-at-vcu-for-yelling-racial-slurs.html

He's a good man for doing his job. Not a nigger in my book.

Love it. He's 100% right.

It was for trespassing and nothing else, thankfully.

>thats not a nigger, thats a cop
He's a pussy.

Haha, alright supersoyan

Are universities no longer considered public? I don't think they typically have any kind of fence or border?

And it's not really trespassing anyway. He was just an undocumented student :^)

Too edgy for me

Him and your daughter will make fine based half nigger babies.

Clearly there were other blacks circling him
That fucking orange do-rag guy was priceless

I believe this is a private university

> He was just an undocumented student :^)


I went to this University, it is right in the middle of a ~60% nig city. No fences, no boundaries, super cucked

He's absolutely right. I admire the balls on that guy and also the sense of duty that police officer has.

>it's not really trespassing anyway. He was just an undocumented student :^)

Can someone post this on the YouTube video? I don't have a throwaway account

Go make one. All you need is a tosser email.

No, He's 56% white.

Anyone shit talking him, he probably has more balls than you do. Although shouting nigger in the US is a good way for a mob to beat you to a pulp.

This. He upheld the first amendment and protected rights guaranteed by the law. Respect those who respect the law enough to dedicate their lives to upholding the law.

If VCU is Virginia Commonwealth University it's a public research university located in Richmond, Virginia.

I think to be charged with trespassing there either have to be signs stating it's private property, hours of operation (such as at a public park), or when told to leave you don't. The lawfulness of being told to leave a public area is kind of vague.

Seems this is just a nuisance charge.

dude why do you need a throwaway for youtube? I've said so much shit on there against blacks, jews, gays, basically every "protected" group on the left and I've never received any action against my account. Like probably in the order of 5,000+ anti-left posts over the past 3 years

>shut up
>stop censoring me!
This guy thinks being told to shut up is censorship.

I use my actual name on my account

Shut up

shut up

That guy was a real jerk!
t. Norm

why would you use your real name for anything on the internet, are you stupid? Being from Sup Forums you should know first hand how people get doxxed. The one place in the world you can speak your mind you waste it

Me too lel
The comment section turns into a race war between me and niggers/cuck whites

The absolute madman

I don't say anything controversial really and I use it for other entertainment stuff.

a true ally..or shall i say /ourguy/

Imagine if the word just rolled off their back, it would have zero power.

The cop's face changed when he said nigger. He totally held himself back from punching the dude kek

He had to do it. Simon Gruber was threatening to blow up another department store.

Wow literally the best

you could be doing a small part in helping to spread the redpill, but yeah just keep entertaining yourself while the left brainwashes the masses

That pic is of an amerimutt

>he's trying to liberate niggers from words and make the word nigger no longer have any meaning
>"You're inciting hatred"
I guess niggers don't understand liberty

What white guy ? I only see a goblin.

niggers already have absolute freedom, they are above the law too
how many whites have you seen robbing a liquor store and how many niggers? you know I'm right

lmao this is what ya'll look like.

what a fucking nigger

bretty gud. This is what real activism looks like

Niggers are a burden

>not having six million sock puppets
Where were you in the Great Meme War, faggot?

>this is white in american standards

Ok guys, looks like white race saved. Glorious warriors defeated all enemies once again.

But to be honest, it is so pathetic, both this mentally ill guy and poltards who consider it happening.

Nigga he said the word nigger around niggas with durags. Niggas with durags are the worst type of niggers, even other niggers hate and fear them

I'm beginning to think that the 56% meme isn't just a joke.

Kids acting like they care about hate.

I admire that nigger cop for doing his job.
I might just let him impregnate my daughter in the future.

>using violence against the word nigger enslaves you
>seconds after a nigger tries to use violence

You're right. I think it may be time to change my world facing persona. I gotta get off Sup Forums for a bit first. Learn some shit about the world, and pick a new psuedonym

It's unbelievable on what thangs you guys will spend time on

Signed: der juden


> forget to choose meme flag
> makes fun of amerimutt

Drinking myself unconscious due to crippling depression

Dis be not how you reveal the power livel

Well that image doesn't bode well for the next 20 years in America

This. I realize that blacks are not ALL bad, but rather 95% bad. Unfortunately, when talking about who should be allowed in a country, that matters and eventually they will go back to the mean/average. Props to the guard, but it really doesn't mean shit.

What a dumbass, if he read this board he would know that universities are libtard central meaning dont even bother trying to change minds there.

We appeal to the employed population of America not the marxist drones.

Does anyone have the link to the video similar to this where another white guy is yelling out different racial slurs around a bunch of SJW college types, before he finially yells out "NNNNEEEEEEGGGEEEEEERRRRRRR" at the end? It was hilarious but I lost the link.

Why are boomers always cucks

Hes not /our guy/ though he's probably an anti racist cuck

This should be a non issue. They should just ignore him but no they give both the idiot and the word nigger power by treating it like some sacred thing. Fucking niggers

they want to be slaves

Just say nigger what?! every time a sjw says something.

This is like walking into whatever your upmarket suburban grocey stores are called and screaming "CUNT FUCK" over and over and then going haha u mad?



Isnt that how you say hello in kangaroo land?



I'm talking about the American context. The issue doing that here would be the noise. This guy with he sign though, he would be totally ignored here.

alpha as fuck

That's not a white guy, it's your reflection in your monitor glare. And you aren't seeing a goblin, you're seeing a Nigger.

dat nigga is like "nigga, wut is this, nigga? wat'u saying, nigga?gonna reck u shit, nigga"

Reminds me of this youtu.be/e27p4h2wyn0

Notice the nigger tier REEEEEEing every time he said nigger. You can sense the black infantiles are about ready to chimp out because they -literally- have no other way to process what is happening.

It's funny to see how people react to the word "cracker" and "nigger" differently. I want to murder them all. I want to murder them and bath on their blood.

>black man say nigger 10,000 times in three minute rap song, plays uncensored over children's radio

Nothing wrong, diversity is amazing!

>whiteboi says nigger once

Get the rope tyrone!


>Looks like he was arrested: rvamag.com/news/man-arrested-at-vcu-for-yelling-racial-slurs.html

Since when is yelling racial slurs illegal?

They'll get him for trespassing.

This Mann is a true hero.

What if I yell "I sure do love niggers" in public?

That was hilarious. This guy needs to go on tour doing this at different campuses.

That's how you do it.
Like old timers used to say
>take pride in your work, just a bonified black man, probably
and socrates had to drink the posion, some of us are bound for greater things.

Does his sign say "prevent nigga-mania"?

>Refusing to hate a person for being a functional member of society means you want to have your own society outbred by that person

Do you understand what a bell curve is, and why you're on the left hand side of it?

The way they end the video by slowly scrawling his name on the screen to emphasize it.. Cringe.

Why are liberals so hell bent on starting witch hunts over people who have an unorthodox opinion?

Discussion really must be moderated. The irony is that he and the rest of the students are likely on the same side of the issue but hate each other due to both being creatures of vanity.

All he's claiming is that words have no inherent meaning (which is well-established in most linguistics departments, so he's probably an undergrad) and that black people are actually kept under by responding to it.

This has been a popular school of thought since forever. It's why black people say it all the time, whereas white people are never supposed to say it - it becomes a term of socially-regulative power, rather than a word of denigration intended to subjugate.

Of course, would you really expect a group of claps to articulate that sentiment?

"prevent nigga moments"

It's a reference to the boondocks

Old white boomer bitching about it, ugh. I don't know how the greatest generation raised the 2nd worst.

Is that the one where MLK goes on his rant about seeing a bunch of niggers?


can you guys shitpost the comments more than normal?

the uploader seems really fucking annoying

VCU grad here. Dude is lucky he didnt get fucked stomped on right then and there. That police was fucking professional though. Good on him