Fuck, marry , kill

fuck, marry , kill

Good thread.

>fuck clinton
>marry may
>kill merkel

I'd just try to imagine she was young hillary

kill myself

The grand wizard warlord of all Ancapistan would like to nominate:

Fuck all 3

Screw the rules, I have money.

wait, i have a better one
>kill Clinton
>kill myself



it's hard to choose. i guess i'd...
>fuck merkel
>marry may
>kill clinton

Fpbp, my thoughts exactly.

Fuck Merkel, marry May, very slowly kill Hillary. I'd drag that shit out for weeks.

yeah sounds like the only logical answer

Fuck the rules, kill the rest.

young hilary was disgustingly cute

>fuck May with a bag over her head. I'd like to hear her gasp and clutch her pearls in guffaw.
>marry Merkel so I can inherit the German Reich and motorboat those Bavarian milkers.
I think for Clinton it's obvious.

These bastards are all over the place, going to have to kill a lot.

Marry May is the only certainty. The other 2 are a toss up.

Fuck May
Marry Clinton
Kill Merkel

Hillary is probably going to keel over in a few years anyway

Checked and agreed.

ashamedly this

Good answer



some1 post merkel's bewbs ole

Fuck May, kill Merkel and Marry Killary. She obviously won’t care if you fuck other women

sounds like a plan m8

Merkel is the only one I could possibly marry, and I sure as heck can't fuck Hillary, so I guess I'm fucking May at least once. But Hillary gets whacked.



i'd marry merkel, kill hillary, and fuck david bowie

Fuck Clinton to death
Kill May
Marry Merkel then pin Mays murder on her

kill myself

kill, kill, kill

oh, we can do that? in that case...fuck fuck fuck

>fuck clinton
>marry merkel
>kill may


You underestimate the power of consuming fetuses and the blood of children

>Fuck May
>Kill Merkel
>Marry Clinton
Save Europe, suffer a little ploughing May and marry an aging multi millionaire who is steadily succumbing to age and screw her lingeage out of their inheritance.

fucking 10 out of 10 post here guys

This guy gets it. Marry the one that let's you cheat on her.

Kill all 3 in a satanic ritual to resurrect Thatcher and marry her.

>fuck Clinton because I'd get the chance to degrade her and treat her like dog shit. Like pushing her face into a window and yelling '' yeah how do you like that glass ceiling you money hungry whore. '' while stretch her ass hole out with my dick
>marry May, because her idea of being naughty is running through a field with wild and childish abandon and that's just God damn endearing. Plus she's traditional and I like that in a girl. Like she'll probably have dinner ready for you every night when you got home and go to church with you.
>and obviously kill Merkel for allowing the sand people to irreversibly poison the gene pool and rot the culture of western Europe. If that fat kraut bitch leaves this mortal coil under any circumstances that aren't homicide, there's no justice in this world.

I'm down with this cunt's post!

Would Kill Merkel, Fuck Hillary, Marry May

I'd rather cut my dick off than fuck any of them.

kill myself

Kill all of them and fuck the bodies. Proceed to burn them to a crisp then fuck them again.

>b tier thread
>42 replies

May is pretty hot for her age

but Theresa May is conservative and based.


kill, kill, kill