You mad white boy?

you mad white boy?



ur cute


I can't compete with BCC

had a sensible chuckle

Don't have a cow



Lurk moar.
And eat moar chicken.

what metaphor is this ?

Even the fucking cow doesn’t hover hand that shit.

I love supporting Chick-fil-A. They support families, the food is 10/10, and there's always a lot of cute teen girls.

>tfw a cow gets more pussy than you
Not related, but the "eat more chicken" thing what is it about? Is it just propaganda for chicken farms or is it something else?

girl is qt but underage so this should be on /b

It's a joke. The cows are picketing telling you to eat chicken sandwiches instead of hamburgers.

Damn, cucked by a BULL again!

I'm mad, but also have a boner.


She wants to get lait-ed... People who speak French will get that joke.

Are you retarded? The cows are saying eat more chicken because they don't want to be eaten


Eat more chicken ... and less cows

Thats a heifer....
Thats not a bull. ITS A BULL DYKE!

found the retard.

trips of truth right here

More evidence of hwhite genocide....

>eat moar loli