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member when this faggot got scared and cried like a bitch?

pepperidge farm remembers

Hitler had a breakdown and almost killed himself too. What's your point ? We need to support our people . Actually you are probably just a leftypol shill faggot bugman.

this guy is the amerimutt meme personified. he's also a huge faggot for crying on camera.

>>pepperidge farm remembers
hahahahaha lols

fuck off kike

no sauce

>We need to support our people
Haha, for what? Jesus yuo're autistic
He talked tough online and in camera and cried when people made fun of him. He wasn't in risk of violence, he was just called an idiot and mean people called him names online. What kind of faggot defends a crying bitch like this?

All these Alt-Right "people" are completely made of embarrassment and cringe. How any upstanding white person could associate with these mongoloids is beyond me.

>this guy is the amerimutt meme personified. he's also a huge faggot for crying on camera.

fuck off you subhuman shill. amerimutt meme? in what way? fucking kike trash

Embarassing post, are you guys really that desperate for numbers?

He's not totally free, he just finally got bond.

This can't be real source?
So what, this man has done more than you ever will.
>our people
what a racist.

this KILLS the neonazi larper faggot
Cantwell on Colbert was the best Cantwell.

Go back to reddlt

go back to stormfront

>member when this faggot got scared and cried like a bitch?

He is an emotional man.

Damn, you wait this long, why pay now? Assuming they are buying a loan, maybe mom and dad just needed time to scrap together enough cash.

fuck you and your 9gag memes.

forgot link


Still more of a man than most of you larpers.

>MUH 14/88
why did you have to do that?

Cantwell is a loose cannon

this is you. this is how you look like

Reminder that shills use purity spiraling and they aren't even convincing when they do it

oh man you got me i guess its over now

i don't know what purity spiraling is and I'm not going to take the time to read your pic. I hate authoritarians. left, right, whatever. you are all faggots and the sooner you start killing each other, the better

Fuck off kike, and "mongoloid" is a race term for slant asians lel

God speed.

>right wing libertarians are authoritarian

Go back to reddlt

anyone who wants an ethnostate is authoritarian

go back to stormfront

Cantwell should burn that police station down for falsly imprisoning him, it would be the libertarian thing to do.

Go back to reddlt

literally no

have fun convincing blacks and spics to want smaller government

gas the nazis and their wannabes.

our job was to keep government from getting big in the first place so lazies have nothing to mooch off of.

literally yes, the only way an ethnostate would ever happen is through an authoritarian government

go back to stormfront

whats your plan b?

Hey Chris.

you mean like israel?

>our scumbag hero is free

>Confederate meme flag
>unironically believes he isn't a larper

kys. Fast and today.

israel is not an ethnostate. literally anyone can become jewish. it is authoritarian though if that's what you mean

but he's a libertarian...

revolution, like Jefferson said,
>god forbid we go another revolution every 20 years. Its necessary to maintain a republic.

I am so glad you're mad.

He gonna sue the hell out of them, and edward gonorrhea guy. and then he'll have more money and can advance his cause, shit will work out great

ask ashkenazis what they think of ethiopian jews and arabs (HINT THEY WANT TO DEPORT THEM)

Also if you think you will have a libertarian government when whites are minority, you are mindnumbingly naive.
good night

I membah!

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat. Fuck, someone get the bubbly, it's time for a celebration.

God damn look at all the fucking meme flags ITT.

>confederacy was a meme

>live action roleplaying
you have yet to provide any substance to this beyond a blanket statement that anyone who tries anything is a "LARPer" like that means anything. Tradition is full of "LARP" in the sense of the phrase you're trying to use.

you know he's a threat when the usual flood of shills come out. Any of this crowd attracts the same series of garbage ad-hominems.

Judge denied bond because of her sandy vag and then almost everything got tossed out at the preliminary hearing so he got bond after being fucked around for months.

Even as someone who doesn’t really like Cantwell this whole thing has been bullshit.

Yeah, goy, don't you know giving a shit is just pathetic larping? Don't do anything, ever. Just stay on Sup Forums and go to the mall when you get bored.

>Being arrested this long for virtually nothing

He's a bad goy


i'm so glad you think I'm mad

no he isn't

there are whites who don't want blacks in america. that does not make the US an ethnostate. sweet dreams

3 months in goddamn solitary ! For pepperspraying someone who was fighting him... after he'd been peppersprayed twice.

Probably not anymore. Guy did some reading while in jail apparently and the one other book he’s read didn’t really prepare him to resist all this forbidden knowledge.

>freedom of association is authoritarian

>no he isn't
he is a literal ancap tard, he had hadding scott on his show and he argues with him [poorly] about economics and muh free market.

It's so fucking dumb and I've heard it from more than just shills. It's like people are so fucking terrified of their "image" they don't want to actually do anything with their stupid god damn lives. Everyone is such a cucked out coward these days.

Remember when Modlylocks got KO'd?
Remember Heather Heifer 's pathetic end?

To be honest Cantwell seems legitimately mentally unstable, literally at all times there is an undercurrent of overwhelming frustration to him, he writes outrageously edgy statements about how he's going to rape leftist women and kill their children and then gets so actually triggered at the prospect of being arrested he thinks its a good idea to film himself breaking down in tears and post it online, he's definitely going to end up hurting someone or himself since his life seems like one big meltdown.

he is socially authoritarian

the only way to achieve an ethnostate would be through authoritarian measures. anyone who disagrees is larping

>there is an undercurrent of overwhelming frustration to him

i know that feel. riding the tiger isn't easy.

Yeah go call in and ask him about the NAP after all this. I’m sure he’ll still be a huge fan.

False, government force is needed to integrate ethnic groups. Otherwise anti discrimination laws wouldn't be needed.

>he is socially authoritarian
that doesnt make him natsoc, do you think communist russia loved fags?

He's just a up tight guy, he clearly says when he smokes weed
>It's bad
A feature that plagues people who can't relax, you have to relax to get a positive experience.

And yet his arrest, on felony charges no less, was 100% politically motivated bullshit. So you should support his case anyway if you care about justice in the face of shitlib anarcho-tyranny.

Why did the USSR break into separate nations after the strong central government fell? Did some authoritarian force those people to separate into smaller more cohesive nations?

He got most of the charges drop

All he has is illegal use of tear gas and other gasses which is a class 3 felony in virginia. When I googled it its 5-20 years but who knows how much he will actually get

I never said he was natsoc. I said he was authoritarian

>forcing millions of people out of their country for not being a certain color
>not authoritarian

Just crazy to me. Antifa was fucking funneled into them by the fucking filthy cops who just stood by and let it happen and then fucking ARRESTED the C-Ville boys for defending themselves. Fucking bullshit. And now all these scum shills are saying we should turn on those guys?

If there's any justice in the world, a $12-$50k settlement.

you said he was a neonazi


these are separate words with separate meanings for a reason

Cantwell is a good reminder to have your shit together before you go to any sort of public rally
have a plan, have a backup plan, have a burner phone etc.
don't be stuck rotting in jail on bullshit charges and be hoping that the internet memelords can raise enough to pay for your defense
weev of all people actually had a really good article on activism and avoiding stupid shit

These faggots never should of been supported by anyone anyways.

What I find ridiculous is that nnone of the antifa who use pepper spray, throw acid, throw piss and shit, and all else, they never seem to get arrested and charged. The only two arrests I saw of antifa waa bikelock cuck and that goblin tacocoon that was on tuckers show once.

no i didn't

None of us, presumably, have been arrested and threatened with life in prison on clearly preposterous grounds. I don't judge him for his seemingly odd behavior, and quite honestly anyone that deep into this whole clown world we live and the real world consequences that come from standing in opposition to it, would be a tad unstable.

So basically this guy has been jailed since Chancellorsville right?

I don't even kind of halfasses charges these were tbqh, but he must surely get some compensation for this in the us? He has to sue ofc


that was addressed to pol. I didn't call him anything

He was the retard acting unstable at a neonazi rally, he might as well have asked for it in the year 2017

Play stupid games win stupid prizes

He was "granted" the bond yesterday, and it was posted today. Twitter figures confirmed he is in a safe location.

Hail Cantwell.

Cantwell did nothing wrong.

Don't let kikes divide us.

t. Lying jew.

The states that joined the USSR continued to have their own governments during and after the existence of the USSR. Many of them, including Russia, are pretty multicultural anyway.

Also Enoch said hes going to be on the next episode of The Daily Shoah.

>he must surely get some compensation for this in the us?
Nope, Virginia only compensates state employees after acquittal.

This is BULLSHIT. This white boy was suppose to spend 60 year to LIFE in prison for defending himself with pepperspray in a papperspray free zone. Where is the JUSTICE?

Well that sucks, I mean your business probably go under during this time or you lose your job and shit, sit jailed like a fucking dog for almost half a year. That's not right