Tradfags on Sup Forums silent on pre-marital sex

How come the Christian Degeneracy Patrol here never talks about how pre-marital sex is wrong?

Is it because they're larping faggots who are understandably just trying to fight degeneracy as a means to fight Jewish influence?

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It never was a thing in the first place. Everyone has had sex before they're married. All girls lose their virginity by 16. Get over it.

No it's because it's irrelevant to the times we live in.
We do have traditional values but an option to try before you buy is everyone's own goddamn business.

People should talk about it more often, desu. It's important.

I agree but you need to try it out before you marry, make sure she actually has a vag, first of all. As long as you have only a few lifetime sexual partners, you're good.

Because they'd be laughed out of the board? You seriously can't win much of a following with ideas like this nowadays.

Its a personal thing mate.

Eventually, of course you'd wish for just 1 person, but it will be too late.

In retrospect, I should have stayed a virgin.
Sex is a double edged sword.

Premarital sex is wrong.

Because suppression of sexual instincts is not a good idea. Plus, marriages tend to be rushed in this case because people can't wait to have sex.There's nothing wrong with having sex with someone you love before marriage.

"No hyman no diamond" used to be a daily thread before the homosexual epidemic hit such epic proportions. I think once we destroy the larger threat, homosexuals and trannies, we can spend more time on hetrosexual immorality.

>Try it out
>Make sure she actually has a vag
>As long as you only have a few partners

That's all still pre-martial sex. Ideally, you'd strive for waiting until you and your spouse are married. That way many emotional problems are avoided, as well as possible problems with STDs.

They're just bitter incels who are controlled by the Jewish operated mgtow crowd.

>All girls lose their virginity by 16
Maybe if you're a nigger or a whore. I know many people who are 18 that are virgins (by choice) and are in relationships. They plan on waiting until marriage.

stop having premarital sex.

Huh? You choose belief's based on whether or not they are accepted by your peers as opposed to personal conviction? Fuck off cuck

can you link the study on lack of happiness and sexual partners? want to debate roasties

I hate when people reply to every post in a thread and every time I get the opportunity to yell at asmodeans they're 90% of the posters. I blame reddit.

I don't believe premarital sex is always wrong or degenerate. Like all things in life, the key concept is moderation and good judgment. Personally, I know I wouldn't buy a cow without sampling the milk first.

Spreading legs for anybody who is asking, racemixing, fucking people the first night you meet them, and racking up double digits (especially by your mid 20s) is clearly degenerate behavior.

I'm a bit more hesitant to call a 25 year old woman degenerate if she's fucked three guys in her life, was in a long term relationship with each of them, made them wait a respectable amount of time first, and is engaged to #3. That's normal, healthy sexual behavior.

This, OP is a faggot

all hand typed out for you. God bless and good luck user.

I literally talk about how pre-marital sex is wrong, and how men are sluts for fucking women while desiring virgins.

People often married before 20 in the past, so it's really not hard to believe that a lot of them didn't have pre-marital sex.

Premarital sex is wrong and degenerate.

What kind of nigger marries someone for sexual pleasure? Sampling the milk is analogous to dating, you test to see if they're responsible, if they'd make a good parent. Pre-marital sex is more like buying a cow, milking it, deciding you don't want it anymore and giving it away on kijiji.
>reddit spacing
fucking called it.

>how men are sluts
the term slut does not work when used to shame men. Terms like whoremonger or whorechaser work much better. It implies that by spending much of their youth, time, money and effort on chasing whores, they're really no better than whores. And it works because it's true.

That sounds pedantic but I will keep it in mind.

Good one. I'll remeber these.

it only sounds pedantic to a moron

Tradfags are absolutely living in a dream world.

You're either in or you're out on this one. There's no exception, she either bleeds when you stick it on your wedding night or she's lying.

Women are malleable. They'll play whatever role they need to survive. I grew up with a girl that went through all the standard issue basic bitch drama in high school. One week she was bi and into girls. One week she was blaming all her problems on popping pills and being bipolar, and digging through the trash for cigarette butts to smoke down to the filter. And of course, the most classic move of all, she dropped her panties for any guy that picked up a guitar.

Fast forward to age 30, and she moves to podunk town in Oregon, reinvents herself as a nice girl, goes to church every sunday, and has reversed her liberal hardcore anti-gun stance and now she's down to go to the range and plug some 38s.

Some beta cuck is gonna marry her someday, not knowing she has a buried past as a blue haired feminist groupie fuck. She was a classic example of a standard female archetype. Every girl can do this. Keep tabs on all the high school chicks you knew on facebook, eventually you'll live to see them all flip.

This is the fate that await tradfags.

You're in or out on pre-marital, women are chameleons.

Also I'm a fullblown tattooed degenerate with a vasectomy, so I'm not saving the white race or buying into any of that crap. The tradfags can keep their tradgirls.

>They don't exist
>They're faking

>hurr durr I'm a degenerate and I only attract whores
the perpetual whoremonger strikes again

Ok, I was being generous. I should have said you are an idiot. I call men who engage in such shameful behavior sluts to shame and emasculate them.

Holy fuck, we're on the same side.

Does it not sound wrong that men who are "sluts" set out to "conquer" virgins? How can any of you rationalize that this is ok?

I'm going to explain why you degenerates are wrong and why tradionalists were always right.

It's basic psychology. Women that sleep around want to sell themselves up to a man. Convince them that she is a good deal but he has to work for it.
The man says ok but hang on why do I have to try very hard for a woman that gave it away so freely earlier in her life? She isn't actually as good as she claims to be. There right off the bat the relationship is on shaky ground and doomed to fail.
Thats the paradox of non-traditional women that causes men to inevitably reject them.
The entire thing is unavoidable unless the women maintaibs chastity or plausible chastity.
This is why traditionalists are always right.

Hey, someone who's not a moron.
Seriously though, TradCons are some of the biggest hypocrites. Hur durr it's the evil blacks, our womenz are being mislead!

Yeah man, cool. Easy to be picky when you're incel, right?

I don't give a fuck about admitting my degeneracy. As someone who's out there having sex, I'm trying to warn you wait-for-marriage types that aren't.

You're not out there mopping up busted hymens. I am.
I can spot them better than you.
So greentext and meme if it makes you feel better, but don't come back here and start a thread about how you thought you finally found a good woman to make aryan sons with and then show up at the wedding reception and meet her ex-boyfriend Tyrone the coal train she never told you about.

you sound like a fucking idiot.

Define "sex"
is oral before marriage before okay? Mutual masturbation?

you can't "emasculate" them since slut is a term used only for women and most men see fucking as many women as possible as a good thing, you fucking retard.

Religion is wishful thinking that I hope is real. Marriage is now merely a state institution. Do you really need the state to approve your love in order for it to be valid?

You're just a loser m8 and a cuck.
fuck off with your degenerate nothing bullshit.

>How come the Christian Degeneracy Patrol here never talks about how pre-marital sex is wrong?
Because there's not exactly a glut of females offering Sup Forumslacks premarital sex, OP.

I have had sex with a good number of women but have taken zero virginities

Aka no emotional attachment. Big problem

Reading the "peoples" posts against traditionalism itt it's obvious there main issue is white people.
Since they continually refer to them.
>baaw i fucking hate white people so much i cant fucking stop talking about them and bringing everything back to them
You dumbass whores.

Same here. I've been voluntarily nosex and single for 18 months now, and won't consider myself eligible for relationship (marriage) until I achieve reset

Yes. It's a lot harder for you to get cucked when your relationship is backed by the entity that you pay 1/3 of your income to.

Why so angry, mang.
Truth is, women who have humility, chastity and purity will always exist and always be in demand.
And the world will go on, even during the most degenerate of times.

Wait a minute. I'm a man who has been around town a few times, and I plan on presenting as traditional when I want kids. Lol!

I've never been silent when it comes to premarital sex. real tradfags are far and few between on Sup Forums

Let us reflect:
>tattoos, especially an excessive number of them
sign of mental illness,enjoys pain, drug/alcohol abuse and most likely all three
given up what makes you a man, made pursuing whores the main purpose in life.

Your words mean nothing you fucking pathetic loser.

Tradfags are, to put it in a way, the biggest cucks.
Unable to enjoy anything in life because creative interpretation of a book told them so, then they try to drag others into their sad liefstyle.

>How come the Christian Degeneracy Patrol here never talks about how pre-marital sex is wrong?

but they do, all the time -- you're doing it right now actually. it's like being back in high school health class circa 2004 all over again reading some of the bullshit posted by you retards.
no fap -- okay. no porno -- okay. no sex? fucking top yourself.

Traditional Christian White Male here.

Premarital sex is bad. Not only is it a sin in God's eyes, it undermines the foundation of a wholesome marriage and introduces uncertainty and mistrust into what should be a happy union between a man and a woman.

Things would be much better if premarital sex was socially unacceptable. Slutshaming should be brought back. And men should be slutshamed as well.

I honestly dont think men that get vasectomies pursue women.
The vasectomy meme is propagated by asshurt faggots that try to convince straight men to neuter themselves.

The very institution that will rob you of 50% of your liquid assets, nevermind what you've payed in taxes all along. Say I work hard and gross 100k a year, and I'm a retard who puts money in the bank or beneath my mattress. Income tax knocks that down to 66k (33.9% income tax in my state). She divorces you and gets 33k of assets. Congratulations, you just worked 8/12 months for free. Over 50% of marriage in my country ends in divorce

Biblically she becomes your wife when you sex her, cf Jacob accidentally bangs Rachels sister, oops Leah is now your wife.

Men sleeping around and women sleeping around are not equal.

Are you a virgin? Did you have a clear opportunity for sex, with her getting all up on you, and you say no? Or just an incel?

Feminism killed that, sorry. It's likely never coming back in our lifetime. Enjoy the decline.

You have to give people an incentive to stop. Moralfagging will just not cut it.

right hereWomen want relationships? they have to stop.

Your whole lifestyle is a joke. You may be hot shit now but guess what? Age catches up to everyone bud. You'll become another old bitch who has live past his glory days while being replaced by the younger studs. You'll grow old and alone or settle for the same women you ruined that probably have more mileage than you. Some life you stupid cuck. Enjoy your future

you don't understand, the issue is not slutty women or incels it's about the sexual revolution. white birth rates have taken a sharp plummet ever since then and now we're all in the mess we're in today.
everybody who sleeps around and neglects having families are complicit in their own destruction. this is the insidious system that will eventually destroy the west and we do it to ourselves. we have nobody to blame but ourselves.

>well well men shouldnt sleep around either!
>lol if you arent constantly fucking you are an incel!!

No it's actually a real thing among whorechasers because getting a woman pregnant would mean they have to pay child support and be "trapped". It makes sense if you plan on never settling down or getting married and dedicate your life to chasing and fucking whores.


Yes they are. Both are betraying themselves the chance to have a wholesome union. And both are committing fornication, which is a sin and puts them in danger of hell.

Yes I am a virgin. I've had one girlfriend who flatly asked me for sex. I turned her down. We eventually broke up because we weren't compatible, but I held to my principles more than the chance to get my dick wet.

See you on the way down, I guess.

Its a subversive meme. Fags hate "breeders". think about it.

I regret having premarital sex but there is huge social pressure to go out and get laid.

>thinks himself christian
>hasn't donated thousands of his hard-earned dollars to charity this christmas

Time to grow up kiddies, feeding a human being is more important than getting some shitty vidya game

Women and men arent equal. This thinking is just bullshit female whining.
Men fucking women before marriage doesnt affect a woman in anyway. Unless she has this everything must be equal shit in her head.

I think it's more likely that they don't want to pay child support.

saved. thanks, user
at this point is there anything to do besides roll the dice on an 18-22 year old or stay celibate?

so men should just lube up their assholes and prepare to get divorce raped? No thanks, a 50% chance of having my life ruined for the chance of being a wallet doesn't seem that appealing.
>inb4 incel or whatever justifies your denial of reality.

I almost made out with some girl in her dorm room a couple weeks ago. I matched with her on tinder and she was down. I made some stupid joke, made her laugh, asked if she wanted to hang, she said sure, said she wanted to do stuff. What did I do? Instead I stayed here and clicked a thread about estrogen in tap water. I just ghosted the girl and read Sup Forums for the next 6 hours. Girls want to have sex with me and I reject and ignore them.

Why do I do it? Premarital sex is degenerate and needs to be discouraged. I will not give into these succubi or their decadent hookup culture. Chose to be above it, it feels great leading these dumb whores on and making them feel unwanted.

I know man. that's one of the goals of hollywood and pop culture, to coerce us into our own destruction.


>donate your money to scam organisations where the ceos pocket the cash and it doesnt make it to the destination.
yes throw away all your cash for happy feels!

>Men fucking women before marriage doesnt affect a woman in anyway.
yes it does you fucking retard. Men who have had previous partners are more likely to cheat.

Sup Forums thinks it's ok for men to have premarital sex, but women have to wait so they can be "pure".

its perfectly fine and normal to reject girls.

you can start a family without getting married, but I'm saying traditional marriage (with no option for divorce) is the ideal we should strive for.

"Go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me" mark 10:21

i don't think that

No they arent. besides you moronic faggot that doesnt affect women. They are two different things.
Fucking dumbass feminist and your facts pulled out of your rear.

>everything must be equal
The number one reason liberalism is wrong.

nope, it's either take a 50% chance risk of having your life ruined for the sake having offspring (of which she owns). Or go MGTOW until either woman are forced to behave or sex-robots become a thing.

Hypocrisy makes for a weak foundation. If a man has sex outside of marriage, he is just as guilty as a woman who does the same. Especially in the current year when men are being diagnosed with HPV-related cancer than women. The Bible makes note of sexual immorality: Those who practice it will receive in themselves the due penalty for their error.

Keep your pants on. Find someone who believes as you do. Don't be unequally yoked, or else you won't be happy. And if you truly can't find anyone to honestly marry, then be celibate.

and I forgot to mention they're more likely to have an STD.

fuckin prots allowing divorce is what caused this shit

A persons responsibility is to their family first not strangers.

And so? Let the west destroy itself if that is what it wants.

Not according to Jesus. "If anyone comes to me, and does not hate his own father, mother, wife, children, brothers, and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple." Luke 14:26

Is anyone else confused by how they're having sex.

That looks like a really awkward position.

no thats stupid

You know who has the most likely chance of an std you lying feminist sjw?

Women that sleep around

Not straight men. They are the least likely.

how does a man cheating on a woman not affect the woman? are you fucking retarded?

I'd love that. It's not going to happen though, it would "hurt women" and as they are the majority of voters + cucks and white knights. Well, I doubt it'd ever happen unless you moved overseas.

Giving women the right to vote is what caused this. No stopping it now...

>creates a strawman
>is an idiot.

>You seriously can't win much of a following with ideas like this nowadays.
All is lost then... Finally, I can sleep.