Why do they hate her so much?
Why do they hate her so much?
(((they))) are attacking everyone we know and love
because they are satanists who demand total submission
She's white.
Sometimes I wonder if she really is on our side...then I remember her daddy bought a record label to make her famous
Because she's white and she doesn't prostrate herself for it.
is this ok?
She has vowed to defend the germanic peoples
Because they know she's /ourgirl/ but she's so lowkey they can't prove it.
Taylor swift is a perfect normie-friendly example to use when demonstrating that anything besides strict adherence to SJW ideology makes you a target.
Up until the late 2000's you could just not talk about this shit and nobody would hassle you. Now the leftists have become insanely emboldened in less than a decade to force everybodys hand with this shit, it's annoying.
Because she's the real leader of the Alt-Right but maintains perfect OPSEC so they can't nail her.
I thought politico was a more neutral site, guess I was wrong.
Start making jennifer lawrence memes. Lets make her ours.
The Brothers sure love them some trannies
>A main stream musician with no idea about politics and zero connections to most of the issues refuses to tell people what they are supposed to think, is that okay?
and people wonder why the media is getting called "fake news"
Because she is white and beautiful.
In soviet Russia it's dangerous not to clap.
Because she's a pretty, white, successful entertainer who isn't a rabid leftists who doesn't want to alienate any of her audience if she doesn't have to.
I don't know why entertainers insist on discussing politics. I have a list of people I no longer monetarily support, because they can't keep their fucking ill informed political opinions to themselves.
>Is that OK?
No. No. No. Who is that fucking nigger?
We raped her we already own her.
This and she won't apologize.
awww how cute ! She's got a pet monkey !
she's not a role model, she's just making money. Move along. There is no consistency in her lyrics, her message, or her image- to the point where they have to write in her incongruous nature into her songs.
You martyred her. Time to make her nazi waifu.
we've been at that point in the US for awhile
Im more worried about who's stuffing two dollar bills into her cleavage.
Did the jew put it there or is he trying to fish it out?
Confirmed blacked. You can destroy her now pol
As weak willed as she is if she thought she could get more popular this way she'd do it.
lol are you fucking serious?
Why do Americans care about what some dumb celebrities think about politics?
Listen again.
"OH! Look what Jew made me do. Look what Jew made me do. Look what JEW just made me do, look what Jew just made me"
Not even kidding, clear as day.
same as the communists did. the first person to stop clapping was sent to gulag
They like subhuman Muslims want everyone in their cult, no exceptions. She refuses to assimilate.
She'll be the perfect little cum toilet for the New Reich.
Those always get our women.
White pussy belongs to black cock no matter how rich and famous it is.
Just imagine his dirty black cockhead squirting it's vile nigger juice into her beautiful Aryan babymaker. Vile.
She used to post on Sup Forums back in the day. I bet she posts here
The only reason for her ambiguity on politics is becasue there`re still quite a few country music fans who listen to her music, aka trump supporters.
Really seems like they want tay tay to coalburn and they are nonstop working her towards that.
Its why she constantly is shown with black friends
You guys are delusional for thinking Taylor Swift is some kind of Aryan tradgirl. She's probably laid more black pipe than Roto-Rooter, and sucked more Heeb schlong than Miley Cyrus did during her Disney Channel days. She just happens to be good at maintaining a semi-normal (for a pop star) public image that she utilizes to help sell her shitty music.
cuckposters need to off themselves ASAP
they are raised with the idea that popularity is the one true goal of life and the only measure of success, thus they all mimic celebs in every way, including beliefs/politics
remember all the cobain wannabes who suicided after he did?
Imagine, a singer who wants to sing and not tell you what to do with your life.
Politico, vox and slate are the holy triumvirate of shitty journalism pushing lefty agenda on top of /r/politics
This. I know the alt-right is desperately looking for a role model from a sea of liberals in the entertainment industry, but they shouldn`t delude themselves. She`s doing it for good publicity
When is she gonna stop acting whorish? When is she gonna go back to wearing dresses, making videos with white babies and singing about ol' fashioned love? I don't like new Taylor in pic related. She's just another piece of meat pop star. If she doesn't promote traditional ideals she doesn't deserve our support. I'm tired of Tay shills expecting pol to blindly market her shit
She's probably politically retarded.
The whole idea TS is a trad girl comes from feminist progressives. They were the first people to mention it getting fanny flustered literally at her appearance. Then traditional conservatives commentated on it and the sjw replied OH SO SHE YO NAZI GIRL HUH?!
everyone knows tay tay is a mega slut she has a new man every month.
The joke is both sides are arguing aboit whether shes a coalburning whore which is worse than just being a whore.
i dont understand why the media tries to push every musician to john lennon levels of political statements
like fuck just let em do their thing
fuckin fake news man
>Why do they hate her so much?
Why do they want everything to be political is the better question
can't win straight up, DNC is in shambles, need celebs to pick up the slack
alright guys let's settle this is she /ourgirl/ or not
She's young, white, pretty, talented, thin, blonde, positive, and liked.
All the things liberal hogs hate rolled into one being.
It's okay to be TayTay.
Twittertwats should ask them why they are still resident in US.
Do they need help packing bags?
neurotic as usual
>8 heads
>10 horns
>is this ok?
It most certainly is not. Keep your trash out of our yard.
Yeah the answer is always "lol i waaaasnt srs guyz". It's just another case of the left's symptomatic problem--they're great a screaming what they're going to do and how others should act, but when the rubber hits the fucking road they don't do shit and just deflect like you're the idiot for interpreting the words they spoke as something they actually meant.
I know she sang at the RNC one year. She may secretly support the Cheeto Benito (aka drumpf)
Tay isn't falling for their trap. Tay stay strong baby fuck the msm
Apparently we (the whole world) all bukkaked on her face at the same time...
I don’t remember seeing 7 billion people jiz at the same time but it must have been something else.
I would remember so gross.
stop projecting your cuck fantasies