Global warming doesn't exi-
This is Texas.
Global warming doesn't exi-
This is Texas.
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...or do you mean climate change?
It has snowed in Texas for as long as temperature has been recorded there you FUCKING IDIOT
it has snowed in the mid/southern parts of Texas about every 3-4 yrs since I was born. snow may not stay on the ground, but it still snows. and I'm fairly close to the Gulf.
Only to a liberal socialist does cold weather equate to warming.
Southern people who’ve seen a snowflake will be sure to tell you. Shit is a big deal down here.
Actual scientist here. You couldn't be more wrong. AMA.
Hanging out in Bastrop, I see.
what's an "actual scientist"?
That don't look like no steer to me, boy.
Cold weather in December, no less.
Just wait a few hours, its texas the weather will change.
hey i live in arizona and we get 2-3 foot of snow a couple times of year. how is that possible in one of the hottest places on earth? it must be SUVs and sea turtles eating plastic bags
There’s your answer Debbie
Looks comfy
Weak credentials, my friend. I would know since I have a Nobel Prize.
This is Arizona, a fucking DESERT.
And you right wing retards tell me global warming doesn't exist. We need to impeach Cheeto Hitler NOW before we get more dangerous winter snows.
Climatologist at Airborne Science & Technology Laboratory. I am also autistic. Also Hitler would have agreed with me.
it's been 50 degrees in New York for most all of December
>Snow in Texas
I'm sure somewhere, there's a liberal retard making this exact statement.
We want ice and slippage on the high 5!!! I know Dallas is shit, I wanna moooove!!
Geoscaping is the future user. The Earth shall be born anew.
This is a link to our webcam, no snow on ground, and it's 48 degrees right now
>t. Alaskan
>Also Hitler would have agreed with me.
All I needed to hear. Carry on.
>Global warming doesn't exi-
>This is Texas.
Global warming means warm, not cold.
It snows in Texas quite often
hey man,, you're not supposed to step on snek much less kill him :(
Trump caused snow to fall in winter by unilaterally pulling out of the Paris Climate Agreement. He's a threat to Americans and needs to be removed from office.
I can only imagine how all the normies on Facebook are fagging out right now about snow. I never regret deleting mine many yrs ago.
>global warming
>snowing in the deep south
I want snow in DALLAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First it was global cooling now global warming. What's next global shit waves?
There is a magical thing called night time, where the sun hides and the temperature drops, sometimes it drops low enough that is goes below zero, and if that happens when rain is suppose to fall, it snows instead. It's almost as if the Northern hemisphere is in its winter season now, meaning this can happen!
fucking bong stay in ur lane
texas fucking snows every year
((global warming))
kill yourself cunt
Oh, and "actual" scientist.. of the sort that fraudulently changes your data, doesn't publish your data or algorithms, and has utterly destroyed the peer review process? That kind?
If you give me even ONE (you) im going to scream. fukc ofas
>Actual scientist here. You couldn't be more wrong. AMA.
If you are an actual scientist then you'd know that "Global Warming" is a scam perpetrated by governments to gain more control over citizenry.
There is zero evidence, actual evidence for global warming.
There is, however, failed prediction after failed prediction by climate boogeymen.
>I'm fairly close to the Gulf.
Same here, less than an hour from Galveston. Can confirm.
Although about 15 years or so ago it snowed quite a bit, enough to leave a foot of snow in the ditches, a good 6" most other places. On Christmas no less. Less than that in the city of course.
>kek flag
Disc(((reddit)))ed INSTATLY
>something will start growing
You know earths climate has changed several times over the millions of years? Sure human have impact but that's mostly to deforrestation and waste dumping and over fishing but the climate will change. You should be more afraid of Yellowstone than the weather if you ask me
I'd imagine none of you have winter tires or even all-season tires (which aren't legal anymore in Quebec)
It snowed in San Antonio, and it never snows there
>Less than that in the city of course.
which is funny because large cities severely change the local weather, but since libshits ive there they ignore it and choose to whine about polar bears and doctored reports about wind direction in timbuktu
I have a Nobel prize in both Peace and Physics categories.. as well as a Medal of Honor.. just ignore my flag, that's honorary as well.
for what it's worth that was a toy snake, and the girl who stepped felt really bad and started crying about it.
Im a nobel prize winner (not even joking) .... and your full of shit.
Ever since I was a kid (((actaul scientists))) have been running their mouths about one thing or another. In the seventies we were all gonna die in a nuclear holocaust, by mid eighties that have changed to ice age (yes believe it or not, 30 years ago every (((newspaper))) was running stories about "global cooling"). Then the nineties came along and they switched it to global warming, then when that was debunked they switched to climate change.
And dont get me wrong, humans have to learn to deal with thier garbage, and we are polluting this planet at astronomical rates, and it cannot end well.
As for the climate, well its been changing for millions of years, and I would be suprised to learn if it still wasn't changing. The question is are man's decisions causing the change, and THAT has not been proven.
It's beautiful!
To be fair, Northern Arizona gets several feet a year.
Southern Arizona, at ~2000ft MSL, does not.
It was unseasonably warm until this morning in Southern Arizona, and this morning was still only ~38F.
Just cause you were born in 99, doesn't mean nothing happened before you.
It’s cold down here in south Texas
SAfag. Power is out. Im gonna freeze to de
Freeze all the beaners out, Winter chan!
we have jacked up trucks with mud tires so we can drive on the streets to work. think I'm joking?
Climatologist? Meteorologist? Unless you've researched paleoclimates, then STFU.
thats my point. "texas" is a dumb metric to base global warming on.
Why do you have mud on the streets?
Or are you saying that this is your response to snow?
The universe is static and fossils are Jewish tricks to make us question Christianity.
I was wearing shorts and sandals two days ago (dfw)
fucking neck yourself, you retard
>blaming global warming for snow that happens almost every year in Texas around this time
Australian education
Dude how the fuck did you put a dining room set on your wall?
He doesn't know what he's trying to say. He thinks he's being ironic, though he couldn't define the word if given multiple choice. If he articulates his thoughts, he'll see there are none.
So very cold #prayforSA
Thats what all the good streets are made from...
SA fag reporting in. Send help. I've never seen snow like this before.
It'll be gone by lunchtime tomorrow.
>That kind?
The editing isn't up to me unfortunately as to what gets put into journals, though the vast majority of the scientific community would disagree with you. I'd disagree with you regarding the peer review process.
Bullshit, it dumped over a foot there in 1985.
13 and 1/2 inches. Its not normal but it's
not new either.
Maybe learn to read a few more posts you ITT Tech dropout piece of shit
we don't have anything equipped for snow down here. when the roads get icy we mostly just stay home. nobody knows how to drive in snow or ice down here, best to avoid the idiots. I bet most people don't go to work tomorrow if the roads are iced.
put us in the mud or high waters and we can thrive
>Why do you have mud on the streets?
I take it you've never heard of muddin'. Otherwise known as offroading.
is that you schooling bill noye the science goy in pic? you got any more or a link to the ribbit thread?
I live in the Caribbean and I'm cold right now. All year is hot
>meme flag fighting meme flag
>oh no its snowing for once in 10 years oh noooooo
Last time it had an actual good freeze in texas was fucking 1999/2000 and literally nothing of note since then and even still nothing of note.
p.s. send rain pls we're so fucking dry right now
We stay off the roads during snow/ice conditions because we're not retarded.
Yankees come down and end up in ditches because they think they can drive in ice/snow but they don't realize our roads are made out of a different material than theirs and black ice is a bitch.
He specifically said "on the streets"
I can understand that, no practice means no getting use to it and you do have to drive differently in the snow (mostly slower and brake earlier. Anticipate fish-tailing)
It is supposed to be warm tomorrow. Like mid 50s.
Would you like me to post the studies that prove that man's decisions are affecting the change?
What part of town are you in?
global warming barely exists
less than a degree per century
we've got about 1000 years before it's even a problem
Snow in Austin in December is pretty unusual
I was gonna shit on you, but then I realized you Aussies only know about mountains from books. Did you know burgers SKI in Arizona? That's what wonders MOUNTAINS can do for you. Oh, and that giant rock y'all got in the Outback? Yeah, that's a MESA, not a mountain.
yes but you know how the morning traffic is, full of fucking idiots with no care for safety.
Again, have you researched paleoclimates?
I scoffed at climatologist and meteorologist, hence asking if you were claiming to be either, first.
You can only be credible discussing "climate change" if you have knowledge of climate conditions in the past.
Unless you've done tree core and ice core analysis, you don't know shit.
t: PhD in paleoclimatology.
>Global Warming
user, I...
We only have boats from Harvey! Melt the snow and we will rescue you!
wish it would just bury everything in that city except the srv memorial.
Autistic Climatologist . We gotta stop this EEOC shit right fucking now. I live in SW Mississippi and it snows here about every 5 years and we are gonna get what Texas anons are getting by about 3-4 am . I've been living here my whole life and it is not that unusual and " muh globowarmo " bullshit don't have a damn thing to do with it.
Seems like almost every day they have to shut down the I10 & 410 crossing because some retards get into a huge rekt and block half the lanes. At least the snow will give me something to look at.
>texas has soft white snow
>commiefornia has devastating wildfires
really makes you think
Yes I have. Most recently in that area I've contracted with the NASA Goddard Institute for 2 studies of ice cores with published results. And you've done what exactly?
>Actual scientist here
you cant exactly end that problem
pic related
This is Texas.