Women in Tech: a curse from hell

> Make up a facile example of basic code
> Pretend that a man would write such garbage
> Pretend that a man would not notice the error
> Pretend that a woman would see the error that is invisible to his eyes
> Pretend that the woman would politely ask him to correct it

But I can't entirely blame the women who help themselves to fat paychecks for no real work: this is made possible by the sycophantic gamma men in IT who hyperventilate at the chance to be in the presence a 4/10 woman with purple hair and a nose ring.

>this is made possible by the


Where's that picture of a women who typed "ls" on the command line and posted it to instagram?

Fuck man, you read my mind

right here: the fact that the script that she has open is a "hello, world" script. top. fucking. lmao.

It's more than just tech I work as a chem e in a phosphate concentrates plant. Whenever you are tasked with working with a female engineer everybody knows damn well you will be doing most of the work. I've never seen people so awful at simple pump sizing curves even when the Excel sheets you have do all the fucking work.

>the fact that the script that she has open is a "hello, world" script. top. fucking. lmao.


fake as fuck

Then who was modulus?

I'm not surprised. I studied (liberal) Arts at university and tried to explain to Science students the total insanity of feminism. They didn't believe me, they thought such nonsense could only happen in universities where they didn't do anything useful.

No one is laughing now.

Kill all thots

Carmack is -significantly- less famous than anita or zoe quinn.

Let that sink in for a moment

agh, those code comments are painful

Why does it matter? There is just as plenty of shitty male programmers.

Im about to get a new job and quit my current job because of a psychopathic female "developer" and a spineless faggot of a boss

I don't understand any of this. Is she writing garbage or something?

>Pic unrelated

Well, he didn't make the fast inverse square root.

But most of them are Indians!

Women are such fucking tryhards.

I work with a bunch of these retards. They really are dumb as hell and make my life a living hell.

I have to include their names as "helping" and often they get front and center rewards at work when they didn't do jack shit.

The worst part is the ingratiate on their part. They treat me like shit, try to bully me and make "jokes" like "you know all I have to do is go to HR and you will be fired. You work here because I allow you to" and they all think that is funny.

The joke is on them. I already got another job. I start January 1st. I will give my 2 weeks notice in another week. Then these ungrateful fucks can figure out how things work because without me everything is going to turn to shit.

pic related - same kind of shitty fat fucks that I work with.

I work in tech and with women often. Some do a good job but some are little know it all twats that suck. When they can’t hang they complain about their managers....nothing is ever their fault.

>female engineer
What the fuck, those should be the actually competent women due to how much intellect it takes to get a STEM degree.

I feel you user, i faced the same


As a CS student, where can I get a job without women

Who took the fucking picture though?

>What the fuck, those should be the actually competent women due to how much intellect it takes to get a STEM degree.

> woman
> needs to be intelligent to get a STEM degree

You need a siesta, Xavier, I think your brain is sleepy

Why not just take a fucking screen capture?

>"you know all I have to do is go to HR and you will be fired. You work here because I allow you to" and they all think that is funny.

Surely they didnt say this..

I spent like 2 weeks in a coding bootcamp and even I know how fucking awful the right is.


Why the fuck would I do something so incredibly stupid?

>literally every single group project I had in civic engineering with a woman.

This question does not get asked enough.

>When guys code - square root
>When girls code - wtf is sqrt lmao I'll just get a bigger number lol??


how can i learn to code, you guys recommend a site or something, my life and jobs suck i need to do something to better myself.


Literally, I got into programming thinking that it was a relatively secure job that didn't try to cuck the shit to promote women. Only until I actually got into an event and realized that they promote women, and that they are absolutely unbearable.

Women should not work.

Are you me? I have a gamma boss that wears shirts like "This is what a Feminist looks like" at work. They are always bragging about "dox'ing" people who voted for Trump and getting them fired. One of them asked me who I voted for. I told her I follow the teachings of Carlin - don't vote, it only encourages them. She got mad and said "you cost Hillary the election!" I told her "Hillary won California" and then she said "oh" and walked away. fucking cunt. It feels good voting for Trump and seeing how he destroys them every day.

I am always asking God to give me the strength to not lose my temper. This is really a toxic environment and a slice of hell.

Did you just assume their genders, shitlord?

codecademy is probably a decent starting spot

I'm not joking actually, it's really good to learn on since it's designed literally for children, but is as in-depth as its own engine.
>Source: I made a few games that have enough kids playing I make a small bit of jewgold off of

Yes. They do. I am one of the few white males at work.

They scream and rage about Trump and then look at me. If they even suspected I voted for Trump I can only imagine the shitty things they would do.

No, the problem is that the script is supposed to be mathf.max, but when the numbers are equal, instead of returning a, it returns 5, because random.

Meanwhile the left side is the code that makes Doom efficient enough to run by hacking together some crazy low intensive way to do asin. It's an absolutely genius snippet of code, one of the best of all time.

The right side, written by a man, would say:

int max(int a, int b){
return a>b?a:b;

With no comment required.

>I am always asking God
dont ever stop

what nog language is that, or is it just pseudocode?

> CS
In my uni math and stats is so superior to CS. CS is literally rddit tier and lecturer starts every lecture with a joke about trump.

If you're going to go and use a game's APIs to code you may as well just make an actual game with Unity or something.

nah they can do book work but most can't engineer their way out of a fucking box which is sad because even the most retarded ones in my courses were thrown offer after offer just for having tits. I was even more pissed when I had to have a conference with the company leadership team and one of the dumb bitches asked how we can get more females into the company supervisor positions. I nearly had a fucking anyerism as the idiots stated they need to entice them and make it less male oriented. It's fucking simple you want a corporate leadership position? fucking sacrifice the same shit a male has to i.e less time with family, social events, sleep.

Because then a part of her body wouldn't be in the picture, defeating the entire purpose.

thanks im gonna give it a shot

Embedded development, microcontrollers, etc. These fields often require a high level systems knowledge along with low level "bare metal" autism that women cannot summon.
>t. embedded developer

Alyssa and Alan have to make a choice on how to handle zero

Can you complain about it?

>2 weeks notice
Heh. I didn’t. I said toodles and walked out knowing I had a great gig lined up. The female “leads” pestered me for a week over basic submitting because girls don’t grok maths. Bunch of raging cunts backstab one another and great men like shit. Last I heard one of them wiped a switch that was stacked and knocked out an entire portion of the network along with the connection to the DR site. A friend of theirs they got a job for was incompetent and deleted a data store for their fucking backup system. I reveled in it, even offered to be a good joe and fix all the network stuff for double what my equivalent hourly would have been. I’ve spoken to a few freelancers in the area, one guy I’m tight with tried to go over and seize the opportunity only to be met with estrogenic, menses-driven BS of same variety. Feels good to fuck someone over that was fucking me over for literal years. I could go on and on. I remained silent, built my exit strategy and acted. They didn’t see it coming and a few started to cry. I have never in my life had to stifle a smile and laugh as on that particularly sunny day.

This depends a lot on what do you want to code.


Motherfucking this!

>If they even suspected I voted for Trump I can only imagine the shitty things they would do.

You should wear a MAGA hat on your last day or something.

Go with Launch School. CodeAcademy is a waste of time, you don't really learn anything useful.

Classic woman shit. Treat them like petulant children and expect same behavior. Only a few are above that most aren’t. Don’t ever say you’re treating them that way obviously. Talk in a very neutral tone or match theirs. It’s so simple to game women I almost feel bad. Almost.

I was about to post this.

#define max(a,b) (a>b?a:b)

>int max(int a, int b){
>return a>b?a:b;

What would happen in that case if A=B? Do you need to throw an exception (depends on language?) I have only a rudimentary understanding of programming.

Zero has quite a few factors so I dont know how they are going to handle that

For negative numbers they can just take the absolute value and then run what they have. Then at the take all the values of divisors and make them negative and add them to divisors

I don't really care to do much than I already have. Roblox I played since I was 13, and just coasting my magnum autist through winter break before I finish school.

>Embedded development, microcontrollers, etc.
would c# help in this field?

>it wont
>nfw teach told me that c# was the future i wanted to learn C/assembly
after years of independent study, i've finnaly learned the truth now i need to start back on the path...

Fucking based

Why aren't schools strictly teaching C and Assembler?

probably something cryptocurrency related, bitches always be behind us


Use code academy .com my dude. If you don't have a particular code you want to learn, go with python or Java.

Nvm, read it again and realized the else would solve the problem.


It's inverse square root

Why do they hire them if they suck?

You realise this is all just anti capitalism? Besides low IQ HR people, no one actually wants this who are actually in the industry. It comes from female NEETs outside who think they're going to get more welfare if the technology industry is no longer profitable.

He's famous in an actually productive field.

You'll need a Master's or lots of experience, for us mere mortals we'll always be competing against women who are proven to have half the standard in this industry.

washington state?
mid 20's early 30's?

Percentage-wise, no there isn't faggot

I was wondering waduhek the left code did..
Legit cool story bro.

>learn to code
>better myself

if you're serious get a book called Teach yourself C++ in 21 days and TYPE out ALL the programs. Do it. You will have enough of an understanding to be able to do it professionally if you understand it and can talk succinctly about the concepts in interviews.

Dated a girl mechanical engineer. She didn't know what momentum was.

my school taught C/C++/Java and MIPS assembly in core classes. I also learned Python, C# and SQL for projects in other classes.

Mirror on forehead.

Haha my compsci was python and html...

Pretty easy to hack a fix in.
>if num

Who is this bitch anyways?

Subneting ffs. I hate phones

forgot to mention it's because they want you to have a better understanding of how to learn new shyte fast, since that is what you must continue doing to stay employable

The west is truly fucked in the future.

a model and taylor swifts girlfriend

what pleb uses a language that doesn't have max anyway?

Not google or any other similar multicultural brainwashing places


I won't! This is the first year we are not having a Christmas Party (I mean "holiday" party). Why? Because some cunts complained saying it was endorsing religion. They even complained that we were going to be closed for Christmas starting the 22nd of December till January 3rd. They were that assblasted about it. They were getting FREE VACATION WITH PAY and still complained. I am glad I am leaving as I can assume next year everyone will be working then. Fucking dumbass bigoted anti-Christian cunts.

No. all women in HR are equally moronic

I can't wait to give them the 2 middle fingers. They are so fucked when I am gone. I made worksheets to show them how to do things and one of them threw them out. I guess that was "mansplaining" or something. So I did my part.

I am going to get a new phone number and e-mail so they won't be able to contact me. Let one of them fix it.

Ignore anyone telling you it's the future, that's just fanboy nonsense. Learn C or C++ for embedded things, it'll make you a better programmer anyway.

You don't need a masters for it m8 just give the boss man a firm handshake and don't look him in the eye out of respect for the traditional programmers of Australia

Look to the left of the laptop in the original image, then you'll understand.

This is true. By day 30 you can start learning the advanced concepts like design patterns and incorporating them into your open source projects which typically at least get a few hundred stars. It's pretty easy, overall.

Don't listen to any of these faggots who tell you to learn that way.
Download and install GNU C compiler and buy the books "Computer Science A Structured Programming Approach Using C"
Go through the book, learn C, none of that C++ shit yet. That shit is easy mode, if you can master C first then you can write in any language.

Nah, not sure why I said it like that. but Washington state is fucking great for camping.

maxkek every time