Amazon is Cancer

You cannot convince Amazon's mass of useful idiots, who are so convinced that everything is what it seems, of the true cancer their beloved monopoly is to our society. The truth becomes meaningless to them as soon as they hear buzzwords like "innovation" and "autonomous" come out of some billionaire's mouth. For every 10,000 jobs Amazon creates 330,000 jobs are killed in the retail industry. Amazon raped USPS into bankruptcy through using government subsidies. How can there be healthy competition when the biggest player in the game is getting payed to ship their products free while everyone else pays $5.99+ per parcel? Amazon is in violation of nearly every anti-trust law in existence and gets away with it, tax free. Hear about Amazon's recent $600M deal with the CIA? What do you think their doing with all that data? The era of technological slavery has only just begun.

Alternatives to (((Amazon)))? Specifically for cheap books...

is the amazon guy even a real jew as in a blood on blood jew?

why would he make show man in high castle if a jew? I think he is a closet antijew or something?

You have 2 monopolies to choose from. Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

The local independently owned book store has been erased from existence in the Amazon era


Scandinavian-cuban decent my ass. Physiognomy does not lie. Bezos is a kike.

>jews being jewed

Didn't US used to have an anti-trust legislation?
What happened to it?

His stepfather was a Cuban, dipshit. And just because someone is successful in business that doesn’t mean they’re a Jew.

Jesus, you faggots are either shills or just plain retards. I’m leaning more towards the retard aspect.

itt millennials who never shopped for anything before amazon existed

Been boycotting Amazon for 7 months now, will never use again.

Free Shipping = took 8 days for small stuff to leave their warehouse, another 3 days for the Post Office to bring it to me

If you shop around, there are lower priced e-retailers for most of their stuff.

What anti-trust laws?

The goyim don't need to concern themselves with such silly ideas.

Lol! Good luck, fag.

Amazon doesn't sell all its products directly. A lot of the sales on Amazon come from other sellers who only pay a commission to Amazon. Me included. I sell stuff on Amazon too.

Amazon has brought in a lot of money for me. And has freed up a lot of time. I've saved a lot of books from ending up in the landfills by selling them to other people who will use them.

Do I support trust-busting legislation on Amazon? Maybe. Blockbuster was actually split into Blockbuster and Hollywood video because of government trust busting- but neither one of them is around today. I do think the tentacles of Amazon are spreading even further than that of Standard Oil. I do think a lot of jobs and competition can be created if Amazon was broken up. The retail apocalypse is a horrible thing and decimating local economies.

I do miss Borders Bookstore. But that didn't necessarily close down because of Amazon. A lot of local culture and meeting places are lost if Amazon monopolizes too much and local retail stores close. The comic book shop is a major local meeting place for geeks- and if the retail apocalypse keeps going out of hand and Amazon even takes control of the comic and TCG market- then it could even mean local comic stores close down.

this is the part where race doesn't actually matter
if you aren't a kike, but act like a kike, then you're gonna get gassed like a kike

Amazon is part of the Deep State, that’s why he owns the WaPo, the official CIA newspaper.

Not really surprising, all the current tech giants (Google, Facebook, Apple,..) are with the Deep State.

You can boycott all you want but you should really be concerned about the immediate browning of your nation perpetuated by the race and nation traitors in your midst.

>For every 10,000 jobs Amazon creates 330,000 jobs are killed in the retail industry.
Shit is cheap. People don't have much money. Fuck off.

Wait, are you trying to tell me to pay for stuff?

Also, online shopping guts everyone, not just Amazon. If you're going to get on their case, don't forget every shopping center that uses automated self-check outs

I don't think he is one. Otherwise we wouldn't be told his name so often by their media outlets.

Of course. Typical whiny old grouch. Blame the young people for everything wrong while you and your friends play with all the hi-tech toys.

>Shit is cheap. People don't have much money. Fuck off.
So we should just keep assisting these giants in seizing our economy completely. Effectively putting those who already don't make much money out of their jobs for good.

>Go to a store my entire life in a mall.
>They never have SHIT I want.
>We can special order it for you, for a $30 mark up.
>Find all the shit I have been looking for at reduced prices.

Maybe, just maybe, they should carry shit, its like going to fucking my local game stop.

>I want Nioh
>Oh we dont have that game ever cause nobody wants it, wanna buy 400 copies of Fifa?
>Come home and buy it for $10 on Amazon new.


>The evolution of the economy is ever expanding, please lets keep the ancient ways that dont work at all.

Here is a interesting thought.
If buisness's wanna stay in business, maybe they should actually work towards selling something people want.

>Go to movie theater.
>Never show shit.
>Film screen has a tear.
>Seats are tore to shit.
>It shuts down because nobody comes to it.
Meanwhile, a town over.
>Movie theater booming because it gives a shit.

alibaba. But its in China. China trust me.

What about the psychological thrill of shopping?

A huge part of a squirrel's life is searching for a nut in his niche, he eventually finds/gathers his nuts, eats them, continues to survive, he even gets a feeling of accomplishment and personal fulfillment. Mr. Squirrel might even run into a lovely female along his conquest, scoring a nice shag.

All that goes away if his nuts are simply handed to him by a master who does all the work for him and leaves nothing to adventure.

Do you prefer the isolated life of a hamster living in a cage owned by none other than your master, Jeff Bezos?

>Movie theater booming because it gives a shit.
What if that theater was giving out free popcorn and drinks thanks to a hefty government subsidy? Could you compete even if you tried?

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