You guys realize Bernie is right, right?
Trump should really think about stepping down
You guys realize Bernie is right, right?
Trump should really think about stepping down
Sage in all fields
Nah. This is just the Democrats having a chimp out in the hopes of smearing Trump.
P.S. Sanders is a Banker stooge. He's played you. That's what he's done all his life. He's a con man.
when did he ever acknowledge that he's sexually assaulted anybody
Retarded socialists don’t understand what words mean
>Assaulted women
They let him do it though. It's no assault if they don't cry foul, schlomo
jej they dropped their failed comedian who admitted what he did, in order to push this narrative because muh russia is failing too fucking hard
what will those wacky leftists think of next
>Obvious banter is banter
>"They LET you do it"
>Implying "Grab em by the pussy" was meant in a literal sense
>No one has come out saying trump grabbed their pussy nor is there any proof he did
>Russian narrative falls apart
>Validity of Mueller investigation in shambles
>Numerous dems accused of being rapey, grabby kikes and niggers
>Sacrifice them in last ditch effort to be hold up as an example
As much as I disagree with Trump on a few key issues (Israel being a main one, and he's too soft on immigration in my opinion) this is their plan. The entire Russian agent/spy/collusion narrative is about to collapse, and it won't be coming back this time. They needed something to fall back on, and sexual harassment is their "ace in the hole" if you will, and it won't work either. Trump's not going to resign over it, no matter how much they bitch and moan and have epic meltdowns all over the media. The more they show their autism, the more it's going to help Trump look like the sane one in all of this.
I honestly could care less about Trump or his policies, I just want to see the complete and total destruction of the leftist Democratic party. It needs to be destroyed along with all of it's Marxist sympathizers, and it won't be long now until one of them puts a gun to their own head out of utter hysteria.
Paint that wall with your brains, leftykikes. Soon.
>when you throw the primary so Clinton can win the election, but she doesn't, so now you gotta be her annoying little purse dog that barks at everyone
"Pussygrabbing" refers to the shocking easiness of getting laid when women already know you are a famous success, not to grabbing an internal organ with your hand, which isn't possible.
Sage all shills.
>our guys stepped down
Yeah, unforced error.
Jesus people just believe what they want to believe. The "pussy grabbing" tape was just hyperbolic bragging about how trumps fame gets him groupies. He said theyre so into him they LET him do anything. He added the grab them by the pussy to emphasize how into him they are and to get a rise out of his friends present. Thats not an admisson of sexual assault and you fuckers know it.
Classic lefty tactic. Franken falls on his sword (probably sweet retirement package) and virtue signals about the moral neccesity of stepping down due to sexual harassment misconduct in his past. The kicker is that while he admitted to actual sexual misconduct and assault both the republican targets of this smear campaign have only been accused, and both denied actual misconduct. Moore says the incident never happened and Trump's whole "grab them by the pussy" bit assumed consent on the part of the woman due to his celebrity status and money. Basically the standard tactic of accusing the opponent of being a sexual predator/racist/nazi/buzzword failed big league during the presidential race and they refuse to adapt their strategy to the new "proofs" era so they are trying to tie Moore's guilt to Franken's admission.
nobody is falling for this
its a cheap leftist tactic to try and make it possible to accuse anyone in politics of sexual misbehaving so you can choose who gets elected
its a sign that democrats know their power is gone, their election fraud is gone, and this tactic is one of the weakest they can use because its easy to pay some random roastie to pretend they got fucked decades ago by the alpha male roy moore
democrats will eat their own kids if it means they can try to mess with righteous Americans
Ironically, they're doing the exact opposite of what Saul Alinsky says to do. And the GOP is doing it exactly right: Always make your opponent live up to their ideals, and never do the same ever.
imagine 4 years of this fucking kike talking all jew waving his fucking veiny engorged old jew fingers at you
it might have happened if hillary just took her money and ran
>they let you do do it
LET is permission you stupid pinko faggot. Of course a kike socialist retard wouldn't understand, they don't have any concept of consent, they just steal from the hard working and give to the lazy.
why, because of Franken's fake resignation he's just going to renege on in a couple of weeks? I don't think so BernieBoy..
Any respect I might have for Sanders (or modern socialism) evaporates in the face of their virtue signaling
Seriously savage pic. top kek
Underrated post
>"they let me do it"
Not really
ok shareblue
good job correcting the record!
Trump out, Bernie in. By Christmas.
here's the 169th way bernie can still win the presidency!!!
He said he grabs them by the pussy
By using his fame to silence them
Omg there are like a dozen women who say he sexually abused them.
Whether you believe them is one thing but there are numerous women who say he’s a sex predator
seems like crazy bernie is just desperate for trump to notice him, this also could be him attempting to swoop up the neoliberal base that wants trump dead for 2020
He didn't acknowledge anything like that on tape for fucks sake.
first off, the whole conversation was just some fucking dudebros talking shit. second, even if he was serious he was just admitting to the well known fact that there are starfucker women that see money and power as a major fucking aphrodisiac. men use their "power" be it through money, a powerful position at a company, or their natural god given good looks and personality to fuck women all the time. breaking news, life continues because we have to prove to women non-stop that we are the best ones to fuck them, using the best methods we have at our disposal.
he didn't admit to assaulting shit.