ideally, how many children should I have to preserve the Aryan race?
Ideally, how many children should I have to preserve the Aryan race?
as many as possible
As many as you can afford to raise without taxpayer assistance.
So, like, one.
4 minimum.
have 2, and then kill like 5 niggers later.
Just in case one of them fucks up at least one of them will have offspring of their ow
First answer, best answer
3 1/2
You're not white muhammed.
Don't do it, you're gonna push the 1488 too hard and they'll become reactionary cucks and get blacked. Most numale cucks are traditionalist offspring and Gen Z is cuck offspring.
Negative ghostrider.
One every 2 years from puberty to menopause
3 is statistically the most sustainable family. Any more and your kids will grow up to be unmotivated niggers, which would put us civilized whites at a disadvantage. Just try to have a few successful kids and you'll be helping us preserve our beautiful race.
4. That's how many Hitler's loan program supported.
Unless you have the 4D chess capacity to pretend to be a huge flaming numale tranny faggot vagina for every waking moment of their lives since their birth and make all their friends cringe and bully them. In which case have as many future Hitlers as you can.
I have 6. The hard part is finding a good woman that wants a big family. Search hard and start early. They are out there. You'll also need a decent job, but that's not a big deal if you're smart and work hard. Also, be prepared to drive minivans for the next 20 years.
>Implying your kids will adopt your backwards way of thinking.
I hope your sons fuck black girls with big asses or end up gay bottoms.
none, the future is BLACK you wh*Te subhumans
Why bother. Whites won the best countries lottery and gave it all away. Stupid people barely above nigger tier.
10 i recommend
Reminder tradcucks are fucking retarded and their "chad science" barely applies to anyone.