>Believing polls

>says he will give you your country back
>wins and becomes jew almost straight away


uh, you have to poll more than berkley and those worthless degenerates.

that means he wins 33 states in 2020

>literally using a propaganda farm as source.

>It’s not like he will ever win, he has like a 2% chance according to polls

Reminder Sup Forums>polls

>Sell out too the kikes.
>Surprised everyone hates you

Makes you think

He literally ran on recognizing Jerusalem as a campaign promise, retard. I hope another Breivik kills a bunch of people in your town, you deserve it.

ya haha, like all news is fake and i like anime memes.

>He believes all the news
What a cuck

Holy fuck i better vote democrat now. Who else is #WithHer now?

Naw, he literally ran to give cheap condos to Russian porn mobsters.

And yet he'll still win again in 2020. Weird how that works.

Feel free to screencap this.

Seriously? I though we'd grown past this by now.

>yfw Trump's "approval rating" was in the low 30s when he won the election

>i like anime memes
same desu senpai

I can't wait for the most unpopular president to win his second term in 2020. What do you think the polls will say? 99 percent chance he loses? lol, he will shit on them again.

>>Approval ratings by stupid fuck liberals


sweetie thats been debunked