Post buzzwords that discredit an anime without watching it

Post buzzwords that discredit an anime without watching it
>anything choreography
>lazy writing

Other urls found in this thread:

>forced x

>saviour of anime

>lolsorandumb xD
>Sup Forums


>anime garbage
>forced drama

>style over substance

>forced x

These. Perfect way to pretend to say something without actually saying anything


I still don't know what Sup Forums thinks "pacing" means

It means SnK spent 3 episodes agonizing over a fucking boulder when it shouldn't have. Most of the time when people complain about pacing it's shitposting, but sometimes some shows really do move at a snail's pace, or sometimes advance the plot too quickly and then to slowly

I dropped SnK because I found it extremely slow and kinda retarded, they guy was always thinking about going to the house to open an important chest but never went?


>adding shit after [insert genre here]

>stalker numbers
>[studio here] fags/cucks

If it's got at least 2 guys, it's fujoshit
If it's got at least 2 girls, it's yurishit
If it's got at least 2 girls but 1 guy, it's haremshit
If it's got a cast of girls, it's moeshit
If it's got fighting, it's shounenshit
If it's got romance, it's shoujoshit
If it's got emotional conflict, it's forced drama
If it's got people dying, it's edgy tryhard shit
If it's got allusions and/or imagery to other works of literature, it's pretentious shit
If it's got's parodies of other shows and/or pop cultural references, it's LOL SO RANDOM XD
If there's plot twists, then it's a trainwreck

If it's not anime, then it's 500 posts and 242 images omitted, click reply to view.

How can only two repeating digits be so right?

>forced animation
I just noticed the animation quality was different in one scene than in another.
>bad writing
I get confused when details about the plot, character interactions or motivations, and themes are left for the viewer to understand rather than blatantly stated by the characters and/or narrator.
Other people are talking about this show having a meaning of some sort which I am unable to understand. They must be lying about it.
>poor pacing
I lose interest in things about every 30 seconds and need to have my attention grabbed back repeatedly or I get bored.
There is drama in this show.
There are two or more male characters which interact.

>Actual descriptive terms are buzzwords, either because I use them without understanding them or someone used them correctly and I don't know how to refute them
You're a retard.

This is correct.


>it's X's best show
>it's X's only good show
>it has a well-written plot and well-written characters
>the threads were great

>If it's not anime, then it's 500 posts and 242 images omitted, click reply to view.
not true, that vagina thread got to 1000

The joke is that it managed to reach bump limit. So yes, thanks for proving his point.



The Sup Forums approved starter pack to shit on anime.
>muh healing
>muh no sales
Buy it right now and get your Sup Forums buzzords for free!

Don't tell me this is the first time you've seen that shit.



where the fuck did that assumption come from?

Whenever someone says Nasu is a hack you know they're just a secondary and to disregard their opinion


"bad pacing" is a legitimate complaint


This is quality bait.



>Bad translations are the only reason people call Nasu a hack
Translations are mostly shit, and people who read translations/spoilers online and pretend to be experts on the source are idiots, but Nasu's inability to write is a separate issue.

>mary sue

>DEEN "quality"

>the only reason
Your words, not mine. Never claimed that was the only reason. However, it is one of the reasons.

Ok, why would you bring up translation quality when my post had nothing to do with the English prose of his translated works?

'hack' is one of those meaningless buzzwords on Sup Forums that people use when a work they don't like is super popular.

>inb4 implying popularity = quality
Not an argument.

counterpoint: the writer of SAO is a hack

Because claims post is bait
And only made a vague generalisation which can apply to a wide range of things. Of which, TL quality is part of it. So I am calling out on dismissing it all as bait even though has some basis in it.

>Hack means what I want it to mean
I like plenty of popular things, and I dislike plenty of popular things. The biggest buzzword on this board is buzzword, because idiots who can't articulate an opinion use it to dismiss any criticism they don't like and can't respond to. They're are plenty of times when words are used incorrectly, but they doesn't suddenly invalidate them entirely and bar people from using them in the correct context.

>I made an assumption that was wrong because I'm an angry Fatefag
It's ok, we all make mistakes.

>I like plenty of popular things
>I dislike plenty of popular things
Doesn't mean they're hacks. Just mean that you're not the target audience and the author's work captured the audience.

Fuck off Nasu, go back to eat mollusks.

>make vague generalised statement that specifies nothing
>gets called out on it
>fuck, i ran out of argument! better jump to stock insults and attack the poster since i can't attack his point
Is this a bait

>this "logic"
My fault for forgetting that Fatefags are all clinically retarded.

*tips fedora*

>gets called out on it
That would imply my statement had anything to do with English prose. You took a shot in the dark and missed, and yet you're still pretending you made a point.

Never change, Fatefags.

>Like a mollusk, they wrap around each other


I just drop by to post this.

Charlotte had retarded pacing, and anyone who disagrees is fucking dumb.

They created and resolved a last minute plothook (kidnapping) in a single episode. Key seems to be really bad at this shit. Angel Beats had a similar issue where they tried to tell too many stories with too many characters in such a short amount of time.

When scheduling is more important.