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sure it is.

I can't believe we pulled it off, that was a great op. Now we know Sup Forums's easy fracture points

She wants to eat my dick

Sage and report e-celeb threads.

We knew you were all virgins. These women were too, that's how they made money and got famous off you for basic bitch political opinions cribbed from /r/thedonald. We knew your weak points and we successfully staged a psyop taking advantage of your misogynist nature.

Add to the fact Lauren Southern is a racemixer, that hit both the racism and sexism. We knew exactly how to plan this and you fell for it hook line and sinker, and we knew you would. Don't forget who the masters of subversion are you. It's not you, you're just imitators. You had one victory in 2016, a fluke. Maybe 2 if you count the Brexit, again a fluke. The left is still king, and we're growing stronger.

Name one new Point that those thots brought up, which got discussed heavily afterwards?

*These women knew too

How will we ever go on without kekistani autists and e-celeb cancer?

hi shawn

Who is this bitch?


Who cares about any fag who self-identifies as this?

Define alt-right.

Good luck with that. The average polack still doesn't give two shits about what some fagot says on here. Only fully formed opinions and facts/sorces will change a true Sup Forumsfag. The petty arguments and drama are filtered out. I come because I can watch the world burn with frens and banter and occasionally intelligent arguments break out.

>implying Sup Forums needs any help hating women

dont give yourself any credit retard

also keep in mind at least the incels on here only hate women, meanwhile the left literally spends all day every day attacking literally the entirety of their own side way more than centrists or righties

She looks just like Bess kalb.

To hell with both of them.

Anyone can take one look at this woman and see she's not right of center or right about anything, period.

She is a mixed poo, yet a white nationalist.

Pretty cute for a street shitter.

>Ethotcalypse 2017

>commie thinks "subverting" a group of Reddit civic nats and e-celebs that got duped into the "alt-right" psyop is a victory.
Good job, you keep reinforcing how stupid commies really are.

> The left is still king, and we're growing stronger.

LOL meanwhile in Commiefornia

nice op.
A shame its about two years too late to have any affect on the growing numbers of the right.

Tara McCarthy.

Sup Forums has hated coal burners for as long as Sup Forums has existed.

You didnt do shit, and like a typical loser Commie, will never amount to shit.

Once these coal burners are out you faggot cucks are next.

k comrade

more like shilled


Nice try >pic related


Good joob gommie, once the_Donalds get tired of politics they might leave the board for the spook base. And you can all cirglejerg al dogeder doching iur benises

Not just the 'Alt Right'. All American white id politics is done now. These women will just move to more specific Anglocentric ethno ID pol like the Aussies do. The age of 'white American politics' is over. It will now be something more meaningful and ethnocentric.

Haha, women should go back to the kitchen! Make me a sandwich! Fucking women have to place in the right.

twitter is clearly a hateapp.
LGBT are terrorists.

Who and why is there thread about it.

Good, the sooner this psyop and invasion of larpers leaves the better. After that we can truly make America Great, unlike their puppets in power.

>Brown eyes

Kill yourself

This guy gets it

>purging e-celebs
>"eating itself"

Not exactly, friendo.

>you destroyed all the ecelebs and newfags
>this supposed to be a bad thing

LOL I cant imagine being this fucking retarded that you think some internet lynch mob attacking women is destroying American White ID politics especially since almost non of these women are Americans mostly Canadians and Europeans.

T. McCarthy is still posting about white genocide and L.S is shit tier anyway. They will just block all you faggots anyway and it will blow over. You've accomplished nothing as usual. You homos always lose and the Alt Right is inevitable.

Uhh Americans..


Even my Somalian boyfriends cock sounds more white when it's slapping deep inside my boi pucci

These women are pretty weak considering they fall for common shill and troll tactics. Lauren does need to explain those pics with that shitskin

>outing tradsluts and coalburners
You should subvert us more often lmao

>We knew you were all virgins. These women were too
>Some e-celebs looking to manipulate people for money and views
>Manipulation fails, still rejected
>Claim victory and that failure would be Sup Forums falling for manipulation
wut ? Do you ever stop and listen to yourself ? You contradict yourself like a schizo, ntm the fact that there was no campaign from Sup Forums to troll them. You should go back on your medication

never actually saw this thot up close but that's a jew. that's 100% a jew. i know this because i've studied jewish faces for years. that is LITERALLY a kike.

What's an alt-right?

sorry dipshit but reality is on our side. The collapse will coming

Wow some roastie did/said something. Sure makes me want to import a billion niggers now!

What you shills never understand is that the alt right doesn’t exist. It’s the fucking leftie boogeyman. The only retard that would identify with alt right is Richard spencer.

She’s part poo.









So do you get paid to shill or are you doing it for free?


Not as much as the democrats

Unlike the miserable hollow wretches on the left, I don't need to be paid to participate. I do it for free out of love for my race and a sense of duty.

Does your mom know you're off your meds?

Soros dumped $18 billion into shilling. Currently their main target is right wing women. Shills are desperately trying to drive a wedge between men & women on the right. Their goal is to discourage women from joining to slow growth and stop the movement from being normalized (which is currently happening and it terrifies the left). At this rate we could have mainstream politicians who are /ourguys/ in ~5-10 years, but we have to counter the shills to keep up the necessary pace of growth.

psychology & psychiatry are bullshit, they are to neuroscience what alchemy was to chemistry

She's part Jew, part Pajeet and feminist, she was never one of us, she was just a jewtube opportunist.

Oh, yes this was totally your doing and not our typical behavior. Are you guys responsible for our bullyciding of Sinead and Evalion, too? Get lost, kid.

problem is he doesn't know how to safely cross the road when he gets lost
