Be pol

>be pol
>build an entire political movement around the fact that whites aren't reproducing and are losing track of traditional family values
>kick women out of the movement once they start agreeing with you
>be unable to understand the irony or why you perpetually lose
i must officially disassociate myself from you. you officially just brutally murdered my last remaining hopes for the white race

>kick women out of the movement once they start agreeing with you
this is just plain wrong. Roasties are always roasties and roasties just agree with us for attention.
Women are not to be respected on political decisions as their liberal leaning minds are why the world is so infected today

Remember when the NFL decided to market itself to women? That’s what’ll happen to :Sup Forums if women start coming here.

>considering that you probably look like pic related
>thinking that women "agree with you cuz they want your attention"

and my bad. i didn't upload the pic. i admit to that shortcoming. here it is though

Unfortunately, women have been coming here, I've seen the Facebook and Twitter posts from middle aged women posted on here where they talk about going on Sup Forums and how they know the lingo and all that Q bullshit

>be shill
>astroturf e-celeb controversy
>ocean of piss increases in volume by 0.00000001%
>"it's over" - You

No were kicking coal burners. If you didnt burn coal, and youre not trying to forcefully assume some sort of "leadership" role, then women have nothing to worry about.

>unfortunately women have been coming here
>why can't we get women to carry on the white race with us?
pic related is you

k, bye.

>these filenames

Oh fuck off, it's not the middle aged women we need

>be OP
>sympathize with Lauren "Race-Mixing" Southern
>sympathize with Tara "Quarter-Kike-Quarter-Pajeet" McCarthy
>sympathize with all other tradthots who are "traditionalism for thee but not for me"
>fail to understand that these women are just as antithetical to traditionalism as leftist cum wagons are
>donate to my patreon bby

In short, fuck you, and fuck anyone who tries to undermine the core tenets of the movement. Being red-pilled on the JQ and race means nothing if you're not even red-pilled on women, who are a big part of the reason this country went to fucking shit ie. women's rights & women in politics.

we set basic standards
not fucking non whites was one of them.

I personally don't see problem with Faith or Tara.

Lauren S is a degenerate who fucked a half black for 2 years (and would have married him but he dumped her).

idiots who can't differentiate between "dating" and having gallons of sperm pumped into you need to read rule 88.

and in reality its just shill trying to create an artificial divide. imagine being this pathetic.

>those boots
>with that top

i want to like you, faith. I really do, but you make it hard sometimes

What about people who are against mass immigration because they want to preserve women's rights like Lauren Southern?


just stay on reddit if you cant handle the hurtbox, sweetheart

>Thinking women who refuse to bear children and get upset when it is suggested to them will help us with the goal of raising white birth rates

Are you unable to see your own irony?

>middle aged women are literally the ones that are raising children
>"why aren't there any family or right wing values?"
>"why don't women want to be a part of this movement?"
>telling women that once they're no longer young and hot you're going to ditch them and treat them as subhuman
>"why don't women want to be a part of this movement?"

Whats your problem with pajeets?

but is he a wizard or a pirate? surely he can't be both

I have a white wife and 3 white kids
Op need to get a boyfriend

I just hate aspiring celebrities, no matter their political leanings. It's really the lowest of the low to aspire to be famous.


How to tell the difference between a pragmatist and a realist: look at their kitchen sink.

Lauren Southern confirmed to have literally swallowed loads from a non-white man. Probably lost her virginity to him too. Right or wrong?

Listen here old lady, we need the younger generations to have that same mindset now that they're coming out of college, because after you're done they're up next, catch my drift?

braindead milquetoast liberals belong on facebook

and this.

Women can't take criticism, and cannot stand on their own, against the grain. This type of conviction is only innate in males. We need women, don't get me wrong, but we need them in the house, raising babies. This is a war, and we don't need women on the "battlefield".

Stop being a bitch. We can't "kick them out", and besides, women LIKE to be treated like shit. They will start flocking to us once they realize we don't give a fuck about them.

may your entire family continue to be blessed and prosper good man.
thank you (and your wife) for your positive contributions to our people

can you fucking desperate e-thots go shill somewhere else?


>thinks the entire race is over because cunts on the internet pissed themselves or whatever

Go get a white girlfriend. Impregnate white girlfriend. Bang, problem solved. In the meantime, stop projecting, you silly fedorafag.

you aren't going to get them. you aren't going to get shit. you're going to remain alone and miserable and losing over and over and over and over and over again and last i checked lauren southern was 22, brittany petibone was similarly aged, ashton birdie 18 or 19, same with lauren rose. and all you people do is rag on them.

you know that my logic in the OP is 100% flawless. like literally. it's literally 100% simplistic and flawless. there's no way to argue against it, period, so why bother? it's flat out what is patently true

>once they start agreeing with you
Here is where you are wrong
Lauren got literally POO'ed and said she would do it again please FUCK OFF

there is a deeper issue here, why are you faggots following women. you fuck them, not follow them.
tits or gtfo isnt a debate.

Women don't belong in politics. If they were "agreeing" with us, they'd just be agreeing with the politics of their man and shutting the fuck up beyond that.

You type like a butthurt women
Lauren is that you?


women are cattle

Don't necessarily a problem with the pajeet part, it's just to point out the hypocrisy of McCarthy as being a basic bitch who tries to sneak her way into an ethno-nationalist movement even though she's only half white.

People join causes because it benefits them. In order to get people to not be your enemy the cause has to be to their benefit.

Why do you people hate Muslims so much if you think like the most extreme ones?

pol has never respected women in their movement so you are obviously a shill. I cant bel- well no I can believe that plenty of "superior males" on pol would fall for a dumb shill like you but I suspect that despite my apperant dykery you wont pull one over on me.

As fascism is simply capitalism in decay, it embodies the social relations of capitalism in hyper-exaggerated form.

Women are forced out of political roles because capital in decline prefers them in unpaid domestic labor roles. They are expected to be weak, submissive housewives that bow to the wisdom and whim of their master husbands. Being politically active in any meaningful sense runs completely counter to that goal.

The only one peole are shitting on is lauren southern because she is an admitted coalburner. Tara should just block trolls if she can't handle it because Sup Forums can't prevent anonymous twitter trolls. Only mgtows who follow that iranian sperg are attacking the other women.

>you're going to remain alone and miserable and losing over and over
you could have said get cancer
you could have said die in a fire
you could have said i hope your dog dies
you could have said any number of things
why did you instantly go with being alone forever?
are you projecting some fear here?

Southern is a coalburner. If we don't condemn that then what's the point?


faggot and / or woman detected

pic related

women benefit when they are happy at home taking care of the kids and house, not pretending to be some kind of fucking pundit between fashy binge drinking sessions with the lads
useless human beings

it's not about patreon shekels, it's not even about not having white babies by age x

it's about being a race traitor, end of the story.. this is not a religion where she can find salvation.

the reason isn't obvious? it's because this is a thread about you guys are intentionally alienating all of the women that agree with and support you guys. soooooooooo do you really even have to ask this question? really?

why would you get cancer or die in a fire from being bad with women? why would your dog die from you being bad with women?

I’m telling you this is projection. How he listed if their names and ages as if he feels guilt that he can’t get laid. I feel sad for OP, but he’s still a faggot.

poo in loo britbong pajeet

>Impregnante girlfriend
>not wife
Absolutely degenerate.

>be pol
>build an entire political movement around trolling normies
>some normie bitches show up
>troll the fuck out of them
makes sense to me, maybe you're just a white knight normie faget?

I think this is actually a thread about laughing at terrible shills

>it's because this is a thread about you guys are intentionally alienating all of the women that agree with and support you guys
Cunt, I will alienate anyone who disrepects me, you included. You don't get a free pass for having a twat.

there is an irony. what white women don't understand is that we don't care anymore. it's diy time for the white man.
as far as the white race is concerned, white women have done everything they can to undermine it. white women have done everything possible to sabotage right-wing efforts. white women have stuck up for every low-down motherfucker on the planet EXCEPT for white men, who they slang relentlessly.
the thing is, we're not even done with you because you were never with us in the first place.

>faggot and / or woman detected
nice, you've proven you can read at an 8th grade level. your mommy must be so proud. one PPP for you honey ^;)

thanks for feeling bad for me dude. im a huge faggot. even if i wanted to support you right now you wouldn't take it cuz i said i was a faggot. what if i said i was a woman? what if i tell you that i have a vagina? then i can't support you or your cause either, right?

i actually dislike gays but you guys totally reject them even when their hearts are in the right place and they are doing good. like milo. he did more good for your movement than many anybody else in my lifetime, and you all rejected him "cuz reasons". uh huh. sure. and you're all blindly stumbling around trying to figure out why you genuinely lose


>Southern is a coalburner
there's no proof of this

and no a photo of her standing near a brown guy doesn't count

I think this is actually a thread about laughing at terrible shills

>no evidence what so ever they dated in an age where people plaster their relationship status all over the internet

hmm I wonder if this is a divide and conquer smear campaign or not

we oppose muslims on racial not ideological grounds

sodomites belong in mass graves, liberal

im sorry. i didn't know that proving you wrong or answering your question was "disrespecting you". i'm prepared to be alienated by you. do your worst user

Not gonna win over women in college that are bombarded with leftist propaganda all day by calling them roasties, thots, whores, and everything else. Libshits cater their message almost exclusively to women these days.

>is triggered by literally nothing

>DIY time
>with making babies
oh my fucking god. has nobody had this talk with you? THEY DONT COME FROM THE STORK DUDE

You think she wouldn't have said "I never dated him, we were friends" if that were the case? Rather than "h-he's not a Muslim and he voted f-for Trump... #MAGA"

What's wrong with the woman on the right?

she literally admitted it in that tweet

no she didn't

norman please go


and since when was consent ever needed to make a child?
two words you're going to need to learn: white sharia.


this. the first and final mistake you braindead thots made was believing that you're on equal footing with men.


Hundreds of these fucking threads. These women are clearly under attack from outside Sup Forums.

Women don’t actually care about politics, they only care about it in terms of fitting in. If a woman get a boyfriend she likes she will change her political views 100% in a very short timespan.

Kicking attention whores out of the movement is part of the movement. My girlfriend isnt an attention seeking whore and we will have white children. Kindly stfu

half black is still black.

no, i don't think she would. She chose to point out that the person had no fucking clue what they were talking about in the way that she wanted to. I don't expect her to tweet an itemized list of exactly how every part of what was said was fabricated and wrong

Why not just orthodox Christianity. or secular fascism instead of larping as a muslim.

there's no evidence that she dated him


This. Who fucking cares if they grabbing shekels. Opposed to some other schlomo faggot who talks in front of a video like molymeme?
Same shit. Different gender. We need allies not infighting

Whites didn't get here by accepting subpar women.

remember to sage

this is an anonymous board, and while I have no real issues with those very beautiful women in your picture, i could not possibly care less about them.

I don't do e-celeb bullshit, i don't follow anyone on social media.

I read that and lysistrata.

They knew


Those look to be some decent Khazar Milkers

>this level of delusion

So when she is inevitably forced to admit it will you dismiss her then?

Ethots OUT

bye reddit

Right, coalburning had nothing to do with it. Avoid these harpies.