Who's your favorite waifu so far this season? I'm leaning towards Megumin.
Who's your favorite waifu so far this season? I'm leaning towards Megumin
lol i can't believe there are actually people who prefer Asuka to Rei
I've been in love since I first saw Ursula in the first OVA...
>your favorite waifu
I don't understand. Are you a mormon?
But you can only have one waifu per season
Nope, chronic master baiter
>seasonal waifus
Fuck off
Also pic related/spoiler]
>favorite waifu so far this season
>one waifu per season
>Not having a waifu
What's not to understand? Out of all the waifus that are in currently airing anime, one must be your favorite.
All of the anime girls are my waifus, from every season. It's impossible to pick a favorite because I love them all equally.
Waifus are not seasonal. Waifus are for life.
I hope you're being a fucking retard on purpose.
I would never do such a thing on Sup Forums
Neo Sup Forums does not understand, user.
>implying he's wrong
>seasonal waifu
please kill yourself
>unironically loving something that doesn't love you back
So not much different from my parents then