>Sup Forums hates racemixing
>the white race is literally the result of neanderthals mixing with homo sapiens
>race mixing has naturally occurred in humans and other species for millions of years
Isn't this a contradiction? Discuss.
Sup Forums hates racemixing
>the white race is literally the result of neanderthals mixing with homo sapiens
Until the demographics allow them to say we are neanderthals. Then we will have nothing left in common.
the problem with whites race mixing, is that whites wouldn't be "upgrading" by mixing with any other race.
whites are the best looking and has above average intelligence (in comparisons to other races)
whites are also the most creative race
if whites breed with asians, they may have higher IQ, but they sacrifice looks and creativity
if whites breed with niggers, they sacrifice looks, intelligence, and creativity, but gain slight physical capabilities
race mixing would maybe be okay if they were breeding "up"
Northern Europeans are just present day neanderthals
There's no such thing as the "white race".
This is the main reason why ethnonationalism will always be a neckbeard's pipedream. Stormcucks can't even agree on what's white.
What is this new psyops lately?
Op is litterally a fucking idiot.
for your ideal ethnostate, what would be the required ethnic % to have right of return (or whatever system they use)?
Whites are the descendents of the annunaki you are all just mad past 100+ years are manufactured.
>revolt against the modern world
>using a computer generated image featuring modern weapons and riot gear
>linking to a website
>posted on Sup Forums
These idiots are as hypocritical as a hipster making disparaging comments about capitalism on his iPhone while sipping on a Starbucks ice coffee.
Whites are stronger than blacks.
can you point to a better thread?
99% of threads on pol are shit desu idk what your problem
I don't have an ideal ethnostate because I'm not a stormcuck. If you really hate brown people so much that you can't stand being around them then just move to the countryside. Only white people there.
>neanderthals had bigger brains and invented building tools, clothes and buildings before homo sapiens
>the only race to never interbreed with them are the ones who never left africa
>africans are the stupidest race who have never invented anything
really makes one ponder
true, but i was mainly only thinking about running , jumping, and fighting
Argentina is whiiiiiite!
Not all hapas are ugly though
Origins of white race are clearly outlined in the Bible if you know how to read it, and it has nothing to do with Neanderthals. Don’t be so susceptible to Juden propaganda
agreed, kristin kreuk and olivia munn are hot, but whites are more likely to be attractive on average.
hapas are hot if they manage to inherit the european nose, eye area, and skin ton
Not bait
Ok :(
There is always conflict on defining who is "white". Maybe is better for the European countries to try to keep an ethnically homogeneous country, and not caring so much for who is white
>whites are stronger and smarter
>but watch me jump around
And how well did it end for the Neanderthals?
>Maybe is better for the European countries to try to keep an ethnically homogeneous country
Why does that matter?
Did they mix with us because we were cute or because we were easy/weak?
They get a bad name because so many mediocre white dudes who failed settle for a mediocre yellow chick.
They're then raised by shitty, unattractive parents. It's a recipe for failure.
non-ugly hapas = white facial features, non-white skin
nice selfie bud
>What is this new psyops lately?
It is that or whites are extraterrestrials and kill them.
> t. hypocritical hipster making disparaging comments about capitalism on his iPhone while sipping on a Starbucks ice coffee.
One drop rule, we are minority now. Where's the gibbs?
>hur dur white people are Neanderthals
And all other non native Africans, it's the Chinese that have the most Neanderthal DNA I think, even then only a few %.
I'm a pretty strong advocate of capitalism. Which is also why I support free trade and immigration.
You swung and you missed. Nice try though.
my waifu
Neanderthals were around 45,000 years ago and died out 5,000 years later after Homo Sapiens came from Africa and replaced the Neanderthals. There was breeding between the 2 races and modern humans that arn't pure african have 1-4% of neanderthal DNA. At least thats what My uni class on Biological Anthropology has to say
>the white race is literally the result of neanderthals mixing with homo sapiens
makes a claim, supports with zero evidence
next thread
Degenerate. Control yourself.
>europe is being filled with millions of muslims
>terrorist attacks, ethnic and religious conflicts everywhere
I wonder why
Yeah but i think they were different races of neanderthals too, i read it somewhere that europeans inherited the red hair from them. So asian neanderthals were a bit different from the european ones
>Chinese that have the most Neanderthal DNA I think
They have more Denisovan than Neanderthal. Fun Fact that is an admixture and not true Neanderthal.
A Capitalist would be for the legalization of marijuana are you?
h*mans were a mistake.
I was under the impression they had both
You're right, I'm making a fool of myself. She's only half white anyways.
Modernity is a state of mind, not a stage of technological development. Viewing it as the latter is actually a symptom of modernist thinking.
>terrorist attacks, ethnic and religious conflicts everywhere
This is pure hyperbole. You're more likely to be struck by lightning than to be killed by terrorists in Europe. Stop reading tabloids and getting your opinions from Sup Forums.
>A Capitalist would be for the legalization of marijuana are you?
I don't know about legalisation but I'm all for decriminalising the use of cannabis.
What does that have to do with capitalism?
Weed is a potential market.
The anti-capitalist hipster would make the same claim about capitalism whilst smuggly sipping on his ice latte.
>dude capitalism is like a state of mind bro
So are child sex slaves. That doesn't mean you have to be in favour of slavery and pedophilia to be a capitalist.
>I never read any genetic science, or I would know how full of shit I am.
Fucking lying shill.
How come most geneticists and anthropologist categorically reject the worldview of stormfags?
I guess they're all jews or something right?
Capitalism is an economic system, one of many based upon modernist principles (Socialism being the other).
See, you think you're coming across as the intelligent one in this conversation, but because I actually know what I'm talking about it's obvious you're just trying to compensate.
Modernity in the sense used by Evola is based around an idea of linear historical development based upon material accumulation (e.g. The world advances because technology advances). It brings a lot of cultural baggage with it. The robin in the robin's egg does not know the robin's egg is blue.
>categorically reject the worldview of stormfags?
What are those views, exactly?
The whole Neanderthal thing was put together by a couple researchers who amalgamated pieces of DNA to come up with their findings. Don't fall for the (((science))) meme. As we see from 23andme, these fuckdykes are not beyond alchemy. Doubt everything at all times. You never know who has an agenda up their sleeve. You've been warned, just like you were warned about 23andme.
>Millions years ago you race mixed bigot!
>This should be the worthwhile reason on why whites have to race mix with races who are less evolved.
Your argument is retarded.
How much of a nigger faggot are you? Mad you people couldn't create a society as good as white people?
Here's the thing, after the Boas infiltration of schooling everything is out the window. Neandertal is being spelled as this now not with an "h".
With the (((concepts))) of the "racist pseduo-science", physiognomy, being lambasted as fake. Even though you can look at someones skull and see a difference. The chances of White people being actual Neandertals or at some point them being labled as extraterrestrials to kill them all is the only few ways that the tribe Franz Boas belongs to. In all honestly you shouldn't trust DNA kits you can mail in either.
Jew Boas, everyones from Africa Goy.
Indeed perhaps a lawsuit or worse is in the works.
No, Canadian is correct, per Evola. Evola's critiques of materialism have nothing to do with him hating the printing press or guns.
>>Sup Forums hates racemixing
Half of pol is American
>Canadian is correct
It soothes me to know there is at least one other person here who isn't a retard.
Do you honestly think that those stormtards were talking about Modernism as defined by Evola when they talk about the 'modern world'?
The notion that differences in behaviour can be attributed to a person's ethnicity.
Answer the question. Why do most prominent anthropologists disagree with stormfags? Are they all jews that secretly want to destroy the "white race"?
Also, I'm white. I'd bet money that I'm whiter than you.
see>Do you honestly think that those stormtards were talking about Modernism as defined by Evola when they talk about the 'modern world'?
>Do you honestly think that those stormtards were talking about Modernism as defined by Evola when they talk about the 'modern world'?
Considering its the title of his most widely circulated work, yes.
>The notion that differences in behaviour can be attributed to a person's ethnicity
Very few geneticists deny that, they just play a philosophical language game to dance around the subject ("X is a social construct.")
>If I want to see a mutt convention I just go to a Home Depot of Walmart.
You won't know the feeling of alienation until you experience this first hand. Makes me sick when I occasionally go into those places.
>Considering its the title of his most widely circulated work, yes.
You seriously think that a bunch stormfags are talking about Evola's definition of the word? You're not arguing in good faith here.
>Very few geneticists deny that
Pretty much every geneticist denies that. Can you show me a single prominent geneticist that advocates for ethnostates?
>There's no such thing as the "white race".
According to Census Records, affirmative action possibilities, business diversity loan opportunities there is a thing as being "white".
England's history has always been an ehtno-state for Anglo-Saxons.
>I don't know about legalisation but I'm all for decriminalising the use of cannabis.
>What does that have to do with capitalism?
It is spelled, decriminalizing & legalization.
Why go half way? Why make it illegal to grow yet not have are you somekindaFacist?
No I am, you are a Capitalist.
I think it should be decriminalized/legalized with production taken over by the state and regulated like alcohol proofs, cigars and cigarettes. With the proceeds going to schools, roads, parks, healthcare and other important things for the people, silly me silly Fascist.
You're a Capitalist though, got to make that big bank for that account ya got right?
Enjoy the British Caliphate Nigel. Bet you can't wait to submit to Allah and change your name to an Arabic one. If you're lucky maybe someone could set you up with a sexy goat wife.
الْحَمْدُ لِلَّـهِ
>because Sup Forums is one person.
lurk moar
Naturally, forced resettlemnt of niggers and muzzies is not organicor natural.
Also neanderthals offered certain benefits, nigs and most muzzies dont really.
>You seriously think that a bunch stormfags are talking about Evola's definition of the word? You're not arguing in good faith here.
The post you replied to is literally a picture with the title of Evola's book printed on it.
>Pretty much every geneticist denies that. Can you show me a single prominent geneticist that advocates for ethnostates?
That wasn't what you asked earlier. You're a retard, but do people tell you that every day?
This Brit-cuck is so stupid that he adopted my ((((countrie's))) concept of Proposition Nation to feed in his anti white ideology.
You know that the US govt considers arabs to be part of the "white race" right? Do you agree with them?
>England's history has always been an ehtno-state for Anglo-Saxons.
No it hasn't. There was never a single point in our history where we declared England to be an ethnostate for anglo-saxon people.
Britons are a mixture of celts, saxons, romans, scandinavians, etc... That's why some Englishmen are very swarthy like Russel Brand and others very fair like Ed Sheeran.
Americans have different spellings for a lot of words.
Your not arguing in good faith either. Being an advocate of capitalism doesn't mean that I support the complete dissolution of govt regulations and trade laws. It's like you people are incapable of understanding nuance and only see things in black and white (no pun intended).
So you can't produce a single geneticist or anthropologist that agrees with stormfags and you're resorting to ad hominem?
Okay thanks for playing.
Race doesn't exist, it's a social construct created by American mongrels with no history or culture. Ethnicity is the only thing that exists. For example Hitler wasn't a white nationalist he was a Germanic nationalist who did what he did for the german people not for "whites", in fact he was more than willing to kill whites in Poland in order to regain rightful German clay. Europe has never been united based on race, only nation.
You just disproved your whole argument that there is no such thing as the white race when you applied abrabs are an outsider group to the white race. You validated that race is real and there are differences. Nice going Nigel.
The only rational arguments I have seen on Sup Forums have been about outbreeding depression. Basically, if your mate is too distant from you, they are adapted to a different environment. Your child will have a mix of adaptations to both environments but will only live in one. This can be good, or it can be terrible. It's usually both. And it hits in the second generation when hybrid vigor fades. This affects everything from gaming the pussy market to your personality to your fucking immune system.
Several thousand years of societal selection while isolated in one environment do solve that. And it did! Homo sapiens was downgrading when they bred with neanderthal women. They were just as smart, more creative, more social, faster breeders, and better suited to making tools with their more gracile hands. Time fixed it as the bad neanderthal traits were bred out. But let's not do it again. It's a pain in the ass.
If you do mix with a different "race", pick one that lives in a way similar to yours, and not too far away. If you're white, this means more white people. Nordic, slav, kraut, frog, celt, or basque. No blacks. No persians. No nips.
A german and a swede marrying = no big deal
A nip and a gook marrying = no big deal
A german and a nip marrying = short fucker in a society that values height, shy to share his ideas in a society that honors the boldly creative, good at math and rote memorization in a society that gives relatively few fucks about those skills
I'm not going to trawl through a whole website to look for this information.
Give me names and titles of these prominent scientists who agree with stormfags.
Agreed. The idea that all "white people" see each other as equals is complete nonsense. It's obviously a fantasy constructed by Americans seeking to reconnect with some sort of European heritage.
A Spaniard, a German, a Pole and an Englishman are very different people culturally speaking.
The amount of butthutery shiling in this thread... what's coming out tomorrow morning then?
My point was that the definition is arbitrary. Go ahead and give me the definition of "white people" if you can.
Haplogroup R1b.
>Americans have different spellings for a lot of words.
I'll cede that we took our tongue from you, I still spell it colour however.
To your other I only asked questions I never suggested dissolution of govt regulations and trade laws. In a way I inquired "why stop at half measures" and offered a solution within it.
And how do you determine someone's membership of "Haplogroup R1b"?
>Give me names and titles of these prominent scientists who agree with stormfags.
>Waste your time doing work for me because I've totally demonstrated my willingness to argue in good faith and not acted like a total kike through the entire thread
Colour is the norman spelling. Color is the Roman spelling.
America is a Rome wannabe, so we spell it "color".
The limeys wish to be french, so they say "colour".
Blood testing, and they all look extremely similar except for those fucks in central africa
Never thought of it this way, desu.
>Colour is the norman spelling.
Your point?
>Go ahead and give me the definition of "white people" if you can.
Naturalization Act of 1790 clears things up.
Good post. It seems the most logical answer
>In a way I inquired "why stop at half measures" and offered a solution within it.
What half measures are you talking about? Are you saying that, as a capitalist, not legalising all drugs is a half measure?
So you can't name a single prominent scientist that concurs with stormfags?
I mean even I know that there must be one or two nazi supporters in the field of anthropology but you can't name a single one?
Maybe you'd like to explain why, if these theories about racial differences in behaviour are so widely accepted as fact, nobody except for far right-extremists are arguing for ethnostates? Why is that I wonder...
The original human beings were more creative, more intelligent, and more social than neanderthals. We wiped out neanderthals for a reason, but their genetic contribution to the white race was valuable because our med-monkey ancestors probably weren't well adapted to cold weather.
Breeding with a neanderthal in modern times would be a massive downgrade for your immediate children, and only a possible plus for the hundredth generation of hybrids during the future ice age. It would be the equivalent of fucking an ainu.
Shitty, surface level criticism.
Can you determine that by a simple blood test? What about mixed race people? Would you advocate blood testing every single person in Britain and deporting those who fail the test?
Can you elaborate? How do you determine if a person is "white"?
A race is equivalent to a breed, neanderthals on the other hand were a highly related species (which is why interbreeding led to a lot of sterility of the males if I remember correctly, while the female offspring continued to breed with homo sapiens).
In short your issue is based on a false equivalence between different categories.
Jews aren't white.
I support ending all welfare programs and letting the gene pool sort itself out.
Chances are, white people will dominate in historically white countries given the chance to have any natural competitive advantage, and the population will bleach itself.