How does Sup Forums justify this blatant hypocrisy?

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Lana and Ayla have kids, your argument is invalid

I've been saying this since the end of 2016. It's absolutely disgusting. They're all growing up to be just like "conservative woman" Ann coulter

I think you mean reddit.

If someone tries shilling random e-celeb whores riding the gravy train, then they're obviously reddit.

Lana has 1 kid
I posted a pic of 8 women and you can only defend 2.
Your argument is invalid

>another mentally ill twitter fag spam thread

most of those whores are jews tho

Ayla has five kids.

Who the fuck cares. Stop being such a faggot kid...

>another non-refutation post

You said no children. He pointed out two. Your argument is invalid

Holy shit the white race is saved!

Shit, six, I'm retarded
>inb4 youre argooment is invalid

Whether you like it or not, these people are role models for women in the alt-right. They have to be held to the highest standard and called out on their bullshit. Do you want our current and future women to have big traditional families or do you want them to get married at 35 with only 1 or 2 kids?

How many white kids Sup Forumstards have? How you justify this blatant hypocrisy?

we cant breed because they wont put out. this is our rage thread.

How many of these women have no kids?
Six out of eight are childless, 75%
The vast majority of alt-right women have no kids. This has to change. If you see nothing wrong with this then you're retarded

This enrages me. This is an organized attack. They have taken the "why don't they have children yet?" angle from the very beginning, and everyone fell for it hook line and sinker. Why don't you have children yet? Having kids and sticking your head in the sand isn't going to help anyone; at least these women are putting our message out to both the general public and WOMEN as well, who will then go and have children. You fucking retards fell for their bait, and Sup Forums is dead because of it. FUCK YOU leftypol, your final days will come soon.

It's the alt right a tiny veiled hook up movement?

nice try leftypol


I'm not hot with a working womb, what's their excuse?

2 of those women are not even White. I only hear about them because you cucks shill them here daily. They are irrelevant. Nobody gives a shit

They won't have kids and they never will. These so-called "right wing" women you speak of are the most hypocritical of the bunch, and probably just want your sheckles and foreskin.

it's because if they became moms they'd actually have to retire from shaking their tits for alt white knights and kekistani tier faggots, and that makes them a pretty decent living when they're not otherwise talented.

Millenial Woes is a fat slob, yet he's generally respected and not spammed 24 GD 7

#2 is hot

Alya and Lana have kids

Tara is part poo therefore cannot have white children

Lauren and Brittany are still very young

>date 8 women in the last 2 years (and when I say date I mean date, not "date" as in have sex with and live with)
>6 said they never wanted children
>1 said she wanted children one day "maybe in her 30's (she was 22)
>1 said she wanted children in a few years, then she began to reveal what a feminist victim she was

It's harder than you think.

some of them are in their early 20s... if they have kids, those kids will only become awful fucking people, and they will likely become single mothers. let them live their lives for a bit ffs

will they touch me if i donate to their patreon

3 > 2 > 7 > 1 > 6 > 4 > 8 > 5

If you disagree with this ranking you are wrong.

I just hope Lauren takes the August Ames route and offs herself. One less Jew to worry about.


timer started

How many shill threads on alt-right woman are we going to get today? The left must find this a particularly effective divide and conquer subject.

Sage e celeb threads

Good point, shame that guy too

>How does Sup Forums justify this blatant hypocrisy?
Sup Forums doesn't have white children themselves either. We cannot judge them when we don't put ourselves to the same standard.

I've never seen any of these thots before op, please end your life

I like Tiina, too. Her accent is adorable.

Alt-right is a set of ideas. I'm really tired of the endless gossip about the people instead of the ideas of the Alt-right. LS never wend to the Charlottesville rally, so how can she be considered Alt-right anyway?
Let's talk ideas and concepts, not about e-celebs, mmkay?

Roosh was right, these thots are raking in the beta bux

Have to post this here. Get it through your heads, stubborn white knight faggots

Roosh is always right

Most of them are younger than 25.

Lana has a kid.
Blonde on the bottom left corner has 6 kids and she homeschools all of them.

>all this fake blond hair


pretty much.

Roosh is based.

all fake blondes, or brunettes, with intense caking make-up

its like altright cosplay


>Nature lies.


We obviously habbent seduced them yet.

Get to it boys. Women have always been whores. thats why we call them that and thats why its the oldest profession. Everyone knows women sell themselves for sex attention and money.

you dont think tradchads hit em up on twitter?

he probably had the most influence on alt right society of anyone. His red pill was the original gateway drug that ultimately led to gamergate and everything else.


Who's the bitch next to Lauren?

If you mean to the left of Lauren, that's Tiina Wiik, she's Finnish. She goes by SwanofTuonela on youtube.

Or rather, went* by SwanofTuonela.

Roosh is right but stop kikeposting with that image.

>getting caught and backpedalling this hard
Go to bed kid

tradthot thread

How to destroy the white race? Simple, convince them that the best hope they have to fight against their creeping genocide is to embrace a shitty form of post-modern Christianity and that all they have to do is work hard and be content at a mid-level job and have a couple of kids -then die peacefully with their mediocre life, mediocre job, and mediocre family while mentally masturbating that they're "woke" (but use an alternative word like "redpilled").

The so called "solution" that is tossed around here is nothing more than mediocrity that damns whatever white kids you do have to a future that violently hates whites, they will live out their years in a country that looks completely different than they do.

Until white men wake up and are willing to actually sacrifice to change the world, then we are doomed. White men must stand up and be willing to physically "drain" the swamp.

Grow a fucking spine white man.

>why won't the people who are supposed to be leading by example set the example

Doesn't bottom left have like six white children

I corrected myself and my point easily still stands.
You haven't refuted my point and you resort to ad hominem because you don't like the truth.

gas the kikes but she is the undisputed jewfu of Sup Forums. her milkers are too pure for our shekels

''She'' looks like a guy, tho.

that or she's a meth whore. you can never tell does she have all of her teeth?

her eyes are pretty in that one.
but her khazar milkers.............
I want to do the whole anne frank thing with her.

no, she just doesn't wear makeup.

Lana just had a kid you fucking retard.

I can tell your some Soros shill just for including her. She is Sup Forums in female form.

enough of the attacking altright /altlite women. Fuck you cunts are pathetic. Makes me wanna fucking bust your weak ass. You cunts should be reading and working out and fucking fighting the good fight. Our nations are dying and these women want to help, fucking help them help us you dumb fucks.


Why is Wife With a Purpose on there, she has multiple white kids.

that body is made for breeding

Looks exactly like her brother in makeup in that pic

we should launch operation to get Lauren's nudes somehow and spread them trough internet.
She is tradthot so we have to act towards her in that way.

it is just another shill thread. There has been a deliberately engineered and concerted attack on women the past few days. Probably planned and paid for too.

>the people posting this aren't socialists and divide and conquer shills

I mean, to be fair, there are always disinfo ops on this board.
Stormfags pretending to be black guys, black guys pretending to be stormfags, feminists pretending to be men, socialists pretending they are capitalists, etc etc etc.

I'm pretty jaded by this whole board. The amount of time people spend making sure this place is constantly infighting over dumb shit blows me away.

Two of them have children. Tara and Blonde are pregnant.


I just found the image by googling "alt right women". Most don't have kids you mong.

Their usefulness to the movement overshadows their hypocrisy.
Like a less degenerate Milo

catlonautism rules

yeah but some dumb fuck autist long term Sup Forums users jump on the bandwagon. The D&C on women is easy to do because there are so many disaffected beta males with woman hate on the board.

We don't have to justify anything, it's very obvious that those thots are just being like that for attention and money if they were married and had children all would be different.

I'd make jewish babies with her and then have partial birth abortions with them. I think that's fair

Today I got stuck in front of a school bus dropping off kids. For some reason I immediately started counting. Out of 27 kids who hopped off, 3 were white.
Granted this was in a semi poor neighborhood next to one of the cuckiest uni's in the country. And white parents typically live in better areas and also pick their kids up from school. 3 of out of 27 is horrible. I havn't shaken off the idea that no matter what we do right now to fix this nation it will go to total and utter shit once we drop below the 50% mark.

wheres the betafinn?

Allegedly Lauren has a baby with that colored guy but I don't know if that counts

I only know who Lauren Southern is. I don't really follow too many e celebs.

do a barrel roll shill

then she's -1

What the fuck are you talking about? lol

I don't know to tell you the truth, there have been so many threads on this lately that I might have mixed up something

don't post stefan's faggot face on here. he was tricked by lauren southern - when i saw that i stopped wathcing his channel before you beta faggots realized you she was a nigger loving libtard....

stefan is a libtard behind the scenes he mentioned what his involvement was in one of his webcasts but i forgot what he said. it's probably online somewhere. look for his degree. he's a fucking fake conservative and he'd slit hitler's throat in a second if given a chance...

I know she took pictures with a poo, maybe even dated him, but I never heard of her having a mongrel spawn.

Then maybe it was just a stupid rumor. But I'm not surprised by anything anymore

Ah, none of those faggots even bothered to reply to this. I'm not white but some us are rooting for you faggots. I wish some of you fucks would wise up and stop sucking every eCeleb dick that comes your way like a desperate, cock-lusting homosexual.


Youre a fucking moron

how many white children do you have, OP?

i mean, these women look pretty young. maybe they're not ready to not be hot and destroy their bodies with hard, painful pregnancies. they still have time, any one of them could still get pregnant for years and years to come.