I took a few philosophy classes in college and found them to be the most interesting and though provoking classes I had...

I took a few philosophy classes in college and found them to be the most interesting and though provoking classes I had ever had. I spent my free time reading books about logic but now I want to read about major philosophers and their ideas. Any philosophy fags have suggestions?

Mostly interested in readings that have to do with political and social topics

Other urls found in this thread:

biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Proverbs 3:5-6
biblegateway.com/verse/en/Philippians 3:8

Nietzsche is a must, Plato as well, Aristotle is a classic. Kant, from there you can consider stuff like Hegel, or Heidegger. If you like to get into the postmodern fuckery read camus (the rebel).

if you're interested in social and political topics, then it's more important that you learn real history. I could set you off on a lesson plan if you want. It will have philosophers and poets mixed in, but only the most relevant in understanding human history and thought.

For the record. If you're going to listen to shit like this. I won't help you at all.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight.

biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Proverbs 3:5-6

I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ,

biblegateway.com/verse/en/Philippians 3:8

I've read a bit of Aristotle for sure as well as neizxhe. Heidegger I found to be the most profound in my readings:

"Since we can never hope to understand why we're here, if there's even anything to understand, the individual should choose a goal and pursue it wholeheartedly, despite the certainty of death and the meaninglessness of action."

This was really striking to me .

I would honestly love that user. I think I'm pretty well versed in history, but there is always more to learn.

What do you mean?

start with the greeks. plato, aristotle, epicurus, epictetus, heraclitus. They form the foundation of western thought. The romans have a few good ones, cicero, seneca and marcus. From there you can decide whether you prefer continental or analytic philosophy.

I mean I despise people who read plato, aristotle, nietzsche, etc.

Where's the context? You have to look up when Plato was alive, and you have no conceptualization of the world of the times. Especially Nietzsche.

I'm not just going to throw pearls. Demonstrate to me that you want to learn.

How would I demonstrate that to you?

Have you read the history of the pelop war?

John Locke

"Second Treatise of Government"


Recent history is important but I like learning the spectrum of thoughts and reactions through history. I find Aristotle's reasoning based in a concrete reality as interesting and important to humanity as the Germans tactical ability to make full use of motorization to pull off impressively quick attacks of France and Poland to learning the errors and misconceptions taught in sciences and especially electricity. The world is fascinating and our history/potential is amazing to me.

all of philosophy is a footnote to plato.

Plato was a nihilistic cunt.
>the world only exists in your mind
How is that beneficial to anyone?

try reading until you can get higher than a 3rd grade level and come back to me.
>a fucking leaf

Didn't even attempt to answer the question. How is basing your reality off of your perception and senses and ultimately feelings beneficial compared to assuming the world exists independent of you and that you can influence it if you learn the rules?

The classics:
Anything by Nietzsche, esp Beyond Good and Evil
"Leviathan" by Thomas Hobbes
"On Liberty" by John Stewart Mills

Some good modern political philosophy books:
"The True Believer" by Eric Hoffer
"The Dictator's Handbook" by Bruce Bueno de Mesquita
"Better Angels of our Nature" by Stephen Pinker

Truly redpilled tier:
"Tragedy and Hope" by Carroll Quigley
"Industrial Society and its Future" by Ted Kaczynski

Peloponnesian war? Yes I have. Classical antique is my favorite time period

Kierkegaard and Chesterton, along with the major Catholic philosophers

>A fucking leaf can't be this retarded
Socialized education everyone.

Protip: Plato's allegory was alluding to the idea of a Platonic (i.e. perfect) reality that is only perceivable by the mind. Think of mathematical concepts. We can clearly predict hidden aspects of the universe by performing calculations and any mathematician will tell you that math is a real, physical part of the universe. So it is with Plato's allegory. Most people go through life only seeing the puppet show put on by others, believing that to be the full extent of reality. The more one learns, the more one realizes how limited one's viewpoint is.


You aren't getting to anything beneficial either. What do you gain from "realizing how limited ones viewpoint is"? I would argue that you would start with a limited viewpoint and through empirical study and perception, you learn how things work. Your viewpoint grows as your knowledge grows. The idea of innate knowledge of forms or anything is unbelievable and I see no benefit to pushing Plato's thoughts on it as if "all of philosophy is a footnote to plato". The idea that you could think of a color without experiencing that color by your senses first is such a crippling notion. Again, what benefit do Plato's ideas have?

Lemme get uhhhh Zizek

Did you follow it up with Xenophon's Hellenica? He finished Thucydides work.

If you've done your homework on that time period, and have read Plutarch's (all of it. Read everything by Plutarch), then you're probably ready for Montaigne and Bossuet.

Once you've completed that, read Shakespeare.
>but I've already read shakespeare.


Please do

Locke and Roseau should be required reading for all Americans. The American Revolution and our resulting constitution can only truly be understood in the light of the classical liberal philosophy that these men put forward

I know you're looking for reading material but may I suggest that you study mathematics on the side, not necessarily in a formal setting but on the side. Maybe use Khan Academy or something and do one, two, or three math lessons a day. It will help sharpen your mind and crystallize your thoughts better when reading through heavy hitting philosophy. I also find that the inverse is effective as well (reading philosophy to better work through math). The reason I say this is because mathematics is useful and it is a form of logic.

This is a retarded post by someone who doesn't into philosophy. Nietzsche, Kant, Hegel, and Heidegger are the quintessential proto-postmodernists.

Nietzsche doesnt need a lot of context. Other than maybe his misunderstanding of darwinism, otherwise his genealogical approach doesnt necessitate a lot of background knowledge

>asking this on Sup Forums
The average age on this board is like 14 and the average iq about 70

Try Gurdjieff.

Buddha was a guy who did stuff once, I heard.

Philosophy is fake


Also JS Mill's On Liberty. Read some David Hume and Bertramd Russell too.

Stirner is worth reading for a laugh, just don't take him seriously. Same with Nietzsche, everything he says just remind yourself that he was insane.