Why Jews and Muslims Both Have Religious Claims on Jerusalem
Fuck religious claims. Palestinians were kicked out by an illegitimate doctrine.
What about the Christians?
They have been around a lot longer then stinky rag heads.
Really pulling for Irans nuke program
Don't forget christians. Isreal won several wars so its their clay...
get the US to stop supporting them and see how long they hold on to it.
So what you're saying is nuke jerusalem and solve 2 problems?
omg if you interpret the (((prophecy))) extremely broadly it resembles real world events!
There is nothing special about the place. Its just a dirt hill with zero natural resources that they waste so much energy fighting over to try and live there.
muslimes don't have a legitimate claim.
they arent very different from each other.
If we're going to go backwards through history and try to sort out the "rightful owners" of every single piece of land that had ever belonged to someone other than who it belongs today we're never going to make that Colony on Mars.
the world is a complex place but FUCK MUDSLIMES so I'm with Israel on this one
Palestine doesnt exist..
i know how to solve this problem.
Israel fought a war and won and have been defending it ever since. Muzzies can't compete.
Jerusalem belongs to The Lord and nobody else.
>Why Jews and Muslims Both Have Religious Claims on Jerusalem
Who cares? Jews were there first. We need to turn all Palestinians into Jordanians and ship them out with irresistible programs.
Um sweety, all Worlds belong to the Lord (of the Worlds)
If only.
Jerusalem is rightful Christian territory. The fact that we ever allowed it to fall out of our hands after we captured it in the First Crusade is disgusting.
>Jews were there first
*angry sioux noises*
War of conquest is illegitimate?
So a sand religion that was established hundreds of years after Christianity and Judaism has a claim on land? Nah, they can fuck off and give back Constantinople
>claiming Jerusalem
Destroy it Christ died Calvary overlooking the City and the Glory of God has long since departed Jerusalem. Muslims just claimed it because Mecca was a shithole compared to the splendour of Jerusalem.
>Christ died
No he didn’t, he was returned unto God in heaven
> we wuz first n shit
Islam is the original faith of Abraham (who was neither Christcuck nor Kike)
>Christ arisen
Christ was executed on Calvary which overlooks the City, the Church is not a temple nor a place it is the heart.
So destroy it.
> arisen
Learn to read stupid gay sheepfucker
better give the states back to the indians then
>denying Christ
I see you're a Muslim. Begone son of Ishmael, cursed to serve the sons of Jacob.
Someone made up a shit religion, then a kike and a sandnigger plagiarised that shit.
End result = kikes, christcucks and sandniggers worship the same shitholes.
Fortunately, christcucks are European, so they were able to move away from worshipping fucking rocks.
Kikes don't want to because they were first and sandniggers don't want to move away because they're sandniggers.
Muslims have zero legitimate claim, and they have Mecca.
>denying Christ
No muslim does that, idiot
so do christians,
but... who were the ones that invaded the levant and forced the people to convert by force?
Not arguments
Send them both shipments of weapons that have explosive charges in the hand grips
Then just walk around Clubbing everyone to death that has fucked up hands
We would Save on Ammo and we could turn it into a game
They only have the nightflight that took muhammed to jerusalem on the back of a winged horse to go to heaven from the dome of the rock.
So.. things that never happened.
You deny Christ's divinity by declaring him a prophet. Then by revering him less than Mohammed you deny his testimony.
All in all you are the equivalent of a heathen.
Kek First post "shit I sound too much like a mudslime"
There we go, now I look like a """""nazi""""" again.
The idolatry of this city is becoming too heavy. As anons have said in this thread earlier, the only option is to DESTROY Jerusalem... Like Sodom of old.
The only things that should hold so much space in a man's heart is God, Family, And by extension of family, his Race.
jews were there first to be fair, islam is only 1400 years old.
>implying Mohammed didn't just make shit up as he went along
Let me lay down a redpill for the OP and for the History channel:
Nobody gives a single fuck who has rights to it.
>Jerusalem is the birth place of Christ
>Jerusalem is the burial ground of Christ
>Jews and Muslims spit/piss and defile the corpse of Christ
They are the same thing. Mud-ham-aids was a kike who got btfo by goyim in Mecca, so he went to Medina, and found a bunch of dumb fucks who were like "yeah we'll use your religion as an excuse to rape, and pillage." Many shekels later, and "oy vey Ismael is the one all the goyim should be subordinate to."
what about christians?
*take back
guy gets voices in his head, one & a half millennia later world is in chaos because of it, crazy how nature do dat.
kek imagine? but wouldnt they catch on that the equpment is rigged to explode?
Everyone has a claim on jerusalem.
>all of the Middle East now has a reason to attack Israel
>Sup Forums doesn’t like that
Seriously guys, you are never going to visit Jerusalem and you have no reason to feel protective of it.
Just let the Jews and camels kill each other for it. The Jews have captured the flag and every terrorist group on Earth will try to get it back from them.
The truth is, you only have a claim on jerusalem if you can stop everyone else from taking it.
Stop calling muslims and kikes "Sup Forums"
you mean arabs living in ottoman syria? ottoman syria was a pretty big place too and only a tiny amount of it is modern day israel. the british mandate for palestine was much bigger than israel as well and most of it is now jordan.
>Everyone has a claim on jerusalem.
I think they should give it to the black Israelites, just for a laugh.
Should be titled Why Jews and Christians have claims to Jersusalem and who cares about about a pedophile sand bigger who climbed up a golden ladder.
You mean those Egyptian, Jordanians, and Syrian shitskins in the land of Israel?
came here to post this.
It's brilliant! No one will want it after that. Peace in the Middle East.
the only one who benefits is the angel of death
"this land is mine"
mudslimes have no link to God {Jesus} only Satan. Muhammad was a piece of shit murderer and child rapist.
Every abrhamic religion has a "claim" on the middle east. But historically the christians were more welcoming of pilgrims. But I dont see any western countries fighting for religious claims anymore.
The only Christians with claims are ORTHODOX. Catholics in Jerusalim should be killed on sight
Is that otto skorzeny?
Palestinians. Your semantics do not shape reality.
That would solve a lot of problems.
For the time frame child brides were common amognst every religion, but its not that time frame anymore, and the muslims havnt gotten far out of their deserts where warlords still rule by religious law. Theyre atleast 500 years behind culturally, and even further technologically.
They have none. Jerusalem is of Christ. Deus Vult!
For bonus points have a few MIRVs target Mecca and Medina
We're one Church, you Roach. The Schism is only temporary.
The Pentarchy will rise again, under the Pope.
Implying it's a bad thing. Semites doing semite shit on each other is good. I say - make them fight more for it, this way they stay there and do not spread all over the world.
Its funny when you take away our political differences and realize culturally we still suffer from the western/eastern roman split. Politicians and our choices of ideology have separated us.
For real bonus - bomb all of the middle east and northern africa to the glass, plus leave some for London and Jew-York.
but the pope is a heretic he kneel's before mooslimes
If you're going to do that, don't use nukes.
Use neutron bombs. Depopulate and then use that incredibly fertile land for something worthwhile
there wasn't a country called palestine immediately prior to the creation of modern israel. there was a territory called ottoman syria that included the modern countries of israel, lebanon, syria and jordan. after wwi the british mandate for palestine was created and the land was split between the jews and the arabs. most of it went to the arabs and is now modern day jordan, the rest was given to the jews but some arabs decided to squat there as well because 99% of the middle east isn't enough for them.
Because we helped them dummas if you reall think those short and skinny IDF office boys were able to handle everything by themselves you are wrong